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广东硇洲岛潮间带蟹类的组成及生态分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
经对硇洲岛潮间带蟹类进行调查,共获蟹类63种,分隶于11科、34属,其中硬相20种,软相43种。硇洲岛蟹类属于南海蟹类区系的成分,几乎完全是热带及亚热带性质。该文对其组成和生态分布进行了详细分析。  相似文献   
研究了朱家尖岛在海堤和水闸建成前,与海洋直接相连的滨海小流域小型湿地蟹类的种类与分布,为今后作进一步探讨湿地与海洋完全分隔后环境和生物多样性的变化提供基础.通过系统的采集,共采集到蟹类11种,分属3科8属,其中8种属于方蟹科,占总数的72.7%,1种属于沙蟹科,痕掌沙蟹遍布高潮区的沙滩.河道中,字纹弓蟹成为该地域内蟹类群落的优势种,而且蟹类分布与周围环境变化有关.水闸建成后,将会对字纹弓蟹等洄游性蟹类产生更大影响.  相似文献   
随着冰盖表面雪的积累或消融,自动气象站(AWS)上所携带的传感器相对于地表的高度/深度不断变化,给观测数据带来误差.本文利用分段三次Hermit插值的方法对Dome A地区的AWS历史雪层温度数据进行修正.结果表明,雪层的修正量随着雪的积累率的增加而增大,在夏半年为正,在冬半年为负.该方法对于浅层雪温的修正有较好的效果.  相似文献   
鲎保育的三赢策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
鲎有活化石之称,不仅是古生物学的重要研究对象,亦是医药试剂的原料,保育鲎不仅维系了人类生存,更是促进人类文明的跃升。但近年来,鲎被人类大量捕食、采血及破坏栖息地,种群大规模下降,迫切需要得到保育。根据世界自然保护联盟(IUCN)指南,鲎的物种保育工作以划设鲎保护区、增加鲎的种群量以及促进大众参与保育为重点。研究结果显示:在中国南部沿海,中国鲎(Tachypleus tridentatus)与圆尾鲎(Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda)的稚鲎共同栖息在有红树林分布的河口,这两种鲎的食物中大约60%的碳源来自海草衍生的食物;在户外养殖条件下,稚鲎与方斑东凤螺(Babylonia areolata)混养能够加速稚鲎脱壳率并提高存活率,因而可以获得大量适合放流的稚鲎(3龄)。本文在现有的研究成果基础上提出鲎保育的三赢策略:支持有效的海岸及河口保护区经营管理,在保护区内维系鲎的种群,对大众与小区进行鲎资源的明智利用宣教。  相似文献   
本文报道闽江口梅花港潮间带蟹类的种类和群落结构,结果表明梅花港潮间带有蟹类14种,隶属于3科9属,沙滩种类贫乏,多样性指数小,且平均密度和生物量也小,冬、春季沙滩蟹类完全消失,夏、秋季韦氏毛带蟹为优势种,泥滩蟹类夏、秋季密度高,而冬、春季生物量大,冬季多样性指数低,泥滩蟹类的物种构成和数量在一年中变化较大.沙泥滩蟹类夏、秋季密度高,而冬季生物量大,春,夏季多样性指数低而优势度高。沙滩和泥滩、沙泥滩的群落相似性很低,而泥滩和沙泥滩的相似性较高。  相似文献   
A reappraisal of adult taxonomy of N.E. Atlantic and Mediterranean hermit crabs upholds the divisions A & B suggested for the species by MacDonal et al. (1957) from their studies of larval features. The nomenclature of three species is discussed. Pagurus variabilis (A. Milne Edwards and Bouvier, 1892) is relegated to the synonomy of P. alatus Fabricius, 1775 and P. excavatus (Herbst, 1791) is reinstated for Mediterranean and southern N. E. Atlantic material. A provisional check list is given of Paguroidean species occurring within the sea area 30°N–80°N:30°W–30°E and the Mediterranean Sea. An illustrated identification key is provided to the Pagurus species within these regions.  相似文献   
Eubrachyurans not only exhibit a crab-like body shape, consisting of a mostly wide cephalothorax and a thin, shield-like pleon folded underneath it, but reportedly hold the pleon in this position with the use of specialized holding structures. To further our knowledge of the variability of these holding structures, and investigate their functionality, male and female crabs from five primary freshwater crab and five selected thoracotreme families were examined with stereomicroscopy. Exemplary specimens of each group were documented photographically and with micro-computed tomography to illustrate the holding structures in situ. The results show a press-button mechanism of variable shape in freshwater crabs, where divergent structures possibly support pleon attachment of different effectiveness. The press-button is present in the majority of basal heterotreme lineages, and is therefore regarded as an ancestral character of the Heterotremata. In the Thoracotremata, multiple holding mechanisms are identified: press-button, clasping apparatus, overhanging edge, and increased setae cover on sternal plates, with the last system probably only effective in terrestrial species, due to wet adhesion effects. The ancestral character state in the Thoracotremata is debatable, but most likely also a functional press-button was present. Each holding mechanism requires different pleon movements to engage and disengage. Additionally, in contrast to the most common press-button mechanism, divergent holding mechanisms tend to be present, and likely functional, in adult males and females.  相似文献   
根据2010年夏季(8月)与秋季(11月)对浙江岱衢洋进行的共2个航次的底拖网渔业资源调查资料,对该海域虾蟹类的多样性进行了分析。结果表明:共捕获虾蟹类15种,它们隶属于1目9科12属;秋季虾蟹类的生物量、尾数密度均明显高于夏季;所有优势种均为广温广盐种,且夏秋两季优势种的生物量与尾数密度占各自总量的比例均超过83%;Mar-galef丰富度指数(D)、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H′)和Pielou均匀度指数(J′)夏季均高于秋季,这表明夏季虾蟹类群落的丰富度、多样性与均匀性都较秋季高。另外,夏秋两季的多样性指数(H′)较低,表明人类的活动已对岱衢产生了明显的不利影响。  相似文献   
本文共记述了福建沿海蟹类169种,分隶于15科86属。其中4种系国内首次报道。福建沿海蟹类以热带、亚热带种类占绝对优势,一些典型的热带性种类,通常以平潭岛及其附近海区为分布北界。文章还对蟹类的区系组成及其生态特点作了概述。  相似文献   

Results are given of experimental crosses and backcrosses of Schistocerca piceifrons piceifrons (Walker), the Central American Locust, with S. cancellata (Serville). The high levels of mutual pre- and post-zygotic incompatibility indicate that they should be given separate species status. It follows that control strategy will be effective when carried out by separate subregional organizations.  相似文献   
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