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营养学与临床医学有着不可分割的联系,用营养学知识指导临床护理,是现代化整体护理的需要,给病人合理营养的治疗和指导是护理工作重要的一部分,它直接关系到疾病的预防、治疗、和转归。因此护士必须熟悉掌握临床上许多疾病是因为营养不合理而引起的,许多的原发性营养缺乏病是由于营养素不足所致,只有依靠所有护理人员共同努力,才能有效实施。  相似文献   
蛋白质的危害与合理膳食   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蛋白质是人体必须的营养素,但过量的摄人蛋白质,机体必须不停地处理大量蛋白质,最终将导致慢性疾病,只有根据人体正常生理需要量,合理膳食,才能维持机体的平衡,从而防止疾病的发生.  相似文献   
对大学生入学教育的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着社会的发展进步,大学生的来源也呈现出多元化.他们对问题的看法和理解,对环境的适应程度,以及人生观和价值观都有一定的差异.为了引导广大新生认识大学生活,了解专业及其就业走向,掌握自我成才途径,应从新生的实际需要出发,在形式多样、内容充实的教育活动中使他们重新审视自己未来的人生之路,找准自己的位置、确立新的奋斗目标,并引导他们在人生新起点上迈好坚实的第一步.  相似文献   
脂代谢在生物化学上具有及其重要的作用,一些脂类物质是引起肥胖和许多心脑血管病的主要原因,但适当摄入人体所必须的脂类物质是非常必要的。一些人认为脂肪是使人体臃肿,导致心脏病、肥胖、高血压病的祸首,形成一种“恐脂病”。正确认识脂肪,摄取必须脂肪,合理膳食,避开高脂血症,走出误区是本文的目的。  相似文献   
The process of bra design in the underwear industry is studied. Several important aspects of the process were identified: sizing, fabric selection, pattern development and grading, the use of CAD system, fitting and wear trials. Although the design process relies heavily on the expertise and experience of designers, the modern technology such as CAD can facilitate and optimize the design process, and the fitting process on life models is essential for the underwear design. The differences between domestic underwear companies and foreign major ones mainly lie at the lack of dress form specially used for underwear design, lack of CAD/CAM or not making full use of them, and most of all, lack of the professional bra designers or even skillful pattern designers. The prospects and future model of bra design process were also elaborated in this paper.  相似文献   
有效地实施素质教育,培养高素质的医学人才已成为摆在各个医学院校教育工作者面前的重要课题,本文针对医学院校医学生素质方面存在的主要问题总结了应从那些方面着手来加强医学生的素质教育。  相似文献   
Gray Model of Human Body Shape   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In order to determine the control dimensions of human body in pattern construction and provide the basis for size specification in clothing industry, a gray model is described and established in the application of predicting size specification. By comparing the features of gray model and regression model, it is proved that the former has many advantages over the latter, i.e. more practical and more effective in this application. So it is strongly suggested to apply the innovative gray model instead of the traditional regression model to facilitate the calculation procedure in pattern construction.  相似文献   
有关外语教学的一系列研究结果表明 ,当其它条件相同时 ,英语学习观念、方法差异对成绩有着决定性的影响。成功的英语学习者所用的方法和具有的观念并不是千篇一律的 ,他们成功的关键在于能卓有成效地调整自己的学习方法 ,调整自己的心态 ,控制自己的情绪。最重要的还是对英语学习观念的改变。我们从 2 0 0 2年 9月至 1 1月对本院 2 0 0 1级以及 2 0 0 2级 ,高考分数在 1 1 5分到 2 5分之间代表了快、中、慢三个层次的 2 3 4名学生进行问卷及面对面的交谈调查分析 ,用以说明英语学习观念、学习方法对英语成绩和信心的影响并以此为英语学习者…  相似文献   
The lightweight worsted fabric made of Sirofil yarn was developed and its textile performance was studied. By means of conventional testing, KES and FAST, it is concluded that with the coordination of proper fabric design and processing technique, the performance of this innovative fabric is superior to that of the conventional lightweight fabric. Furthermore, it is predicted from the relevant parameters that its processability in the following suit manufacture is very desirable.  相似文献   
紧身原型的建立及版型设计系统的开发研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
人体数据、服装结构设计和功能造型优化等基础理论研究一直是服装设计领域的研究热点。这里基于传统的服装结构设计原理,探索了适合中国女性体型的紧身原型设计规则,采用Bezier曲线并结合OpenGL图形库函数绘制了紧身原型,实现了可根据人体数据进行尺寸调整的交互式版型设计系统,该设计思路可为服装特别是内衣的3D穿着效果模拟建立2D版型基础。  相似文献   
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