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初步摸索大肠杆菌DH 5α生产核酸疫苗的发酵条件。通过均匀试验设计确定,当胰蛋白胨与酵母粉的质量比为1∶1.2,并且磷酸盐的加量较大时菌体的质粒产量较高。在菌体生长刚进入对数生长期时采用指数式流加葡萄糖与采用恒速流加葡萄糖,菌体得率相同,而产物收率前者高于后者。在菌体生长进入平稳期时将温度由37°C升高到42°C,在菌体密度没有改变的情况下,质粒产量得到提高,达到75 m g/L。  相似文献   
报道了一种新的DNA晶体的生长体系,即甲醇-水(甲醇体积比50%)体系.甲醇-水体系是DNA晶体生长较宽松、容易的环境.TEM和AFM观察到在甲醇-水体系中生长的DNA晶体比在水中生长的DNA晶体更大,而且DNA晶体的构象发生了明显的变化,可能存在有B-,A-和Z-3种构象.  相似文献   
Immune responses of a designed HIV-1 DNA vaccine on rhesus monkeys   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
According to the UNAIDS/WHO report (http:// www.unaids.org/Epi2005/doc/report.html), there are about 40.3 million HIV/AIDS survivors, and the new HIV infection number amounts to about 4.9 million, while the death number is some 3.1 million in the world in…  相似文献   
Gene silencing conserved in plants and animals is mediated by mechanisms that involve sequence- specific RNA degradation[1,2]. Gene silencing has been proven to play an important role in the study of gene function. Recently, a procedure known as virus ind…  相似文献   
DNA分子标记在真菌系统分类与鉴定中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近年来分子生物学技术的发展,为从核酸分子水平上研究真菌的遗传本质,为真菌的进化研究、系统分类和鉴定开辟了新的途径.概述了几种主要的DNA分子标记的基本原理和特点,以及在真菌鉴定与分类中的应用.  相似文献   
当外源DNA以非定向的方式插入克隆载体时,需用测序或酶切的方法确定插入方向,上述两种方法或昂贵或费力。描述了一种快速、简便的PCR法,即利用载体的通用引物和目的片段的两个特异性引物直接扩增重组菌落,从而达到鉴别DNA插入方向的目的。  相似文献   
不同破壁方法对活性污泥总DNA提取效果的影响   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
分别采用酶法、化学法、珠磨匀浆法和反复冻融法对活性污泥样品进行破壁,提取总DNA,并通过提取的核酸总量、纯度、片段分布情况、是否含有聚合酶链反应抑制剂以及基因间隔序列(ITS)扩增产物多态性等5个指标来评价不同的细胞破壁方法对活性污泥总DNA提取效果的影响。结果表明,化学法的优势最明显,提取的总量最多,大片段提取效果好,虽然杂质较多,但不影响聚合酶链反应,方法的偏倚性最小。  相似文献   
文蛤(Meretrix meretrix)地理种群ISSR分子标记的初步研究   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
利用ISSR(InterSimpleSequenceRepeate)技术对文蛤(Meretrixmeretrix)江苏和辽宁两个地理种群进行了PCR扩增.从100条ISSR引物中筛选出引物13条,每条引物检测出位点数1到8.平均每条引物可检测到位点数4 6个.实验结果表明:江苏文蛤的位点多态性(80 7%)高于辽宁文蛤的位点多态性(68 4%);种群内平均遗传距离分别为0 3105±0 090和0 2658±0 044,江苏文蛤也高于辽宁文蛤.从筛选得到的引物可以发现,文蛤简单重复序列中A、G碱基含量较高.通过对不同实验条件的对比,对ISSR PCR反应体系进行了优化.  相似文献   
Summary Incorporation of3H-thymidine (3HTdr) into the nuclei of myofibril-containing myofibers of larvae of the silkworm,Bombyx mori, was shown by means of light microscope (LM) and electron-microscope (EM) autoradiography. The number of DNA-synthesizing myonuclei attains 42% 12–18 h after each molt. Thus in the developing silkworm DNA replication and myofibrillogenesis are coexisting and not mutually exclusive processes as is the rule in vertebrate somatic myogenesis.  相似文献   
We have used hybridization analysis to detect ancient DNA in wheat seeds collected from three archaeological sites in Europe and the Middle East. One of these samples, carbonizedT. spelta dated to the first millennium BC, has yielded PCR products after amplification with primers directed at the leader regions of the HMW (high molecular weight) glutenin alleles. Sequences obtained from these products suggest that the DNA present in the Danebury seeds is chemically damaged, as expected for ancient DNA, and also indicate that it should be possible to study the genetic variability of archaeological wheat by ancient DNA analysis. Finally, we describe a PCR-based system that enables tetraploid and hexaploid wheats to be distinguished.  相似文献   
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