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The genome sequence of the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe grisea   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Magnaporthe grisea is the most destructive pathogen of rice worldwide and the principal model organism for elucidating the molecular basis of fungal disease of plants. Here, we report the draft sequence of the M. grisea genome. Analysis of the gene set provides an insight into the adaptations required by a fungus to cause disease. The genome encodes a large and diverse set of secreted proteins, including those defined by unusual carbohydrate-binding domains. This fungus also possesses an expanded family of G-protein-coupled receptors, several new virulence-associated genes and large suites of enzymes involved in secondary metabolism. Consistent with a role in fungal pathogenesis, the expression of several of these genes is upregulated during the early stages of infection-related development. The M. grisea genome has been subject to invasion and proliferation of active transposable elements, reflecting the clonal nature of this fungus imposed by widespread rice cultivation.  相似文献   
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a common, late-onset disease with seemingly typical complexity: recurrence ratios for siblings of an affected individual are three- to sixfold higher than in the general population, and family-based analysis has resulted in only modestly significant evidence for linkage. In a case-control study drawn from a US-based population of European descent, we have identified a previously unrecognized common, noncoding variant in CFH, the gene encoding complement factor H, that substantially increases the influence of this locus on AMD, and we have strongly replicated the associations of four other previously reported common alleles in three genes (P values ranging from 10(-6) to 10(-70)). Despite excellent power to detect epistasis, we observed purely additive accumulation of risk from alleles at these genes. We found no differences in association of these loci with major phenotypic categories of advanced AMD. Genotypes at these five common SNPs define a broad spectrum of interindividual disease risk and explain about half of the classical sibling risk of AMD in our study population.  相似文献   
Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have proven to be a powerful method to identify common genetic variants contributing to susceptibility to common diseases. Here, we show that extremely low-coverage sequencing (0.1-0.5×) captures almost as much of the common (>5%) and low-frequency (1-5%) variation across the genome as SNP arrays. As an empirical demonstration, we show that genome-wide SNP genotypes can be inferred at a mean r(2) of 0.71 using off-target data (0.24× average coverage) in a whole-exome study of 909 samples. Using both simulated and real exome-sequencing data sets, we show that association statistics obtained using extremely low-coverage sequencing data attain similar P values at known associated variants as data from genotyping arrays, without an excess of false positives. Within the context of reductions in sample preparation and sequencing costs, funds invested in extremely low-coverage sequencing can yield several times the effective sample size of GWAS based on SNP array data and a commensurate increase in statistical power.  相似文献   
The genome sequence of the filamentous fungus Neurospora crassa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Neurospora crassa is a central organism in the history of twentieth-century genetics, biochemistry and molecular biology. Here, we report a high-quality draft sequence of the N. crassa genome. The approximately 40-megabase genome encodes about 10,000 protein-coding genes--more than twice as many as in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe and only about 25% fewer than in the fruitfly Drosophila melanogaster. Analysis of the gene set yields insights into unexpected aspects of Neurospora biology including the identification of genes potentially associated with red light photobiology, genes implicated in secondary metabolism, and important differences in Ca2+ signalling as compared with plants and animals. Neurospora possesses the widest array of genome defence mechanisms known for any eukaryotic organism, including a process unique to fungi called repeat-induced point mutation (RIP). Genome analysis suggests that RIP has had a profound impact on genome evolution, greatly slowing the creation of new genes through genomic duplication and resulting in a genome with an unusually low proportion of closely related genes.  相似文献   
Human leukocyte antigens (HLAs) are highly polymorphic proteins that initiate immunity by presenting pathogen-derived peptides to T?cells. HLA polymorphisms mostly map to the antigen-binding cleft, thereby diversifying the repertoire of self-derived and pathogen-derived peptide antigens selected by different HLA allotypes. A growing number of immunologically based drug reactions, including abacavir hypersensitivity syndrome (AHS) and carbamazepine-induced Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS), are associated with specific HLA alleles. However, little is known about the underlying mechanisms of these associations, including AHS, a prototypical HLA-associated drug reaction occurring exclusively in individuals with the common histocompatibility allele HLA-B*57:01, and with a relative risk of more than 1,000 (refs?6, 7). We show that unmodified abacavir binds non-covalently to HLA-B*57:01, lying across the bottom of the antigen-binding cleft and reaching into the F-pocket, where a carboxy-terminal tryptophan typically anchors peptides bound to HLA-B*57:01. Abacavir binds with exquisite specificity to HLA-B*57:01, changing the shape and chemistry of the antigen-binding cleft, thereby altering the repertoire of endogenous peptides that can bind HLA-B*57:01. In this way, abacavir guides the selection of new endogenous peptides, inducing a marked alteration in 'immunological self'. The resultant peptide-centric 'altered self' activates abacavir-specific T-cells, thereby driving polyclonal CD8 T-cell activation and a systemic reaction manifesting as AHS. We also show that carbamazepine, a widely used anti-epileptic drug associated with hypersensitivity reactions in HLA-B*15:02 individuals, binds to this allotype, producing alterations in the repertoire of presented self peptides. Our findings simultaneously highlight the importance of HLA polymorphism in the evolution of pharmacogenomics and provide a general mechanism for some of the growing number of HLA-linked hypersensitivities that involve small-molecule drugs.  相似文献   
The pre-T-cell antigen receptor (pre-TCR), expressed by immature thymocytes, has a pivotal role in early T-cell development, including TCR β-selection, survival and proliferation of CD4(-)CD8(-) double-negative thymocytes, and subsequent αβ T-cell lineage differentiation. Whereas αβTCR ligation by the peptide-loaded major histocompatibility complex initiates T-cell signalling, pre-TCR-induced signalling occurs by means of a ligand-independent dimerization event. The pre-TCR comprises an invariant α-chain (pre-Tα) that pairs with any TCR β-chain (TCRβ) following successful TCR β-gene rearrangement. Here we provide the basis of pre-Tα-TCRβ assembly and pre-TCR dimerization. The pre-Tα chain comprised a single immunoglobulin-like domain that is structurally distinct from the constant (C) domain of the TCR α-chain; nevertheless, the mode of association between pre-Tα and TCRβ mirrored that mediated by the Cα-Cβ domains of the αβTCR. The pre-TCR had a propensity to dimerize in solution, and the molecular envelope of the pre-TCR dimer correlated well with the observed head-to-tail pre-TCR dimer. This mode of pre-TCR dimerization enabled the pre-Tα domain to interact with the variable (V) β domain through residues that are highly conserved across the Vβ and joining (J) β gene families, thus mimicking the interactions at the core of the αβTCR's Vα-Vβ interface. Disruption of this pre-Tα-Vβ dimer interface abrogated pre-TCR dimerization in solution and impaired pre-TCR expression on the cell surface. Accordingly, we provide a mechanism of pre-TCR self-association that allows the pre-Tα chain to simultaneously 'sample' the correct folding of both the V and C domains of any TCR β-chain, regardless of its ultimate specificity, which represents a critical checkpoint in T-cell development. This unusual dual-chaperone-like sensing function of pre-Tα represents a unique mechanism in nature whereby developmental quality control regulates the expression and signalling of an integral membrane receptor complex.  相似文献   
人类乙型肝炎病毒的核衣壳由核心蛋白的二聚体所组成.但是,核心蛋白亚单位与亚单位之间相互作用的机制至今尚不清楚.研究发现,在人类乙型肝炎样病毒──土拨鼠肝炎病毒(WHV)核心蛋白的氨基端,存在着4个保守的疏水氨基酸残基(氨基酸位置101~102).它们分别是亮氨酸101,亮氨酸108,缬氨酸115和苯丙氨酸122.这4个疏水氨基酸残基以每隔6个氨基酸残基而重复出现1次.它们被称为“第7位疏水性氨基酸重复肽段(hhr)”.由于蛋白质中的疏水键往往在蛋白质的相互作用中起重要作用,因此就在培养细胞系统中研究WHV核心蛋白的hhr区域在…  相似文献   
We carried out a fine-mapping study in the HNF1B gene at 17q12 in two study populations and identified a second locus associated with prostate cancer risk, approximately 26 kb centromeric to the first known locus (rs4430796); these loci are separated by a recombination hot spot. We confirmed the association with a SNP in the second locus (rs11649743) in five additional populations, with P = 1.7 x 10(-9) for an allelic test of the seven studies combined. The association at each SNP remained significant after adjustment for the other SNP.  相似文献   
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