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Range- and wildlands are being invaded by nonindigenous plants, resulting in an unprecedented, rapid change in plant community composition across the United States. Successional management predicts that species performance may be modified by resource availability. The objective of this study was to determine whether species performance could be altered by modifying soil nitrate (NO 3 – ) and ammonium (NH 4 + ) concentrations within an Idaho fescue ( Festuca idahoensis )/bluebunch wheatgrass ( Pseudoroegneria spicata ) plant association. We planted bluebunch wheatgrass and spotted knapweed ( Centaurea maculosa ) in an addition series at 2 sites in southwestern Montana. Each plot in the addition series matrix was divided into thirds, and we applied nitrogen (N) to a subplot and sucrose to a 2nd subplot. The remaining subplot was not amended and considered a control. Nitrogen amendment tended to enhance the performance of spotted knapweed, while sucrose amendment had no effect. Bluebunch wheatgrass performance was not affected by either amendment. Sucrose treatments only decreased soil NO 3 – at the more productive site. Regression models for predicting bluebunch wheatgrass and spotted knapweed biomass accounted for only about 30% of the variation, suggesting other processes in addition to interference were responsible for explaining relative plant perfor - mance. We recommend that land managers prevent activities that increase soil N concentration while the effectiveness of carbon amendments as a means to decrease soil N concentrations and shift interference relationships is further investigated.  相似文献   
Despite augmentation stocking efforts, wild populations of razorback suckers ( Xyrauchen texanus ) continue to decline. Endangered razorback suckers are commonly raised in off-channel ponds until maturity (approximately 300 mm TL) and then stocked into the Colorado River or its tributaries. After fish are stocked, they commonly move large distances downstream. We conducted an experiment to determine if downstream dispersal could be reduced through exercise conditioning. Two groups of razorback suckers, exercised and nonexercised, were released into Fossil Creek, Arizona. Prior to release, a subsample from each treatment group was tested in a laboratory flow chamber. Razorback suckers that had been exercise conditioned were able to maintain a position in the flow chamber 2 times longer and at velocities 25 cm · s –1 higher than nonexercised fish. Although the intended method of field data collection via passive-integrated-transponder (PIT) antennas and a remote communication station failed because river otters ( Lontra canadensis ) preyed upon the released razorback suckers, implanted PIT tags were retained in otter scat. Recovered PIT tags enabled distributional analysis, which indicated that exercised razorback suckers did not move as far downstream from the point of release as nonexercised razorbacks. Exercise conditioning may increase overall fitness of pond-reared razorback suckers, and, consequently, increase the effectiveness of augmentation stocking. A pesar de los esfuerzos de repoblación, las poblaciones silvestres del matalote jorobado ( Xyrauchen texanus ) siguen en declive. Los matalotes jorobados, que están en peligro de extinción, se crían en estanques fuera del cauce hasta la etapa adulta (~300 mm) y después son liberados en el Río Colorado o uno de sus afluentes. Los peces suelen desplazarse largas distancias río abajo después de su introducción al río. Llevamos a cabo un experimento para determinar si la dispersión río abajo se podía reducir mediante el acondicionamiento por ejercicio. Dos grupos de matalotes fueron liberados en Fossil Creek, Arizona, uno que había sido acondicionado y otro que no. Antes de liberarlos, examinamos una submuestra de cada grupo en una cámara de flujo en el laboratorio. Los matalotes que habían sido acondicionados por ejercicio pudieron mantener sus posición en la cámara de flujo dos veces más tiempo y a velocidades de 25 cm · s –1 más altas que los peces no acondicionados. Aunque falló el método de colecta de datos mediante antenas de sistema PIT (passive integrated transponder) y una estación remota de comunicación, los matalotes liberados fueron depredados por nutrias de río ( Lontra canadensis ) y las marcas PIT implantadas se quedaron en las heces de las nutrias. La recuperación de estas etiquetas PIT permitió un análisis de distribución que indicó que los matalotes acondicionados no se desplazaron río abajo tan lejos del punto de liberación como los matalotes no acondicionados. El acondicionamiento por ejercicio podría mejorar la condición física de los matalotes jorobados criados en cautiverio y así aumentar la eficacia de la reintroducción.  相似文献   
Yang X  Ren Z  Kuk J  Moffat K 《Nature》2011,479(7373):428-432
Light is a fundamental signal that regulates important physiological processes such as development and circadian rhythm in living organisms. Phytochromes form a major family of photoreceptors responsible for red light perception in plants, fungi and bacteria. They undergo reversible photoconversion between red-absorbing (Pr) and far-red-absorbing (Pfr) states, thereby ultimately converting a light signal into a distinct biological signal that mediates subsequent cellular responses. Several structures of microbial phytochromes have been determined in their dark-adapted Pr or Pfr states. However, the structural nature of initial photochemical events has not been characterized by crystallography. Here we report the crystal structures of three intermediates in the photoreaction of Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteriophytochrome (PaBphP). We used cryotrapping crystallography to capture intermediates, and followed structural changes by scanning the temperature at which the photoreaction proceeded. Light-induced conformational changes in PaBphP originate in ring D of the biliverdin (BV) chromophore, and E-to-Z isomerization about the C(15) = C(16) double bond between rings C and D is the initial photochemical event. As the chromophore relaxes, the twist of the C(15) methine bridge about its two dihedral angles is reversed. Structural changes extend further to rings B and A, and to the surrounding protein regions. These data indicate that absorption of a photon by the Pfr state of PaBphP converts a light signal into a structural signal via twisting and untwisting of the methine bridges in the linear tetrapyrrole within the confined protein cavity.  相似文献   
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