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张宏生 《甘肃科技》2008,24(4):154-157
天水是我国历史文化名城和优秀旅游城市,地处西北,干旱少雨,生态环境脆弱,城市园林绿化具有一定的特殊性。通过调查天水城区园林绿化现状和园林植物种类,以生态文明和健康和谐的原则,结合乡土树种丰富的优势,按照立地环境条件特点,提出了天水城镇园林绿化树种选择及配置原则,为创建优美、自然、和谐的历史名城和最佳人居环境城市建设提供参考依据。  相似文献   
“青年男子谁个不善钟情?/妙龄女人谁个不善怀春?/这是人性中的至洁至纯./……(《少年维特之烦恼·序诗》,郭沫若译)歌德的这几句诗,揭示了人类的一种最深厚的感情——青春的永恒冲动.爱情,这个永恒的主题.在文学历史的长河中,并不因为岁月的流逝而失去它的新鲜和神奇.歌咏爱情的诗篇,其活力生生不息永远地给人们心中印上一片片柔情蜜意.现在,我们沿着时间的河流上溯,通过对我国古老的民歌的非常富有特色的两个部分——“风”诗与吴歌、西曲的探索.使读者  相似文献   
A Bernoulli-Euler beam mechanism for static analysis of large displacement,large rotation but small strain planar tapered beam structures is proposed using the Updated Lagrangian formulation and the moving coordinate method.The object beam is the tapered one whose profile is assumed to be varying linearly.From the governing differential equation of lateral deflection including second-order effects by beam-column theory,the geometric nonlinear tangent elemental stiffness matrix is derived.The nonlinear effect of the bending distortions on the axial action is considered to manifest itself as an axial change in length.The aforementioned stiffness matrix is amended,by developing the auxiliary stiffness of bowing effect.The moving coordinate method is employed for obtaining the large displacement total equilibrium equations,and the hinged-hinged moving coordinate system is constructed at the last updated configuration.The multiple load steps Newton-Raphson iteration is adopted for the solution of the nonlinear equations.The validity and efficiency of the proposed method are shown by solving various typical numerical examples.  相似文献   
张宏生 《甘肃科技》2008,24(3):138-141
应用近自然林业、森林生态系统经营、森林可持续经营理论,综合分析了实现小陇山森林可持续经营的优势与问题,提出了小陇山森林可持续经营的基本框架,并对相关实施问题的解决做出了建议。  相似文献   
To analyze the stability problem of spatial beam structure more accurately,a spatial cubic spline geometric nonlinear beam element was proposed considering the second-order effect.The deformation field was built with cubic spline function,and its curvature degree of freedom (DOF) was eliminated by static condensation method.Then we got the geometric nonlinear stiffness matrix of the new spatial two-node Euler-Bernoulli beam element.Several examples proved calculation accuracy of the critical load by meshing a bar to one element using the method of this paper was equivalent to mesh a bar to 3 or 4 traditional nonlinear beam elements.  相似文献   
作为清初著名的作家和批评家,李渔论及词曲的关系,一方面也和当时许多批评家一样,阐述了词曲之异,以之进行辨体,但同时,他也很重视将词曲贯通起来思考问题,特别是以论曲之法来论词。他讨论词曲之合主要表现在三个方面:第一是注重作品中人物身份的转换,第二是注重作品结构的安排,第三是注重作品当下情景的刻画。从李渔的观点看,词和曲都是长短句的抒情诗,关注其在艺术方法方面的相通,对拓展文体学研究的空间,具有一定的启发性。  相似文献   
本文主要论述刘克庄诗歌的独创性。在思想上,他的诗贴近现实,能够表现出强烈的政治敏感,在艺术上,他师法四灵,却又不拘一格,不断寻求超越。这些方面,在同时江湖诗人中,是最突出的。  相似文献   
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