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IntroductionCurrentautomaticspeechrecognitionsystemsarebasedoncontext-dependentorcontext-independentphonicsorsyllablemodelsdescribedintermsofse-quencesofhiddenMarkovmodel(HMM)states,whereeachstateisassumedtobecharacterizedbyastationaryprobabilitydensityfunction.Thetimecorre-lationandconsequently,thesignaldynamicsinsideeachHMMstate,arealsousuallydisregardedalthoughtheuseofdynamicfeatures,suchasdeltaanddelta-deltaparameters,cancapturesomeofthecorrelations.Consequently,onlymedium-termdependenc…  相似文献   
IntroductionA speech signal is normally mixed with many kindsof noises,which can significantly decrease theperformance of a speech recognizer.The highconcentration of energy in the low frequency rangeobserved for most speech spectra is considered anuisance because it makes less relevant the energyof the signal at middle and high frequencies[1] . The performance of automatic continuous speechrecognition (ACSR ) systems dramaticallydecreases when they are trained and used indifferent environm…  相似文献   
This work demonstrates the use of the nonlinear time-frequency distribution (NL TFD) of a discrete time energy operator (DTEO) based on amplitude modulation-frequency modulation demodulation techniques as a feature in speech recognition. The duration distribution based hidden Markov module in a speaker independent large vocabulary mandarin speech recognition system was reconstructed from the feature vectors in the front-end detection stage. The goal was to improve the performance of the existing system by combining new features to the baseline feature vector. This paper also deals with errors associated with using a pre-emphasis filter in the front end processing of the present scheme, which causes an increase in the noise energy at high frequencies above 4 kHz and in some cases degrades the recognition accuracy. The experimental results show that eliminating the pre-emphasis filters from the pre-processlng stage and using NL TFD with compensated DTEO combined with Mel frequency cepstrum components give a 21.95% reduction in the relative error rate compared to the conventional technique with 25 candidates used in the test.  相似文献   
The effect of silica fume on the fresh and hardened properties of fly ash-based self-compacting geopolymer concrete (SCGC) was investigated in this paper. The work focused on the concrete mixes with a fixed water-to-geopolymer solid (W/Gs) ratio of 0.33 by mass and a constant total binder content of 400 kg/m3. The mass fractions of silica fume that replaced fly ash in this research were 0wt%, 5wt%, 10wt%, and 15wt%. The workability-related fresh properties of SCGC were assessed through slump flow, V-funnel, and L-box test methods. Hardened concrete tests were limited to compressive, splitting tensile and flexural strengths, all of which were measured at the age of 1, 7, and 28 d after 48-h oven curing. The results indicate that the addition of silica fume as a partial replacement of fly ash results in the loss of workability; nevertheless, the mechanical properties of hardened SCGC are significantly improved by incorporating silica fume, especially up to 10wt%. Applying this percentage of silica fume results in 4.3% reduction in the slump flow; however, it increases the compressive strength by 6.9%, tensile strength by 12.8% and flexural strength by 11.5%.  相似文献   
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