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AVS (audio video coding standard) 工作组是由中国信息产业部科学技术司批准成立的数字音视频编解码技术标准工作组, 其任务是制定面向国内和国际应用需求的一系列技术标准. 2008 年起, AVS工作组展开了双目立体视频编码标准的制定工作,即在AVS-P2 中采用双路拼接和双目联合预测两种立体视频编码方案, 并且为了支持不同终端的立体视频服务, 系统层分别对每种编码方案设置独立的内容描述子, 以告知接收端传输的内容与相关格式. 如今, AVS 双目立体视频编码标准的制定工作已接近尾声, 而多视点视频编码标准和自由视点视频编码标准的制定将成为AVS 3D Adhoc工作组下一阶段的研究目标.  相似文献   
Motion compensation with adaptive interpolation filters (AIF) was developed to compensate for temporary varieties in the aliasing of video signals and improve the coding efficiency. The AIF achieves better RD performance than common static interpolation filtering by exploiting the statistics in the reference frames’ local auto-correlation and the local cross-correlation between the current encoding frame and the reference frames. This paper presents an interpolation filter buffering structure that derives the current encoding frame’s interpolation filters from the filters of previous frames. The number of encoding bits for the filter coefficients is reduced by encoding only the differences between the current filter coefficients and the corresponding buffered filter coefficients. Experimental results show that in comparison with the AIF in the current "key technical area" (KTA) reference software, this interpolation filter buffering structure further improves all the test sequences (with up to 2.87% bit rate saving) with negligible computational increase.  相似文献   
An opportunistic automatic repeat request (ARQ) scheme was developed to support high-quality video transmission over cooperative decode-forward networks. The opportunistic ARQ is implemented in the form of distributed space-time block codes (STBCs) and the desired STBC for a certain channel state is de-termined by the diversity-multiplexing tradeoff principle. With good channel states, the source and relay may jointly retransmit the lost video packets using high-rate low-diversity codes while with bad chann...  相似文献   
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