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复数,实数及实对称数据下Bruun FFT算法的实现   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文在复数、实数以及实对称数据下研究和实现了Bruun FFT算法。文章分析和评价了各种数据下BruunFFT的运算量和特点,提出了算法的实现结构和方法。最后给了TMS320C30上的运算时间,我们实现的算法比基2FFT速度提高35%。  相似文献   
西部农业信息化建设问题的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
西部农业信息化水平低下制约着西部农业的发展。物质基础薄弱、信息意识淡薄、信息人才及资金短缺是造成西部农业信息化水平低下的原因。为加快西部信息化农业建设,应该从更新观念、加大政府支持力度、利用有限资源进行信息化基础建设、重视人才资源的开发、培育信息产品市场、加强农业应用系统和信息化农业技术的研究、加强示范应用体系等方面入手。  相似文献   
Obtaining high-quality measurements close to a large earthquake is not easy: one has to be in the right place at the right time with the right instruments. Such a convergence happened, for the first time, when the 28 September 2004 Parkfield, California, earthquake occurred on the San Andreas fault in the middle of a dense network of instruments designed to record it. The resulting data reveal aspects of the earthquake process never before seen. Here we show what these data, when combined with data from earlier Parkfield earthquakes, tell us about earthquake physics and earthquake prediction. The 2004 Parkfield earthquake, with its lack of obvious precursors, demonstrates that reliable short-term earthquake prediction still is not achievable. To reduce the societal impact of earthquakes now, we should focus on developing the next generation of models that can provide better predictions of the strength and location of damaging ground shaking.  相似文献   
Gomberg J  Reasenberg PA  Bodin P  Harris RA 《Nature》2001,411(6836):462-466
The proximity and similarity of the 1992, magnitude 7.3 Landers and 1999, magnitude 7.1 Hector Mine earthquakes in California permit testing of earthquake triggering hypotheses not previously possible. The Hector Mine earthquake confirmed inferences that transient, oscillatory 'dynamic' deformations radiated as seismic waves can trigger seismicity rate increases, as proposed for the Landers earthquake. Here we quantify the spatial and temporal patterns of the seismicity rate changes. The seismicity rate increase was to the north for the Landers earthquake and primarily to the south for the Hector Mine earthquake. We suggest that rupture directivity results in elevated dynamic deformations north and south of the Landers and Hector Mine faults, respectively, as evident in the asymmetry of the recorded seismic velocity fields. Both dynamic and static stress changes seem important for triggering in the near field with dynamic stress changes dominating at greater distances. Peak seismic velocities recorded for each earthquake suggest the existence of, and place bounds on, dynamic triggering thresholds. These thresholds vary from a few tenths to a few MPa in most places, depend on local conditions, and exceed inferred static thresholds by more than an order of magnitude. At some sites, the onset of triggering was delayed until after the dynamic deformations subsided. Physical mechanisms consistent with all these observations may be similar to those that give rise to liquefaction or cyclic fatigue.  相似文献   
引入研究型大学及其图书馆的定义,阐述了研究型大学图书馆进行人力资源管理的重要意义。进而提出了研究型大学图书馆人力资源管理的策略,包括改变人力资源管理理念,建立以人为本的人才管理机制,注重人才的使用和培养,充分调动馆员的积极性等。  相似文献   
人才是提高综合国力的关键要素。为用好人才,一是要辨证地把握好识别人才、起用人才的标准,既要选拔出德才兼备的人才,又不可求全责备;二是用人要讲究方法。做到公平竞争、择优录用、知人善用,同时鼓励人才合理流动;三是用人要遵循讲正气、讲民主、讲大度的原则,大胆使用人才。  相似文献   
Real-time forecasts of tomorrow's earthquakes in California   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Despite a lack of reliable deterministic earthquake precursors, seismologists have significant predictive information about earthquake activity from an increasingly accurate understanding of the clustering properties of earthquakes. In the past 15 years, time-dependent earthquake probabilities based on a generic short-term clustering model have been made publicly available in near-real time during major earthquake sequences. These forecasts describe the probability and number of events that are, on average, likely to occur following a mainshock of a given magnitude, but are not tailored to the particular sequence at hand and contain no information about the likely locations of the aftershocks. Our model builds upon the basic principles of this generic forecast model in two ways: it recasts the forecast in terms of the probability of strong ground shaking, and it combines an existing time-independent earthquake occurrence model based on fault data and historical earthquakes with increasingly complex models describing the local time-dependent earthquake clustering. The result is a time-dependent map showing the probability of strong shaking anywhere in California within the next 24 hours. The seismic hazard modelling approach we describe provides a better understanding of time-dependent earthquake hazard, and increases its usefulness for the public, emergency planners and the media.  相似文献   
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