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Actin-directed processes such as membrane ruffling and cell migration are regulated by specific signal transduction pathways that become activated by growth factor receptors. The same signaling pathways that lead to modifications in actin dynamics also activate cPLA2α. Moreover, arachidonic acid, the product of cPLA2α activity, is involved in regulation of actin dynamics. Therefore, it was investigated whether cPLA2α plays a role in actin dynamics, more specifically during growth factor-induced membrane ruffling and cell migration. Upon stimulation of ruffling and cell migration by growth factors, endogenous cPLA2α and its active phosphorylated form were shown to relocate at protrusions of the cell membrane involved in actin and membrane dynamics. Inhibition of cPLA2α activity with specific inhibitors blocked growth factor-induced membrane and actin dynamics, suggesting an important role for cPLA2α in these processes.  相似文献   
Accumulation of genetic incompatibilities within species can lead to reproductive isolation and, potentially, speciation. In this study, we show that allelic variation at SRF3 (Strubbelig Receptor Family 3), encoding a receptor-like kinase, conditions the occurrence of incompatibility between Arabidopsis thaliana accessions. The geographical distribution of SRF3 alleles reveals that allelic forms causing epistatic incompatibility with a Landsberg erecta allele at the RPP1 resistance locus are present in A. thaliana accessions in central Asia. Incompatible SRF3 alleles condition for an enhanced early immune response to pathogens as compared to the resistance-dampening effect of compatible SRF3 forms in isogenic backgrounds. Variation in disease susceptibility suggests a basis for the molecular patterns of a recent selective sweep detected at the SRF3 locus in central Asian populations.  相似文献   
Parameters are derived of distributions of three coefficients of similarity between pairs (dyads) of operational taxonomic units for multivariate binary data (presence/absence of attributes) under statistical independence. These are applied to test independence for dyadic data. Association among attributes within operational taxonomic units is allowed. It is also permissible for the two units in the dyad to be drawn from different populations having different presence probabilities of attributes. The variance of the distribution of the similarity coefficients under statistical independence is shown to be relatively large in many empirical situations. This result implies that the practical interpretation of these coefficients requires much care. An application using the Jaccard index is given for the assessment of consensus between psychotherapists and their clients.
La distribution des coefficients de similarité pour les données binaires et les attributs associés
Résumé Les paramètres de la distribution de trois coefficients de similarité entre paires d'éléments taxinomiques opérationels de données multivariables binaires (présence/absence) ont été dérivés dans l'hypothèse d'indépendance statistique. Ces paramètres sont utilisés dans un test d'indépendance pour les données dyadiques. L'existence est autorisée, dans la population d'éléments, d'une association entre plusieurs attributs. Il est également permis que les deux éléments de la dyade soient tirés de deux populations différentes, ayant différentes probabilit és quant à la présence des attributs. Dans beaucoup de situations empiriques, la variance des coefficients de similarité peut être relativement élevée dans le cas d'indépendance statistique. Par conséquence, ces coefficients doivent être interprétés avec précaution. Un exemple est donné pour le coefficient de Jaccard, qui a été employé dans une recherche sur la concordance entre des psychothérapeutes et leurs clients.
青霉菌是大多数土壤微生物群体中的成员。许多青霉菌具有生物防治功能、分解土壤矿物功能(包括解磷作用)以及能够分泌植物生长刺激物质。研究利用这些真菌来增加作物产量由此受到注意。本文介绍从土壤中分离、鉴定青霉菌、青霉菌的解磷作用以及对植物生长的刺激作用的研究方法以及策略。从澳大利亚的14种不同的农业土壤中分离并鉴定了解磷的青霉菌。某些菌株具有商业化价值,特别适合在碱性土壤中使用。这些菌株包括一个Penicillium bilaiae以及尚未鉴定的青霉菌种类。  相似文献   
通过3种PCR技术测定基因特征和测定3种生化特征,对来自南澳洲两块对比小麦田土壤中的Pseudomonas brassicacearum种群的菌株进行了分析研究.结果显示,两种不同土壤和两种不同根部区域(根表和根际),该种群具有高度多样性,其基因型和基因组也具有显著差异(P<0.05).所分离到的菌株中,四分之三具有独特的基因组,90%以上的基因组是其原种群所独具有的.所有菌株的基因组的平均同源性比较低(22%),聚类分析不能证明来自不同小麦田和不同根部区域的菌株具有亲缘性.聚类分析显示,种群内的基因流动是受到限制的,菌株基因组的差异是由于基因的随机漂流引起的,由根表得到的基因型是与所采集的对比土壤相关联的.有三分之一的菌株检测到了2,4-二乙酰基均苯三酚(PhlD)生物合成基因,这些菌株形成了一相关联的组群(同源性为60%).4株产生PhlD的菌株(两种野生型,表型不同)对小麦全蚀病和腐霉引起的油菜根腐病具有显著的防治效果,展现出了对这类病原菌引起的根部病害的防治潜能.  相似文献   
Catalytic processes on surfaces have long been studied by probing model reactions on single-crystal metal surfaces under high vacuum conditions. Yet the vast majority of industrial heterogeneous catalysis occurs at ambient or elevated pressures using complex materials with crystal faces, edges and defects differing in their catalytic activity. Clearly, if new or improved catalysts are to be rationally designed, we require quantitative correlations between surface features and catalytic activity--ideally obtained under realistic reaction conditions. Transmission electron microscopy and scanning tunnelling microscopy have allowed in situ characterization of catalyst surfaces with atomic resolution, but are limited by the need for low-pressure conditions and conductive surfaces, respectively. Sum frequency generation spectroscopy can identify vibrations of adsorbed reactants and products in both gaseous and condensed phases, but so far lacks sensitivity down to the single molecule level. Here we adapt real-time monitoring of the chemical transformation of individual organic molecules by fluorescence microscopy to monitor reactions catalysed by crystals of a layered double hydroxide immersed in reagent solution. By using a wide field microscope, we are able to map the spatial distribution of catalytic activity over the entire crystal by counting single turnover events. We find that ester hydrolysis proceeds on the lateral {1010} crystal faces, while transesterification occurs on the entire outer crystal surface. Because the method operates at ambient temperature and pressure and in a condensed phase, it can be applied to the growing number of liquid-phase industrial organic transformations to localize catalytic activity on and in inorganic solids. An exciting opportunity is the use of probe molecules with different size and functionality, which should provide insight into shape-selective or structure-sensitive catalysis and thus help with the rational design of new or more productive heterogeneous catalysts.  相似文献   
Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) neuropathies are common disorders of the peripheral nervous system caused by demyelination or axonal degeneration, or a combination of both features. We previously assigned the locus for autosomal dominant intermediate CMT neuropathy type C (DI-CMTC) to chromosome 1p34-p35. Here we identify two heterozygous missense mutations (G41R and E196K) and one de novo deletion (153-156delVKQV) in tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase (YARS) in three unrelated families affected with DI-CMTC. Biochemical experiments and genetic complementation in yeast show partial loss of aminoacylation activity of the mutant proteins, and mutations in YARS, or in its yeast ortholog TYS1, reduce yeast growth. YARS localizes to axonal termini in differentiating primary motor neuron and neuroblastoma cultures. This specific distribution is significantly reduced in cells expressing mutant YARS proteins. YARS is the second aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase found to be involved in CMT, thereby linking protein-synthesizing complexes with neurodegeneration.  相似文献   
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