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Nanoparticles (NPs) comprised of nanoengineered complexes are providing new opportunities for enabling targeted delivery of a range of therapeutics and combinations. A range of functionalities can be included within a nanoparticle complex, including surface chemistry that allows attachment of cell-specific ligands for targeted delivery, surface coatings to increase circulation times for enhanced bioavailability, specific materials on the surface or in the nanoparticle core that enable storage of a therapeutic cargo until the target site is reached, and materials sensitive to local or remote actuation cues that allow controlled delivery of therapeutics to the target cells. However, despite the potential benefits of NPs as smart drug delivery and diagnostic systems, much research is still required to evaluate potential toxicity issues related to the chemical properties of NP materials, as well as their size and shape. The need to validate each NP for safety and efficacy with each therapeutic compound or combination of therapeutics is an enormous challenge, which forces industry to focus mainly on those nanoparticle materials where data on safety and efficacy already exists, i.e., predominantly polymer NPs. However, the enhanced functionality affordable by inclusion of metallic materials as part of nanoengineered particles provides a wealth of new opportunity for innovation and new, more effective, and safer therapeutics for applications such as cancer and cardiovascular diseases, which require selective targeting of the therapeutic to maximize effectiveness while avoiding adverse effects on non-target tissues.  相似文献   
从同行到对手--关于科学秘密化的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
赵乐静 《科学》2002,54(4):30-33
科学因其对人类知识的贡献而被视作一项高尚的事业.并且,科学家似乎也因此而成为理性与道德的化身.  相似文献   
当光学天文学家注视着从有缺陷的哈勃天文望远镜得到的第一幅有用图像之时,他们那些企图通过γ射线来研究宇宙的同事却正准备发展哈勃望远镜的新伙伴——大型γ射线观测器.耗资55千万美元的γ射线观测器(GRO)目前在佛罗里达卡那维尔角(Cape Canaveral)的肯尼迪空间实验中心,等待着航天飞机将其送入轨道.只是现在航天飞机发射计划一再受阻,从今年4月推迟到11月,又从11月推迟到明年3月.这颗观测卫星的发射,可望使天文学家借助这种宇宙所产生的最强射线之一来全面研究宇宙.  相似文献   
尤里·苏梅克(EugeneMShoemaker)于1997年7月18日不幸去世,享年69岁。苏梅克一生致力于地球、月球、行星及其表面冲击坑(crate)的研究,是星体冲击坑科学理论的奠基人。他还与其妻子卡洛琳(Garolyn)合作,在近地小行星和彗星观测方面,做出了开创性的贡献。苏梅克留给我  相似文献   
平心而论,《天才的视野:科学艺术中的视觉形象与创造》更象本随想录。如果一定要找出个主题的话.可以说,它主要讨论了科学理论及其发现过程中视觉表征的作用。作者(ArthurI.Miller)用了整整480页的篇幅,用心良苦地想使读者能在物理学史的长河里观潮捡贝,在作者偏爱的1905~1927年这段物理学的“黄金时代”驻足观望。本书首先简短地回顾了伽里略、彭加勒、爱因斯坦和毕加索的个人经历,猛烈抨击了将科学看作是纯粹社会构造的后现代主义,并试图以皮亚杰的同化、协调等概念来解释科学的发展和进步。作者在书中探究了毕加京受彭加勒…  相似文献   
行为科学和社会科学的未来赵乐静编译一、很重要也很无奈毫无疑问,处理社会公共事务必然要涉及到对人类行为的理解。现在,行为科学、社会科学正积极探索诸如暴力、经济、人口及改善人类行为能力和提高人类认知水平等方面的问题。如当代行为科学对人脑、结构语言学、人的...  相似文献   
为什么经济学家除了谈论“增长”之外,就很难再对“增长”的含义说些什么呢?我们常常看到,经济预测人员不屈不挠地争论着今年、明年,甚至这个季度的经济增长率;经济顾问告知部长们这种减税措施或那种提高公共开支的做法有助于经济增长。而在一些批评者看来,这种对经济增长就事论事的解释,正是使经济学陷入困境的症结所在。发人深思的是:虽然经济学家们如此热衷于谈论增长,但即使按他们自己的标准来看,他们对增  相似文献   
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