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In order to increase the application area of nanofibers, electrospun nanofiber yarns have drawn attention of many researchers around the globe. Once the production method of nanofiber yarn is mature enough to be universally accepted, many new gates of applications will open to the world. In this review, different electrospinning techniques of electrospun nanofiber yarns are divided into needle electrospinning and needleless electrospinning. Considering yarn twist as an important mechanism, needle electrospinning technique is further categorized into mechanical, electrical and field flow twisting methods. Moreover, parameters influencing the mechanical properties of electrospun nanofiber yarns are investigated. Methods of improving mechanical properties of nanofiber yarns are addressed, including hot-water-bath treatment, addition of carbon nanotubes(CNTs) and introducing regulators. Finally, applications of electrospun nanofiber yarns in different fields of smart textile and bioengineering are summed-up. In summary, challenges encountered in the industrialization of nanofiber yarns and future prospects are anticipated.  相似文献   
In this article, I will view realist and non-realist accounts of scientific models within the larger context of the cultural significance of scientific knowledge. I begin by looking at the historical context and origins of the problem of scientific realism, and claim that it is originally of cultural and not only philosophical, significance. The cultural significance of debates on the epistemological status of scientific models is then related to the question of ‘intelligibility’ and how science, through models, can give us knowledge of the world by presenting us with an ‘intelligible account/picture of the world’, thus fulfilling its cultural-epistemic role. Realists typically assert that science can perform this role, while non-realists deny this. The various strategies adopted by realists and non-realists in making good their respective claims, is then traced to their cultural motivations. Finally I discuss the cultural implications of adopting realist or non-realist views of models through a discussion of the views of Rorty, Gellner, Van Fraassen and Clifford Hooker on the cultural significance of scientific knowledge.  相似文献   
通过分析沙漠环境对公路及其防沙体系的影响,探讨了保证沙漠公路能够畅通无阻的对策思路,提出了建立完善的沙漠公路沙害防治和道路养护系统的必要性和迫切性,并对系统的组成结构及具体配置等问题进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   
Beneficiation of Malaysian iron ore is becoming necessary as iron resources are depleting. However, the upgrading process is challenging because of the weak magnetic properties of Malaysian iron ore. In this study, bio-char derived from oil palm empty fruit bunch (EFB) was utilized as an energy source for reduction roasting. Mixtures of Malaysian iron ore and the bio-char were pressed into briquettes and subjected to reduction roasting processes at 873–1173 K. The extent of reduction was estimated on the basis of mass loss, and the magnetization of samples was measured using a vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM). When reduced at 873 K, the original goethite-rich ore was converted into hematite. An increase in temperature to 1073 K caused a significant conversion of hematite into magnetite and enhanced the magnetic susceptibility and saturation magnetization of samples. The magnetic properties diminished at 1173 K as the iron ore was partially reduced to wustite. This reduction roasting by using the bio-char can assist in upgrading the iron ore by improving its magnetic properties.  相似文献   
满足换位子条件环的交换性(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文证明:有1环R是交换的充要条件是有正整数m,q,使对每个y∈R有正整数n(y)对一切x∈R有或。  相似文献   
Based on the viable system model (VSM), a system viability refers to the capability of a system to exist and maintain its sustainability within an environment. In this framework, monitoring function supports the gathering of relevant information directly from the operating units and feeding them into the formal control function. In turn, the control function uses the information to produce reports for the higher level functions of intelligence and policymaking, which later utilise these information for their decision making. Given its role, monitoring function supports the viability of a system, especially in large-scale policy-based system. However, studies on the functions of a system monitoring are generally lacking, leading to the lack of understanding on how to conduct monitoring in a viable system implementation. The objectives of this study are a) to discuss the role of monitoring in a viable system framework, and b) to conceptualize the function of monitoring within a policy-based system that is enabled by technologies. To achieve these objectives, this study reviews the literature on monitoring (in relation to VSM framework), on research process in general, as well as on technology adoption. This conceptual exploration generates an emergent viable system model that can guide future researchers in conducting an action research of monitoring function implementation.  相似文献   
Systemic Practice and Action Research - Business incubation is one of the means that promotes the overall business and economic growth of a particular location. However, to date, the role of...  相似文献   
Existence of supporting entities and their cohesive operations are important elements in industry development policy undertaken in emerging economies, which are characterized by heavy government interventions and involved many agencies and institutions. One of the models that emphasizes on cohesiveness as a precondition for viability is the viable system model (VSM). In this study, we adopt the VSM in combination with theories of innovation and innovation system as our conceptual framework to describe and explain the functions and relational structure that exist among agencies/institutions and that of the agencies with their environment elements within one policy level system implementation. We select a biotechnology industry development policy for our analysis, the implementation of which has been designated as a strategic vehicle to support the economic development goals of an emerging economy. The findings, which generate a model of the policy-level system implementation, explain the operating agencies’ functions and their inter-relationships. The emergent model provides policy makers and implementers recommendations for improvements, as well as offers future researchers potential for comparison between existing performance of a policy implementation against its expected performance targets. The study concludes that the biotechnology industry development is an effort by the Malaysian government to institutionalize biotechnology businesses and industry. The perspective of systems thinking, in combination with theories of institutionalization, innovation and innovation system, provide important foundations in explaining technology-based industry development. All these findings highlight that the knowledge gain in explaining and interpreting the problem in focus is worthwhile, although the use of VSM as a research tool demands considerable efforts.  相似文献   
Heterogeneous community entails a number of social groups that adopt similar/different social norms. In such community, new individuals who join a new social group should be able to decide with which group they could assimilate based on their capabilities/values/manners. Otherwise, they would be penalized by other members in the group for violating some norms which they cannot comply.Using this approach, software agents would have better reasoning in simulating human society. In this paper, the authors propose a norms assimilation theory, in which a new agent attempts to assimilate with a social group's norms. This theory builds an approach to norm assimilation, analyzes the cases for an agent to decide to assimilate with a social group and develops a mathematical model to measure the assimilation cost and the agent's ability. The approach is developed based on the agent's internal belief about its ability and desire, and its external belief about the cost of assimilating with a number of social groups. The significance of this research is two-fold. Firstly, the study paves the way to future design of intelligent systems, i.e., software agents or robots, to closely mimic human social interactions.Secondly, the norm assimilation using agent-based system could be potentially utilized to simulate some social issues such as immigrants, new students, expatriate etc. The experiments that have been conducted demonstrate that an agent in the domain is able to calculate the assimilation cost and decide which social group to join.  相似文献   
网球比赛中,网球裁判员的判罚是最重要的,要想保证判罚的准确率,减少误判、错判、漏判情况的发生,需要裁判员提高自身的临场注意力;网球裁判一直都是网球比赛的守护神,维护着场上的公平,也默默操持着场下各个环节;网球裁判员是确保网球比赛顺利进行的执法者,而在比赛过程中,网球裁判员的临场注意力直接影响了赛场判罚的准确率,因此,对影响裁判员临场注意力的因素进行仔细的分析,以提高裁判员的临场注意力;指出网球裁判员要明确主裁以及司线员的临场注意力特征,并对判罚过程中的难点进行重点训练,通过多参加比赛,多总结影响裁判员临场注意力的原因而有针对性地进行训练,可克服影响因素。  相似文献   
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