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提出TCP/IP在过程控制中的应用. 评价TCP/IP控制系统性能,通过传统控制系统与TCP/IP控制系统的比较,指出采用TCP/IP 控制系统的优缺点. 说明过程控制技术中,采用TCP/IP是一种更好的选择.  相似文献   
跳跃点统计检测的小波方法及其在金融汇率中的应用1)黄香叶维彰(香港理工大学应用数学系,香港,九龙)栾贻会谢衷洁(北京大学数学学院概率统计系,北京,100871)关键词小波;跃点检测;汇率中图分类号O211;O2120引言近年来,小波分析已引入到统计领...  相似文献   
The UK Farm-Scale Evaluations (FSE) compared the effects on biodiversity of management of genetically modified herbicide-tolerant (GMHT) spring-sown crops with conventional crop management. The FSE reported larger weed abundance under GMHT management for fodder maize, one of three crops studied. Increased seed production may be important for the long-term persistence of these arable weeds and may benefit invertebrates, small mammals and seed-eating birds. In three-quarters of FSE maize fields, growers used atrazine on the conventionally managed half, reflecting contemporary commercial practice. Withdrawal of the triazine herbicides atrazine, simazine and cyanazine from approved lists of EU chemicals could therefore reduce or even reverse the reported benefits of GMHT maize. Here we analyse effects of applications of triazine herbicides in conventional maize regimes on key indicators, using FSE data. Weed abundances were decreased greatly relative to all other regimes whenever atrazine was applied before weeds emerged. Here, we forecast weed abundances in post-triazine herbicide regimes. We predict weed abundances under future conventional herbicide management to be considerably larger than that for atrazine used before weeds emerged, but still smaller than for the four FSE sites analysed that used only non-triazine herbicides. Our overall conclusion is that the comparative benefits for arable biodiversity of GMHT maize cropping would be reduced, but not eliminated, by the withdrawal of triazines from conventional maize cropping.  相似文献   
人工神经网络及其在金融预报中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
讨论了人工神经网络在金融汇率预报中的应用。其中介绍了广义交互验证(Generalized Cross Validation)法如何应用于确定神经网络中隐层的个数,并用实例说明了该方法甚至对复杂的非线性函数也可以得到很好的逼近。详细地介绍了运用人工神经网络作两周向前汇率预报的计算步骤。其平均相对误差(APE)为10*E-3的数量级,而国际上通用的状态空间模型及Box-Jenkins的ARIMA模型的预报误差都在10*E-2的数量级。  相似文献   
关于J-效应的时间序列分析及其政策性实验   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1问题的提出 在国际金融书刊中,当谈及国际收支理论时都会介绍J-效应或J-曲线现象,如钱荣[1]书中就在弹性理论下介绍了J-效应:"在短期内,贬值并不能立即引起贸易数量的变化,从进出口商品相对价格的变动到贸易数量的增减需要经过一段时间,即存在时滞……贬值并不能带来国际收支改善,反而可能导致其恶化,后来学者将这一现象称为"J型曲线",象征贬值后国际收支差额的时间规迹."  相似文献   
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