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Investigation on the Cause of Excessive Vibration of an Offshore Platform   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
0 IntroductionWiththeexploitureanddrillingforoceanre source,offshore platformsaremost prolificandprevalentintheoffshoreindustrytoday .Asthefun damentalinstallationsofdevelopmentofoceanre sources ,designingrequirementsofoffshoreplatformsarebecomingmoreandmoreimportant.Underenvironmentalloadsduetowind ,cur rent ,waveandevenseismicprotectionattack ,off shoreplatformsinevitablyvibrateduringtheirlife time .While ,foranormalconditionthisvibrationissmallandtheoccupantsontheplatformdon tsenseitatall.…  相似文献   
在船舶航行中,应避免激振力的频率与螺旋桨叶片固有频率接近而产生的共振,达到避振效果.分别使用直接耦合数值计算和瞬态激励实验方法,研究了某实桨叶片在空气中和浸入静水域中的固有流固耦合(FSI)振动特性.结果表明:数值计算与实验结果吻合较好;直接耦合法具有精度高和收敛性好的优点.根据工程实际要求,提出了螺旋桨叶片首阶振动频率的经验公式,估算精度满足要求,具有节省时间、提高效率的优点.  相似文献   
Most of active mass damper systems are designed or installed for the onshore structural response reduction to quite small earthquake or strong wind excitation. When they are applied to offshore structures, they will stop their operations during severe sea state (including strong wind, wave and fluid), For controlling the excessive vibration of offshore structure excited by wave loading, this paper presents a methodology keeping AMD operations even in severe sea state. And the controller was designed by LQG controlal gorithm accounting for the limits of AMD stroke and control input force. In order to investigate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed method, a numerical example applied to an offshore platform is presented in this paper. The numerical results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm is effective in reducing the vibration of offshore structure by choosing appropriate feedback gain among several gain candidates based on the AMD limits.  相似文献   
Magnetorheological (MR) dampers have been proposed to control the vibration of offshore platforms in this paper. The semi-active control strategy based on fuzzy control algorithm was adopted to determine the optimal output control force based on the responses of jacket platforms. A typical jacket platform in Mexico Gulf was selected as the numerical example to investigate the effectiveness of the proposed control method. Furthermore, a model experiment was performed to validate the results of the numerical simulation. The experimental model of the jacket platform was designed based on dynamical similarity criterion by the scale of 1:50. Both of the numerical and experimental results show that the semi-active control system with the MR damper can reduce vibrations of jacket platforms effectively and at the same time the control effect is stable.  相似文献   
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