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本文报道了基于InAs/GaSb二类超晶格实现长波、甚长波及窄带长波/甚长波双色红外探测器的研究,生长的材料具有极高的材料质量.长波探测器单管器件在77 K条件下50%截止波长为9.6μm,峰值响应为3.2 A/W,峰值量子效率为51.6%;甚长波红外探测器单管器件在77 K条件下50%截止波长为14.5μm,量子效率为14%,热噪声限制的探测率为4.3×109 cm Hz1/2 W-1.通过改变偏压极性实现双色探测的窄带型长波/甚长波InAs/GaSb二类超晶格红外探测器两端器件,偏压小于0 V时在长波区工作,偏压大于40 mV时,在甚长波区工作.具体来说,偏压为-0.1 V时,器件光响应50%截止波长为10μm;而偏压为40 mV时,器件光响应50%截止波长为16μm.对于长波光响应,δλ/λ为44%,对于甚长波响应,δλ/λ为46%.甚长波对长波的串音为9.9%,长波对甚长波的串音为11.8%.  相似文献   
The segregated algorithm-IDEAL (inner doubly-iterative efficient algorithm for linked-equations) is an efficient and stable algorithm. In this algorithm, there exist inner doubly-iterative processes for pressure equation, which almost completely overcome two approximations in SIMPLE algorithm. Thus the coupling between velocity and pressure is fully guaranteed, greatly enhancing the convergence rate and stability of iteration process. In this paper, implementation of the IDEAL algorithm on a 3D collocated grid system is conducted. The interface velocity is calculated by the modified momentum interpolation method (MMIM), by which the converged result is independent of the under-relaxation factor. Finally, five three-dimensional incompressible fluid flow and heat transfer problems are provided to compare the convergence rate and robustness between the IDEAL and three other most widely-used algorithms (SIMPLER, SIMPLEC and PISO). By the comparison it can be concluded that the IDEAL algorithm is more robust and efficient than the three other algorithms. Supported by the Key Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 50636050), Fundamental Projects of Research and Development in China (973) (Grant Nos. 2006CB601203 and 2007CB206902)  相似文献   
This is a report of the study of the authigenic sulfide minerals and their sulfur isotopes in a sediment core (NH-1) collected on the northern continental slope of the South China Sea, where other geo-physical and geochemical evidence seems to suggest gas hydrate formation in the sediments. The study has led to the findings: (1) the pyrite content in sediments was relatively high and its grain size relatively large compared with that in normal pelagic or hemipelagic sediments; (2) the shallowest depth of the acid volatile sulfide (AVS) content maximum was at 437.5 cm (>2 μmol/g), which was deeper than that of the authigenic pyrite content maximum (at 141.5-380.5 cm); (3) δ 34S of authigenic pyrite was positive (maximum: 15‰) at depth interval of 250-380 cm; (4) the positive δ 34S coincided with pyrite enrichment. Compared with the results obtained from the Black Sea sediments by Jorgen-sen and coworkers, these observations indicated that at the NH-1 site, the depth of the sulfate-methane interface (SMI) would be or once was at about 437.5-547.5 cm and the relatively shallow SMI depth suggested high upward methane fluxes. This was in good agreement with the results obtained from pore water sulfate gradients and core head-space methane concentrations in sediment cores collected in the area. All available evidence suggested that methane gas hydrate formation may exist or may have existed in the underlying sediments.  相似文献   
Zhu  WenQuan  Pan  YaoZhong  Yang  XiaoQiong  Song  GuoBao 《科学通报(英文版)》2007,52(23):3253-3260
Recent climatic changes have affected terrestrial net primary productivity (NPP). This paper presents an investigation of the impact of climatic changes on Chinese terrestrial vegetation NPP by analyzing 18 years’ (1982 to 1999) climatic data and satellite observations of vegetation activity. Results indicate that climatic changes in China have eased some critical climatic constraint on plant growth. (1) From 1982 to 1999, modeled NPP increased by 1.42%·a-1 in water-limited regions of Northwest China, 1.46%·a-1 in temperature-limited regions of Northeast China and Tibet Plateau, and 0.99%·a-1 in radia- tion-limited regions of South China and East China. (2) NPP increased by 24.2%, i.e. 0.76 petagram of carbon (Pg C) over 18 years in China. Changes in climate (with constant vegetation) directly contrib- uted nearly 11.5% (0.36 Pg C). Changes in vegetation (with constant climate) contributed 12.4% (0.40 Pg C), possibly as a result of climate-vegetation feedbacks, changes in land use, and growth stimula- tion from other mechanisms. (3) Globally, NPP declined during all three major El Ni-o events (1982 to 1983, 1987 to 1988, and 1997 to 1998) between 1982 and 2000, but Chinese vegetation productivity re- sponded differently to them because of the monsoon dynamics. In the first three events (1982 to 1983, 1987 to 1988, and 1992), Chinese vegetation NPP declined, while in the later two events (1993, 1997 to 1998) increasing obviously.  相似文献   
细胞生物电实施PBL教学案例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生物电是生理学的重要内容之一,也是生理学的教学难点。受课程内容系统编排的限制,生物电在课程的许多章节都有描述,且各具特点,这也是成为教学难点的原因之一。笔者尝试用PBL教学模式来解决这一复杂、零散的内容,有利于提高教学效率。  相似文献   
有限容积法与格子Boltzmann方法耦合模拟传热流动问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
栾辉宝  徐辉  陈黎  陶文铨 《科学通报》2010,55(32):3128-3140
自然界和工程领域中的许多物理现象的发生通常涵盖几个数量级的几何空间及时间范围, 我们将其统称为多尺度物理现象. 在模拟多尺度问题时, 如果仅采用宏观方法, 则会存在一些不足, 如无法预知微小部分的细节以及引入复杂的经验关联式; 如果仅采用介观/微观方法, 则需要消耗大量的计算资源. 构造宏观-介观、宏观-微观、宏观-介观-微观等多种层次上方法的耦合体系, 可以在很大程度上克服这些不足. 构造了宏观有限容积法(FVM)与介观格子Boltzmann方法(LBM)的耦合模型(CFVLBM), 给出了由宏观物理量重构密度分布函数和温度分布函数的两个重构算子, 解决了LBM与宏观方法耦合的关键难题. 选取二维、三维典型传热流动问题对耦合模型进行了考核, 计算结果同基准解符合得很好. 最后将CFVLBM应用于计算多孔介质内的复杂流动问题. 研究表明, 基于文中重构算子的CFVLBM可以准确有效地应用于模拟传热流动问题.  相似文献   
Spontaneous self-sustained chaotic current oscillations are observed experimentally in lightly-doped weakly-coupled GaAs/Al0.45Ga0.55As superlattices at room temperature for the first time.The mole fraction of Aluminum in the barrier is chosen to be 0.45 to suppress the thermal carrier leakage through the X-band valley,The effective nonlinearity induced by the sequential well-to-well resonant tunneling can still be strong enough to induce spontaneous chaotic current oscillations even at room temperature,The frequency spectrum of the chaotic current oscillations is ranged from DC to 4 GHz,which can be used as ultra-wide-band noise sources with a bandwidth of several Giga Hertz.  相似文献   
采用先进的晶体相场模型,分别模拟了不同高温条件下的小角对称倾侧晶界,在施加应变下的晶界分解和亚晶界湮没的过程.研究表明:对于不靠近固-液共存温度的高温(T1)预熔化样品,施加应变下的晶界位错发生滑移运动,生成亚晶界和新的晶粒.随后,具有相反Burgers矢量的位错亚晶界相向运动,新晶粒不断吞噬旧晶粒而长大,最后发生亚晶界相遇湮没,亚晶界和预熔化区域消失,双晶转变为完整单晶.对于靠近固-液共存温度的高温(T2)预熔化样品,在应变作用下,生成的亚晶界相向运动,当接近到一定距离时,形成位错对偶极子,发生亚晶界位错结构二次转换,之后亚晶界运动反向,往回迁移运动,最后与另一列返回的亚晶界相向靠近,相互作用转变成"之"字形的亚晶界,然后湮没消失,整个体系转变为单晶.对于高温T2预熔化亚晶界,在应变作用下,形成位错对偶极子的过程中,偶极子的2个位错对的预熔化区域开始扩张、连通,形成近似棒状区域.这一过程的实质是高温预熔化区内部的原子晶格变软,使得在应变作用下,原子排列可以较容易的发生滑移和扭转变形,发生了不同类型的位错相互作用,出现了位错萌生、形核和增殖,位错分解和湮没等一系列位错反应,由此引起了位错的Burgers矢量方向的改变和亚晶界位错类型交换.  相似文献   
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