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针对高超声速飞行器在临近空间巡航时出现的通信"黑障"问题,根据RAM C提供的飞行试验数据,建立一维等离子体鞘套模型,通过数值计算分析了等离子体与太赫兹波的相互作用机理,并从等离子体厚度、等离子体电子密度、等离子体碰撞频率和太赫兹波入射角等条件得到了太赫兹波在等离子体鞘套中的传输特性曲线。仿真结果表明:把太赫兹波段作为临近空间平台通信,有利于解决"黑障"问题,其中在大气窗口0.22THz处的衰减均在30dB以下。此论证结果可为临近空间平台设计的高超声速飞行器选用通信频段时提供参考。  相似文献   
为解决深海X70管线钢在实际焊接中粗晶区(CGHAZ)的脆化问题,在不同热循环工艺下对X70管线钢进行了热模拟研究。采用Gleeble-3800热模拟机模拟X70管线钢CGHAZ,研究CGHAZ在10~60 kJ/cm不同热输入(HI)条件下组织和韧性的变化规律,并通过光学显微镜(OM)、扫描电镜(SEM)和夏比冲击试验等手段表征CGHAZ的组织和韧性。结果表明,不同热输入下试验钢的组织主要由粒状贝氏体(GB)、贝氏体铁素体(BF)和马-奥组元(M-A组元)组成;当HI不断增大时,BF比例减少,GB比例增加,M-A组元粗化,冲击吸收能先升高再降低;当HI为20 kJ/cm时,BF和GB可获得优异组合,断口为韧性断裂,冲击吸收能达到173.8 J;当HI大于20 kJ/cm时,断口解离断裂,冲击吸收能下降明显,最低为18.8 J。因此,较低的热输入可提高CGHAZ的韧性,使X70管线钢具有高强度、高韧性和良好的焊接性。研究结果可为优化焊接工艺提供理论依据。  相似文献   
The understanding of marine microbial ecology and metabolism has been hampered by the paucity of sequenced reference genomes. To this end, we report the sequencing of 137 diverse marine isolates collected from around the world. We analysed these sequences, along with previously published marine prokaryotic genomes, in the context of marine metagenomic data, to gain insights into the ecology of the surface ocean prokaryotic picoplankton (0.1-3.0?μm size range). The results suggest that the sequenced genomes define two microbial groups: one composed of only a few taxa that are nearly always abundant in picoplanktonic communities, and the other consisting of many microbial taxa that are rarely abundant. The genomic content of the second group suggests that these microbes are capable of slow growth and survival in energy-limited environments, and rapid growth in energy-rich environments. By contrast, the abundant and cosmopolitan picoplanktonic prokaryotes for which there is genomic representation have smaller genomes, are probably capable of only slow growth and seem to be relatively unable to sense or rapidly acclimate to energy-rich conditions. Their genomic features also lead us to propose that one method used to avoid predation by viruses and/or bacterivores is by means of slow growth and the maintenance of low biomass.  相似文献   
Diatoms dominate the biomass of phytoplankton in nutrient-rich conditions and form the basis of some of the world's most productive marine food webs. The diatom nuclear genome contains genes with bacterial and plastid origins as well as genes of the secondary endosymbiotic host (the exosymbiont), yet little is known about the relative contribution of each gene group to diatom metabolism. Here we show that the exosymbiont-derived ornithine-urea cycle, which is similar to that of metazoans but is absent in green algae and plants, facilitates rapid recovery from prolonged nitrogen limitation. RNA-interference-mediated knockdown of a mitochondrial carbamoyl phosphate synthase impairs the response of nitrogen-limited diatoms to nitrogen addition. Metabolomic analyses indicate that intermediates in the ornithine-urea cycle are particularly depleted and that both the tricarboxylic acid cycle and the glutamine synthetase/glutamate synthase cycles are linked directly with the ornithine-urea cycle. Several other depleted metabolites are generated from ornithine-urea cycle intermediates by the products of genes laterally acquired from bacteria. This metabolic coupling of bacterial- and exosymbiont-derived proteins seems to be fundamental to diatom physiology because the compounds affected include the major diatom osmolyte proline and the precursors for long-chain polyamines required for silica precipitation during cell wall formation. So far, the ornithine-urea cycle is only known for its essential role in the removal of fixed nitrogen in metazoans. In diatoms, this cycle serves as a distribution and repackaging hub for inorganic carbon and nitrogen and contributes significantly to the metabolic response of diatoms to episodic nitrogen availability. The diatom ornithine-urea cycle therefore represents a key pathway for anaplerotic carbon fixation into nitrogenous compounds that are essential for diatom growth and for the contribution of diatoms to marine productivity.  相似文献   
重叠社区发现是复杂网络挖掘中的重要基础工作,可以应用于社交网络、通讯网络、蛋白质相互作用网络、代谢路径网络、交通网络等多种网络的数据分析,从而服务智慧交通、传染病防治、舆情分析、新药研制和人力资源管理等领域.传统的单机运算架构已经难以满足各类大规模复杂网络的分析和计算要求.人工智能领域的研究人员提出将社区发现应用到网络...  相似文献   
解体好氧颗粒污泥修复   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
考察了加入新的活性污泥使解体好氧颗粒污泥完成修复的可行性.解体好氧颗粒污泥对新加入的活性污泥进行吸附,在各种选择压力特别是水力剪切力作用下和原有颗粒污泥形成一个有机整体.大约3周时间,解体颗粒污泥被完全修复.扫描电镜观察发现,被修复后的颗粒污泥呈现非常规则的结构,微生物相十分致密.在解体颗粒污泥逐渐被修复的过程中,颗粒平均粒径仅从最初的2.8mm增至2.9mm,说明活性污泥在颗粒污泥上的附着主要发生在颗粒的空穴.而颗粒污泥的沉降性能和强度都得到了极大的改善,颗粒沉降速率和完整性系数分别由最初的72m/h和56.8%提高到110m/h和65.8%.新加入的活性污泥除了部分用于修复解体颗粒污泥,其余在选择压力等的作用下形成了新的好氧颗粒污泥.  相似文献   
基于8根混凝土倒T形叠合梁受弯试验,研究了钢筋钢纤维自应力混凝土做加固材料层二次浇注到待加固混凝土T形梁,从而形成的叠合梁在负弯矩区的抗裂性能.试验结果表明,仅占叠合梁高13.9%的叠合层将梁的开裂弯矩提高44.9%.同时根据已有理论模型,推导了自应力混凝土叠合T梁后加自应力的求法和负弯矩区正截面抗裂计算公式,其计算结果与试验结果比较吻合.  相似文献   
采用射频磁控溅射技术在聚酰亚胺柔性衬底上制备硅基薄膜太阳能电池用铝背电板,研究了不同溅射功率和工作气压条件对铝电极薄膜性能的影响.利用原子力显微镜分析表征了薄膜的表面形貌和粗糙度,薄膜的电学性能和光学性能分别采用四探针测量仪和紫外可见近红外分光光度计进行分析表征.测试结果表明:随着溅射功率的增加,薄膜表面均方根粗糙度迅...  相似文献   
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