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In this paper we propose and test a forecasting model on monthly and daily spot prices of five selected exchange rates. In doing so, we combine a novel smoothing technique (initially applied in signal processing) with a variable selection methodology and two regression estimation methodologies from the field of machine learning (ML). After the decomposition of the original exchange rate series using an ensemble empirical mode decomposition (EEMD) method into a smoothed and a fluctuation component, multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS) are used to select the most appropriate variable set from a large set of explanatory variables that we collected. The selected variables are then fed into two distinctive support vector machines (SVR) models that produce one‐period‐ahead forecasts for the two components. Neural networks (NN) are also considered as an alternative to SVR. The sum of the two forecast components is the final forecast of the proposed scheme. We show that the above implementation exhibits a superior in‐sample and out‐of‐sample forecasting ability when compared to alternative forecasting models. The empirical results provide evidence against the efficient market hypothesis for the selected foreign exchange markets. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The difficulty in modelling inflation and the significance in discovering the underlying data‐generating process of inflation is expressed in an extensive literature regarding inflation forecasting. In this paper we evaluate nonlinear machine learning and econometric methodologies in forecasting US inflation based on autoregressive and structural models of the term structure. We employ two nonlinear methodologies: the econometric least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) and the machine‐learning support vector regression (SVR) method. The SVR has never been used before in inflation forecasting considering the term spread as a regressor. In doing so, we use a long monthly dataset spanning the period 1871:1–2015:3 that covers the entire history of inflation in the US economy. For comparison purposes we also use ordinary least squares regression models as a benchmark. In order to evaluate the contribution of the term spread in inflation forecasting in different time periods, we measure the out‐of‐sample forecasting performance of all models using rolling window regressions. Considering various forecasting horizons, the empirical evidence suggests that the structural models do not outperform the autoregressive ones, regardless of the model's method. Thus we conclude that the term spread models are not more accurate than autoregressive models in inflation forecasting. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
This paper investigates the informational content of unconventional monetary policies and its effect on commodity markets, adopting a nonlinear approach for modeling volatility. The main question addressed is how the Bank of England, Bank of Japan, and European Central Bank's (ECB's) announcements concerning monetary easing affect two major commodities: gold and silver. Our empirical evidence based on daily and high‐frequency data suggests that relevant information causes ambiguous valuation adjustments as well as stabilization or destabilization effects. Specifically, there is strong evidence that the Japanese Central Bank strengthens the precious metal markets by increasing their returns and by causing stabilization effects, in contrast to the ECB, which has opposite results, mainly due to the heterogeneous expectations of investors within these markets. These asymmetries across central banks' effects on gold and silver risk–return profile imply that the ECB unconventional monetary easing informational content opposes its stated mission, adding uncertainty in precious metals markets.  相似文献   
Humans and climate affect ecosystems and their services, which may involve continuous and discontinuous transitions from one stable state to another. Discontinuous transitions are abrupt, irreversible and among the most catastrophic changes of ecosystems identified. For terrestrial ecosystems, it has been hypothesized that vegetation patchiness could be used as a signature of imminent transitions. Here, we analyse how vegetation patchiness changes in arid ecosystems with different grazing pressures, using both field data and a modelling approach. In the modelling approach, we extrapolated our analysis to even higher grazing pressures to investigate the vegetation patchiness when desertification is imminent. In three arid Mediterranean ecosystems in Spain, Greece and Morocco, we found that the patch-size distribution of the vegetation follows a power law. Using a stochastic cellular automaton model, we show that local positive interactions among plants can explain such power-law distributions. Furthermore, with increasing grazing pressure, the field data revealed consistent deviations from power laws. Increased grazing pressure leads to similar deviations in the model. When grazing was further increased in the model, we found that these deviations always and only occurred close to transition to desert, independent of the type of transition, and regardless of the vegetation cover. Therefore, we propose that patch-size distributions may be a warning signal for the onset of desertification.  相似文献   
This paper examines the forecasting ability of the nonlinear specifications of the market model. We propose a conditional two‐moment market model with a time‐varying systematic covariance (beta) risk in the form of a mean reverting process of the state‐space model via the Kalman filter algorithm. In addition, we account for the systematic component of co‐skewness and co‐kurtosis by considering higher moments. The analysis is implemented using data from the stock indices of several developed and emerging stock markets. The empirical findings favour the time‐varying market model approaches, which outperform linear model specifications both in terms of model fit and predictability. Precisely, higher moments are necessary for datasets that involve structural changes and/or market inefficiencies which are common in most of the emerging stock markets. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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