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Chamberlin RV 《Nature》2000,408(6810):337-339
Two separate theories are often used to characterize the paramagnetic properties of ferromagnetic materials. At temperatures T well above the Curie temperature, Tc (where the transition from paramagnetic to ferromagnetic behaviour occurs), classical mean-field theory yields the Curie-Weiss law for the magnetic susceptibility: X(T) infinity 1/(T - Weiss constant), where Weiss constant is the Weiss constant. Close to Tc, however, the standard mean-field approach breaks down so that better agreement with experimental data is provided by critical scaling theory: X(T) infinity 1/(T - Tc)gamma, where gamma is a scaling exponent. But there is no known model capable of predicting the measured values of gamma nor its variation among different substances. Here I use a mean-field cluster model based on finite-size thermostatistics to extend the range of mean-field theory, thereby eliminating the need for a separate scaling regime. The mean-field approximation is justified by using a kinetic-energy term to maintain the microcanonical ensembles. The model reproduces the Curie-Weiss law at high temperatures, but the classical Weiss transition at Tc = Weiss constant is suppressed by finite-size effects. Instead, the fraction of clusters with a specific amount of order diverges at Tc, yielding a transition that is mathematically similar to Bose-Einstein condensation. At all temperatures above Tc, the model matches the measured magnetic susceptibilities of crystalline EuO, Gd, Co and Ni, thus providing a unified picture for both the critical-scaling and Curie-Weiss regimes.  相似文献   
The cores of most galaxies are thought to harbour supermassive black holes, which power galactic nuclei by converting the gravitational energy of accreting matter into radiation. Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*), the compact source of radio, infrared and X-ray emission at the centre of the Milky Way, is the closest example of this phenomenon, with an estimated black hole mass that is 4,000,000 times that of the Sun. A long-standing astronomical goal is to resolve structures in the innermost accretion flow surrounding Sgr A*, where strong gravitational fields will distort the appearance of radiation emitted near the black hole. Radio observations at wavelengths of 3.5 mm and 7 mm have detected intrinsic structure in Sgr A*, but the spatial resolution of observations at these wavelengths is limited by interstellar scattering. Here we report observations at a wavelength of 1.3 mm that set a size of 37(+16)(-10) microarcseconds on the intrinsic diameter of Sgr A*. This is less than the expected apparent size of the event horizon of the presumed black hole, suggesting that the bulk of Sgr A* emission may not be centred on the black hole, but arises in the surrounding accretion flow.  相似文献   
J D Bain  C Switzer  A R Chamberlin  S A Benner 《Nature》1992,356(6369):537-539
One serious limitation facing protein engineers is the availability of only 20 'proteinogenic' amino acids encoded by natural messenger RNA. The lack of structural diversity among these amino acids restricts the mechanistic and structural issues that can be addressed by site-directed mutagenesis. Here we describe a new technology for incorporating non-standard amino acids into polypeptides by ribosome-based translation. In this technology, the genetic code is expanded through the creation of a 65th codon-anticodon pair from unnatural nucleoside bases having non-standard hydrogen-bonding patterns. This new codon-anticodon pair efficiently supports translation in vitro to yield peptides containing a non-standard amino acid. The versatility of the ribosome as a synthetic tool offers new possibilities for protein engineering, and compares favourably with another recently described approach in which the genetic code is simply rearranged to recruit stop codons to play a coding role.  相似文献   
讨论了Microsoft C语言中调用MASM 5.0汇编语言程序的方法,并针对一些易出现的问题,如程序接口部分的要求,C语言与汇编程序间参数的传递,寄存器的使用等,提出了解决办法.  相似文献   
Pelli DG  Chamberlin SC 《Nature》1989,337(6206):460-461
The eye of the 'eyeless' shrimp Rimicaris exoculata is unusual in having no image-forming optics and a high concentration of rhodopsin. The shrimps swarm around 350 degrees C hydrothermal 'black smoker' vents in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. There is no other known source of visible light in the shrimp's environment. The spectral sensitivity of rhodopsin is well matched to typical spectra of bioluminescence of organisms found at lesser depths, but other animals detect such emissions without the unusual features of the R. exoculata eye. These two features are most easily understood as an adaptation for the detection of extremely faint sources of light. Physical calculations presented here indicate that the shrimp could see the black-body radiation of the 350 degrees C vents, even though these sources are practically invisible to the human eye. This would be useful to the shrimp as it feeds on sulphide-loving bacteria very near to the vents but must avoid the lethal 350 degrees C vents themselves.  相似文献   
New RNA polymerase from Escherichia coli infected with bacteriophage T7   总被引:89,自引:0,他引:89  
M Chamberlin  J McGrath  L Waskell 《Nature》1970,228(5268):227-231
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