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在建国后头27年,对政治民主的诉求和思想启蒙的诉求是报刊话语言说中两个基本的主题,但由于封建传统影响的顽固性和冷战等国际背景的制约,这种言说与这段历史一样,显得十分曲折、艰难。建国后头7年,这种言说坚持得好,但1957年反右以后,就逐步离开正确的轨道,到了十年“文化大革命”,报刊则沦落成为践踏民主、践踏科学的“喉舌”和“工具”。  相似文献   
张娅丽 《龙岩学院学报》2012,30(1):88-92,101
薛宝钗是《红楼梦》中与宝玉、黛玉鼎足而三的重要人物,自《红楼梦》诞生之始,学界对薛宝钗的研究鲜有停息。近十年,有关其形象的研究愈发受到学界重视。笔者试从宝钗的释名及相关意象、性格、悲剧结局等多方面对宝钗形象作一爬梳整理,以资参考。  相似文献   
  [摘要]采用政策文本关键词共现的社会网络分析法,以福建省改革开放40年来实施的促进科技创新税收激励政策为样本的演进分析发现,福建省科技创新税收激励政策存在分布不均且规范性较强、激励措施侧重于直接优惠、科技成果转化的激励政策相对缺乏、对科技人才的激励较弱等问题。为优化和完善科技税收激励政策体系,福建省应加强政策的指导性和实操性,建立以间接优惠激励措施为主的政策体系,加大对成果转化环节的税收激励,完善有关科技人才的税收激励优惠政策。  相似文献   
A temperature series with a 100 year resolution for the last 5000 years in China has been reconstructed by using 31 long-term temperature proxy series selected from recent publications in the last 20 years. The proxy records include pollens, stalagmites, lake-sediments, peat, ice cores and historical documents. The result reveals that in the millennial scale temperature variation it was warm in 3050-250 BC and it was cold in 250 BC-1950 AD. In the above two periods there were many stages of sub-scale temperature fluctuations. The result also shows an obvious temperature discrepancy on the century to multi-century scale between the Eastern Monsoon Region, the Qinghai-Tibet Region and the Northwestern Region in 2850 BC, 2350 BC, 1350 BC, 950-350 BC, 50-250 AD, and 550 AD. A comparison between the reconstructed series of this paper and some North Hemisphere temperature series indicates that in the long-term scale change, the temperature change in China is in phrase with that of the Northern Hemisphere during the last 5000 years, while on the century to multi-century scale there are differences at the beginning and end times, which may imply that temperature change does not occur simultaneously in different regions.  相似文献   
煤矿塌陷区不同复垦方法及年限的土壤修复效果研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以淮北煤矿塌陷区复垦地为基地,研究挖深垫浅造地、粉煤灰充填造地、煤矸石充填造地三种不同复垦方法的复垦地土壤随复垦时间的修复效果.研究表明:煤矿塌陷区进行土地复垦后,土壤化学性质逐渐恢复,复垦20年后.土壤化学性质已接近当地耕地.采取挖深垫浅复垦的耕地土壤化学性质恢复快,而粉煤灰充填和煤矸石充填复垦的耕地土壤化学性质恢复较慢,建议耕作时增加培肥,以加速土壤恢复.  相似文献   
通过对近年写实小说在创作上态度、方式、方法、模式等方面的分析,揭示出近年写实小说创作叙述话语“非个人化”的人文立场,并指出这种人文立场必将为当下中国文学创作的发展带来一次较大契机。  相似文献   
Based on the function relationship between the shell length of Limnocythere inopinata and the salinity of its living water in Tibetan Plateau lakes, the paleosalinty of Qinghai Lake in the past 900 years was reconstructed through the measurement of the adult body length of Limnocythere inopinata. Meanwhile, the paleosalinity sequence of Qinghai Lake during the same period was rebuilt by the St/Ca ratio of the shell of Eucypris inflata combined with the St/Ca ratio of living ostracod valves from the species of genus Eucypris inflata and the host water. The paleosalinity results obtained by two different methods were compared and assessed in this paper. To check the result, it was also contrasted with other historical climatic sequences of this area including tree ring and ice core. It was shown that the paleosalinity sequence rebuilt by adult ostracod body length had high reliability, and the paleosalinity reconstruction method by trace elements of ostracod shells was not suitable for Qinghai Lake. From the reconstructed paleosalinty sequence of Qinghai Lake, it can be found that low salinity during 1160-1290 AD showed the humid climate condition on the Mediaeval Warm Period in this area, while the high salinity during 1410-1540 AD, 1610-1670 AD and 1770-1850 AD which was corresponding to the three cold pulses of the Little Ice Age with a dry climate condition. And the high salinity in the latest several decades was consistent with recent warm and dry trends of the climate in this area. The good consistency of the reconstructed palaeosalinity sequence and the precipitation sequence in this area rebuilt by tree ring proves the reconstruction of past lake salinity is reliable.  相似文献   
Key points on temperature change of the past 2000 years in China   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Itisimportanttostudythetemperaturechangeduringthepast 2 0 0 0 yearsforunderstandingtheis suessuchasthegreenhouseeffectandglobalwarminginducedbyhumanactivities .Chinahasadvantagesinreconstructinghistoricalclimatechangeforitsabun dantdocumentedhistoricalrecordsandothernaturalevidenceobtainedfromtreerings ,lakesediments ,icecores ,andstalagmite .SinceDr .Chulaidafounda tiononthestudyoftemperaturechangeinChinaforthepast 5 0 0 0 years[1] ,significantprogressinthestudyoftemperaturechangeofthepast 2…  相似文献   
改革开放以来,宁波市哲学社会科学的发展经历了兴起、奋进和强势崛起等三个历史阶段,吸纳传承、开拓创新、经世致用始终是宁波市哲学社会科学发展的主旋律,宁波社会科学的发展得益于经济社会的繁荣,也为经济社会的发展源源不断地提供智力支持和精神动力。  相似文献   
宁波文艺在宁波城市文化建设中发挥着重要作用。兴盛的节庆文化活动是宁波城市发展的引擎和群众的快乐家园;高雅艺术活动的普及提升了宁波的城市品位和市民的文化修养;频繁的外国文艺演出活动展现了宁波国际港口的城市形象,同时也开阔了宁波市民的文化视野。  相似文献   
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