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开源创新的成功主要体现在开源软件,其产出是一种无形的数字产品(比特)。与开源软件不同,开源硬件作为开放源码领域的一个相对较新的加入者,涉及的是物理产品(原子)。相对于较为成熟的开源软件运动,开源硬件仍然处于起步阶段。除技术原因外,由于开源硬件有软件和硬件两种形式,每种形式在开发周期的各个阶段都涉及不同的知识产权保护问题,为开源硬件许可证的完善和知识产权保护带来了挑战。因此,有必要以此为契机,从现有的知识产权理论角度对开源硬件展开分析,搭建规范性框架,在完善开源硬件许可证的主要条款、明确实用艺术作品客体资格、利用防御性专利出版、应对反向工程,以及构建开源硬件专利间接侵权制度等方面做出完善,以便在不同的知识产权制度中引导这些作品。开源硬件许可证的合理制定与知识产权保护制度的完善,可以推动开源硬件运动的发展。  相似文献   
考虑多个复变数z_1,…,z_n的幂级数在1962年的书中载有对级数(A)的收敛区域的讨论。使用了“完全n圆域”(2n维)和“共轭收敛半径”等概念。但并末指出如何计算每个共轭收敛半径,只给出了联系着共轭收敛半径的式子,但却是不正确的[见《多复变数函数论的几个问题(一)》,第十三节,《华南工学院学报》,1978年,第1期.82—101.以下相应地简称问题(一)、问题(二)、问题(三)等等]。 1972年和指出级数(A)的收敛点集和绝对收敛点集是一致的[见1973,22,10 141,1972,185-195.].但这样的点集有多大?在《问题(一)》中我们不仅算出了它的大小,而且还顺便将“级数(A)的收敛点集和绝对收敛点集是一致的”这一结论作为推论[见附注6.1]. 在《问题(一)》中首先算出多个复变数的函数项单级数P_0(z_1,…,z_n)+P_1(z_1,…,z_n)+…+P_m(z_1,…,z_n)+…(B)的收敛且绝对收敛点集[见第三节],顺便推出计算一个复变数的幂级数的收敛半径的Cauchy—-Hadamard公式,而后引进模变换[见第一节],从而获得所需结果。其中使用收敛尺度、收敛点集和收敛界限等概念。在《问题(二)》[见《华南工学院学报》,1978年,第1期,102-120]中由级数(A)的收敛且绝对收敛点集构造了各种维数的收敛且绝对收敛区域[见定理1.8].其中使用收敛半径和收敛区城等概念。在《问题(三)》中,使用收敛边界这一概念,指出了在(2n-1)维收敛边界上至少存在一个至少(n-1)维奇流形,并给出了奇流形所满足的方程,举了二例,一例算出了唯一的(n-1)维奇流形;另一例算出了仅有的n个(2n-2)维奇流形[在前面所提到的的书中,在2n维完全n圆域的讨论中,仅指出了级数(A)在该区域的边界上至少存在一个奇点,而且也没有指出寻找该奇点的途径]。在《问题(四)》中讨论了一类更广泛的区域,我们称之为2n维准多圆柱,级数(A)的2n维收敛区域是它的特款[见定理4]。以上许多结论对于维数低于2n的各种区域亦成立,兹不赘述。  相似文献   
沿用文献[1]中的记号,本文给出了多个复变数 z_1,…,z_n 的幂级数sum frum m_1,…,m_n=0 to ∞=0 am_1·m_n(z_1-z_1~((0))~m_1…(z_n-z_n~((0)))~m_n (A)(zI—zi。’)优l…(z。~zj。’)“ (4)的收敛区域的解析式。一、记号和定理的陈述定义给定实或复变数(t_1,t_2,…,t_(?))的实或复函数  相似文献   
生物学教学中,教师介绍一些课本以外的新知识,科学发展的新进展,对学生的成长和发展以及综合素质的提高是非常重要的。本文就教师在教学中如何穿插课外知识加以讨论。  相似文献   
自然界中各种资源十分丰富,有矿物资源、水利资源和动、植物资源,其中植物资源对人类的生存、其它动物的生存以及维持整个生态系统的平衡起决定的作用.我们国家由于种种原因,大部分地区对植物资源的家底还不清楚.目前,正当全国各地处于一个开发、利用自然资源以提高国民经济水平的时期,我们于1985年至1988年利用暑假对晋中的几个县的植物资源进行了一次粗略的调查,采集了一些标本,结果发现  相似文献   
<正> 经过一段时间的沉默,国外报刊上又相继出现了目击神秘的U·F·O(飞碟)的报道。1987年8月27日,众多的上海市民,也异口同声地诉称自己看到了这样的一个不明飞行物。真的存在着外星人吗?真的是他们驾驶自己的飞行器访问我们这个星球吗? 严肃的科学家和研究者们,历来有两大疑问:如果U·F·O·真的是所谓外星人驾驶  相似文献   
生物学教学中,教师介绍一些课本以外的新知识,科学发展的新进展,对学生的成长和发展以及综合素质的提高是非常重要的。本文就教师在教学中如何穿插课外知识加以讨论。  相似文献   
Consider the power series of several complex variables z_1m,…,z_nIn A. in 1962, the domain of the convergence of the series (A) was discussed and the concepts of "domains of the complete n-circular type" (the 2n-dimension) and "conjugate convergent radii" etc. were used. However, the author did not point out how to compute each conjugate radius, only the expression connecting each conjugate convergent radius was given and it is not correct [See《Some Problems of the Theory of Functions of Several Complex Variables (Ⅰ)》, The Convergent Set of the Power Series of Several Complex Variables, Section 13, 《Journal of South China Institutc of Technology》No.1, 1978, PP.82-101] and (Ⅵ) respectively.In 1972, C. pointed out that the convergent set of the series (A) is the same as its absolute convergent set [See 1973, 22, 10 141,1972, 185-195.]. But how large is such a point set? In Problem(I), not only its size had been computed, but also incidentally we obtained the conclusion that the convergent set of the series (A) is the same as its absolute conveagent set CSee remark 6.1].In Problem (Ⅰ), we first computed the convergent set which is also the absolute convergent set of the series of functions of several complex variablesp_0(z_1,…,z_n)+P_1)(z_1,…z_n)+…+P_m(z_1,…,z_n)+…(B)[See section 3], and incidentally we derived Cauchy-Hadamard formula for computing the convergent radius of the power series of a single complex variable. Secondly, we introduced the transformation of models [See section 1] thus the required results were obtained. The concepts of the convergent measure, convergent set and convergent limit etc. were used above.In Problem (Ⅱ)[The Convergent Domain of the Power Series of Several Complex Variables, See 《Journal of South Chiua Institute of Technology》No. 1; 1978, PP. 102- 120], we constructed the convergent domains whieh are also the absolute convergent domains of various dimensions by means of the convergent set which is also the absolute convergent set of the series (A) [See theory 1.8]. The concepts of the convergent radius and convergent domain were used here.In Problem (Ⅲ), the concept of the convergent bound was used, and we pointed out that there is at least one singular manifold and it is at least (n-1) -dimensional on the (2n-1)-dimensional convergent bound, and we gave the equation satisfied by singular manifolds; Two examples were given; in one of which the unique (n-1)—dimensional manifold was computed; and in the other, the only n number of (2n-2) - dimensional manifold were obtained [in the book of, A. cited above, in the discussion on the domain of the complete n-circular type (the 2n-dimension), it was only pointed out that the series (A) has at least one singular point on the bound of the domain, and the author did not point out the way to find the singular point].In Problem (IV), we discussed a wider kind of domains which were named the 2n-dimensional pseudomulticylinder, the 2n-dimensional convergent domain of the series (A) is its special case [See theory 4].A number of the above conclusions also hold for problems of various domains where the dimension number is less than 2n.  相似文献   
 核安全问题是涉及国家安全的重大问题。本文从立法、体制、国际合作、产业政策规划、新闻媒体、监管、科研、人才培养和企业9 个方面,回顾了国际与中国社会在核安全领域的发展历程,分析了中国在建立发展核电产业、保障核安全方面所做出的成绩及遇到的问题,对关键问题提出了建设性的思考及建议。  相似文献   
在《问题五》中讨论了级数(A)、级数(B)和函数序列的一致收敛性以及多重数值级数和多重函数项级数的收敛性判别法。在《问题六》中讨论了一个复变数的幂级数的阿贝耳第二定理和托贝尔定理在多个复变数的幂级数中的推广。以上许多结论对于维数低于2n的各种区域亦成立。  相似文献   
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