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提出一种基于Agent的细胞自动机(CA)演化模型,并采用整体建模仿真的方法,对农田虫害的演化进行了模拟.它采用自底向上的建模思想,利用Agent的局部连接规则,建立复杂系统的整体模型.针对不同环境条件设定相应的仿真参数,可以得到恰当的害虫种群演化结果,有助于农田生态管理的科学决策.同时,农田虫害的管理是预测专家系统的重要应用领域,该模型与专家系统的最终集成,可以提高专家系统的预测能力.  相似文献   
随着智能设备的快速发展,利用一些录音设备诸如智能手机、录音笔等窃取信息的手段显得更为方便和隐蔽,这对于个人、企业和政府都存在着不小的隐患.传统的对抗方式有背景噪声屏蔽和电磁波屏蔽,但都有其局限性.前者通过播放大音量噪声覆盖对话声音,但这会影响对话的正常进行;后者发射大功率电磁波屏蔽录音设备,但其屏蔽距离与效果都十分有限.针对上述问题,本文提出一种基于声学参量阵理论的超声波防录音屏的方案,可以对录音窃听进行有效屏蔽,同时不妨碍正常对话.根据声学参量阵理论,多个高频的超声波经过非线性系统,会因为非线性作用产生低频声音信号.根据这一原理,首先生成低频宽带噪声信号,然后进行BASK调制将其调制到高频载波上,进行功率放大后由换能器发射向目标录音设备.实验测试结果表明对iPhone6S、华为P10、P20、荣耀9等智能手机的录音功能都可以实现有效屏蔽,最大屏蔽距离1~3 m不等.由于屏蔽原理的普适性,本文的方案可以屏蔽目前大多数型号的智能手机、录音笔等带录音功能的终端.  相似文献   
对于工业发酵菌种肺炎克雷伯氏菌(Klebsiella pneumoniae),研究发现有两种消除其重组型质粒的有效方法,一种是连续传代培养,另一种是使用消除剂十二烷基硫酸钠(SDS)。对K.pneumoniae重组菌连续20代传代培养后,发现其质粒具有较高的消除率;而以0.2%SDS复合Ca2+处理K.pneumoniae重组菌,也能有效消除其重组型质粒,且该方法省却了反复的传代培养,能快速得到质粒消除菌,更具简便易操作性。消除了质粒的K.pneumoniae能再次接纳新的质粒,有效避免了因质粒不相容性带来的转化不成功,进而可用作宿主菌积累更多的生理性状。  相似文献   
高位钻孔瓦斯抽采参数优化设计   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
基于采空区覆岩裂隙分布规律、覆岩裂隙瓦斯流动规律和高位钻孔抽采技术研究现状,从覆岩"竖三带"、"O"形圈和U型通风条件下采动裂隙瓦斯流动规律出发,找出高位钻孔的理论合理布置区域,指出工作面后方50m范围内覆岩裂隙发育状况是高位钻孔层位设计的关键,针对祁南煤矿32煤层的特点,结合现场采用数值模拟方法模拟不同开采速度条件下覆岩裂隙发育规律,优化设计高位钻孔的抽采参数,在34下2工作面和3410工作面的现场试验中,高位钻孔抽采浓度和抽采率得到大大提高,取得了较好的抽采效果,验证了研究的正确性。  相似文献   
给出导出矩阵的概念并利用它将Rn中任意一组基底正交化  相似文献   
Over the last three decades fertility in Scotland, as measured by the total fertility rate (TFR), has moved from being higher than in England and Wales, to being lower. The annual number of births in Scotland has declined so that in the mid-1990s low fertility became the main driver of the overall population decline that Scotland has been experiencing since 1974. Analysis of fertility by birth order is instrumental in gaining an understanding of past and future fertility trends. Until the rise in births outside marriage in the 1980s data from registration could be used as a proxy for true birth order. However, because birth order is not collected for births outside marriage true birth order now has to be estimated. This article presents the first official estimates of true birth order for Scotland. The construction of these estimates based on a modified version of the method used for England and Wales is discussed. This article also presents analysis relating births by true birth order estimate to the population of women by parity on a cohort basis, and makes comparisons with England and Wales.  相似文献   
This article presents and analyses women's childbearing intentions collected in the General Household Survey (GHS). Data from the 21 surveys from 1979 to 2001 show that over that period there has been a fall in women's intended numbers of births. However the latest data (from the 1998, 2000 and 2001 surveys) show that the average number of children intended is still around two, somewhat higher than the average number of children current fertility rates suggest women will have. The questions of whether this difference can be interpreted as possible unmet need for children, whether past intentions have been good predictors of fertility, and how current intentions may be used to inform projections assumptions are discussed. In relation to the last question, fertility intentions by ethnic group are also presented.  相似文献   
Mutations in the gene encoding ABCR (ABCA4), a photoreceptor-specific ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter, are responsible for autosomal recessive Stargardt disease (STGD), an early onset macular degeneration, and some forms of autosomal recessive cone-rod dystrophy and autosomal recessive retinitis pigmentosa. Heterozygosity for ABCA4 mutations may also represent a risk factor for age-related macular degeneration (AMD), although this idea is controversial. An ongoing challenge in the analysis of ABCA4-based retinopathies arises from the observation that most of the ABCA4 sequence variants identified so far are missense mutations that are rare in both patient and control populations. With the current sample size of most sequence variants, one cannot determine statistically whether a particular sequence variant is pathogenic or neutral. A related challenge is to determine the degree to which each pathogenic variant impairs ABCR function, as genotype-phenotype analyses indicate that age of onset and disease severity correlate with different ABCA4 alleles. To address these questions, we performed a functional analysis of human ABCR and its variants. These experiments reveal a wide spectrum of biochemical defects in these variants and provide insight into the transport mechanism of ABCR.  相似文献   
对四川省一级以上的39 名武术运动员血型和指纹进行了调查分析,结果表明武术运动员多数血型和指纹指标与一般人比较没有明显差异,故用这两项指标作为选材的依据还有待进一步探讨  相似文献   
在可度量化拓扑线性空间中,讨论一些非线性映象的不动点与Mann迭代序列的收敛性问题,在一定条件下,得到了一些新的结果,推广和发展了Khan,Ghosh及Rhoades等人的工作。  相似文献   
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