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Alison  Motluk  王福彭 《世界科学》2001,(10):21-23
神经生理学家已鉴定出一种被称作镜神经元的、能解读他人心理的新型人脑细胞 ,这可能是解开人类语言、同情、甚至社会形成之谜的钥匙  相似文献   
我们与体内肠道细菌的关系似乎是单方面有利的交易,实际上,远比我们所曾想象的还要公平。肠道细菌有助人体的发育,甚至向我们的细胞发出信号。  相似文献   
美国《科学》杂志对发达国家中处于领先死困的心脏疾病的两类鲜为人知的致病因素给予特别关注:其一,导致往往丧命的心脏缺陷的突变的基因;其二,最近发现的与堵塞动脉的斑块形成有联系的一些感染……1993年夏,波士顿塞尔特球星雷杰·刘易斯摔死网球场,世人震惊。但这种摔死有其常发人群。隔不了几年,又有一位著名的年轻运动员,成为未检出的遗传性心脏不良的牺牲者、没有前兆的摔死于运动事件。这些病例,提供了极好的例证,说明心脏病不必从中年发展动脉硬化开始,它能隐匿地起自心脏本身的遗传性缺陷。从先天性心脏畸形,到致死的心…  相似文献   
同种药物治疗同种疾病,不同的病人有不同的结果。很快,医生要先为病人做基国检测后再开处方。饱经折磨之后,一位深陷苦恼的年轻妇女拖着疲惫的身躯求助于医生。医生诊断为严重抑郁症后,安慰她道:“现在,我们能给你做个DNA检测,看看什么药对你最恰当。”他从她头上拔下一根头发,“等下午报告出来后我再开处方,你的病很快就会好。”她首次露出长久不见的充满希望的笑容。类似的情景,可能不要很久就会出现。从制药公司和生物技术公司看来,病人不久就能用上适合其本人基因组成的药品。今天的医生只会让这位年轻妇女去试用一种药品…  相似文献   
进化生物学家与发生生物学家已合力开创新领域,藉对控制胚胎发育之基困的研究,以解生物进化之谜。  相似文献   
Spin-orbit (SO) coupling--the interaction between a quantum particle's spin and its momentum--is ubiquitous in physical systems. In condensed matter systems, SO coupling is crucial for the spin-Hall effect and topological insulators; it contributes to the electronic properties of materials such as GaAs, and is important for spintronic devices. Quantum many-body systems of ultracold atoms can be precisely controlled experimentally, and would therefore seem to provide an ideal platform on which to study SO coupling. Although an atom's intrinsic SO coupling affects its electronic structure, it does not lead to coupling between the spin and the centre-of-mass motion of the atom. Here, we engineer SO coupling (with equal Rashba and Dresselhaus strengths) in a neutral atomic Bose-Einstein condensate by dressing two atomic spin states with a pair of lasers. Such coupling has not been realized previously for ultracold atomic gases, or indeed any bosonic system. Furthermore, in the presence of the laser coupling, the interactions between the two dressed atomic spin states are modified, driving a quantum phase transition from a spatially spin-mixed state (lasers off) to a phase-separated state (above a critical laser intensity). We develop a many-body theory that provides quantitative agreement with the observed location of the transition. The engineered SO coupling--equally applicable for bosons and fermions--sets the stage for the realization of topological insulators in fermionic neutral atom systems.  相似文献   
A Teotihuacán population of the Sceloporus grammicus complex was compared with other previously studied populations (Parque Nacional Zoquiapan [PNZ], Monte Alegre Ajusco [MAA], Pedregal San Angel [PSA], Cantimplora [CA], Capulín, Laguna, Paredon, Michilia, and south Texas) for variations in several life history characteristics (SVL at sexual maturity, reproductive period, ovulation and gestation time, and litter size). Mean body size at sexual maturity of females from Teotihuacán was larger than PNZ, MAA, CA, and Capulín. Reproductive period (vitellogenesis, ovulation, gestation, and birth) for the Teotihuacán population was the shortest of all populations. In the Teotihuacán population, gestation time was similar to the Capulínand MAA populations but was shorter than all other populations except the Michilia population. Embryonic development at ovulation varied among populations, with Teotihuacán and Capulín showing earlier stages (stages 1) at ovulation than all other populations. Teotihuacán, PSA, PNZ, and Texas all showed similar litter size, which were larger than Laguna, Paredon, MAA, Capulín, and CA populations. Differences in reproductive characteristics of these populations could indicate phylogenetically constrained, reproductively isolated populations, or they may be explained as merely responses to different environments.  相似文献   
Human eosinophil cationic protein (ECP)/ ribonuclease 3 (RNase 3) is a protein secreted from the secondary granules of activated eosinophils. Specific properties of ECP contribute to its cytotoxic activities associated with defense mechanisms. In this work the ECP cytotoxic activity on eukaryotic cell lines is analyzed. The ECP effects begin with its binding and aggregation to the cell surface, altering the cell membrane permeability and modifying the cell ionic equilibrium. No internalization of the protein is observed. These signals induce cell-specific morphological and biochemical changes such as chromatin condensation, reversion of membrane asymmetry, reactive oxygen species production and activation of caspase-3-like activity and, eventually, cell death. However, the ribonuclease activity component of ECP is not involved in this process as no RNA degradation is observed. In summary, the cytotoxic effect of ECP is attained through a mechanism different from that of other cytotoxic RNases and may be related with the ECP accumulation associated with the inflammatory processes, in which eosinophils are present. Received 26 October 2007; accepted 23 November 2007  相似文献   
众所周知,人类的各种性状来自基因,而基因则来自双亲。但是,现有可望不可及的强烈暗示:人类还遗传一些来自基因外的性状──请想象,地球上的太空人声称,他们已给人类作了技术处理,人类将一代接着一代地变小、变弱、变得更易控制。当然,人群的反抗是强烈的。技术人员们日以继夜地工作,几百万接着几百万的人类基因组被筛检,企图剔除有被疑为太空人做了手脚的基因的人。秘密很快被揭开,人类基因似乎未被触及。但是,个儿愈来愈小的婴儿不断增加。正当我们似乎要绝望的时刻,太空人动了怜悯之心,决定公开他们的生物技术诀窍:“有D…  相似文献   
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