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安徽珍稀濒危植物及其保护   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
根据最近的调查和统计 ,安徽有国家级珍稀濒危保护植物 36种 ,隶属于 31属 ,2 3科 (不含栽培品种 ) .本文分析了安徽珍稀濒危保护植物的区系特征、保护现状和致濒机制 ,并提出了相应的保护对策  相似文献   
滇西北地区是全球濒危植物多样性的热点分布地区之一。此研究以大尺度的濒危物种分布信息为基础,结合数理统计和GIS空间分析的方法,探讨了滇西北地区濒危植物的多样性、地理分布格局及其形成机制。结果表明,滇西北地区拥有濒危植物64种,分属于60属42科;滇西北地区濒危植物的多样性从南到北呈明显递增的趋势(R2=0.17,P〈0.01);从空间分布宽度来看,81.3%的濒危植物分布范围狭窄,仅在1~2个县(市)域出现。多元逐步回归分析表明,分布范围狭窄的特有植物的多样性可能是解释研究区域内濒危植物多样性分布格局的主导因素(R2=0.58,p〈0.01)。这意味着滇西北地区濒危植物的形成机制可能与其狭窄生境有关。  相似文献   
《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(7-8):465-479
This study compares the diets of the giant otter and the Neotropical otter, two Lutrinae species which feed mainly on fish. The study was carried out through the analyses of faecal samples collected between 2006 and 2008 (82 giant otter and 75 Neotropical otter) in the Jaú National Park. The giant otter feeds mainly on Cichlidae, Erythrinidae and Characidae, while the Neotropical otter consumes Doradidae, Loricariidae and Cichlidae. The two otter species had low diet similarity (Pianka’s Index = 0.16). The giant otter consumed larger fish than the Neotropical otter, which probably explores shallow river parts in search of small catfish. Prey other than fish were more frequent in the diet of the Neotropical otter, whereas giant otters ate a greater diversity of fish families. Increasing knowledge of the feeding habits and interactions of these two top-order predators is vital to determine appropriate protection and management policies.  相似文献   
《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(9-10):583-607
This report represents the first integrative study on saproxylic Coleoptera and Diptera Syrphidae from a representative Mediterranean forest in Cabañeros National Park in Central Spain. We collected 107 beetles, representing 32 families, and 25 species of hoverfly. Two undescribed and numerous rare beetle species were recorded, as were four hoverflies considered to be threatened species in Europe. We compiled biological information for all of the taxa encountered and recorded new data on their feeding habits, breeding microsites, and known tree associations. We found that the saproxylic biodiversity in this National Park was characterized by a significant number of Central European and North African species. Our results on the saproxylic assemblage, comprising many rare and poorly known species, of a typical Mediterranean forest represent a first step toward improved understanding of the saproxylic community and establishing the basis for conservation strategies in this region.  相似文献   
攻击——高自我价值感的负效应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
论述了影响自我危机与攻击的因素,指出高自我价值感攻击理论认为:攻击通常是自我危机的结果,即对自己非常有利的自我概念遭到他人质疑时的现象。认为名不副实的自我优越观念最易产生自我危机而导致攻击,其机制是愤怒外导,旨在避免降低自我概念。  相似文献   
生物多样性的评估仍是一项艰巨的工作   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据现有的资料对中国和世界动物的种数作了一个初步的比较,无脊椎动的某些门类在中国有多少种目前还不清楚,如:鄂咽动物门Gnathostomula,腹毛动物门Gastrotricha,线形动物门Nematomorpha(部分),有爪动物门Onychophora和心鳃动物门Pterobranchia,此外,下列一些动物门类或其中的部分分类单元,在我国有关物种资源的知识也很贫乏,尚需要作进一步的深入研究,如:海绵动物门Porifera,中生动物门Metazoa,线虫动物门Nematoda,棘头动物门Acanthocephala,益虫动物门Echiura,须腕动物门Pogonophora,软体动物门Mollusca(部分),腕足动物门Branchiopoda,内肛动物门Entoprocta,缓步动物门Tardigrada,五口动物门Pentastoma,节肢动物门Arthropoda(部分)和肠鳃动物门Enteropneusta,本文还对受胁动物的状况进行了讨论,无疑地,森林的破坏和动物资源的过度开发是威胁物种多样性的主要因素,此外,水的污染和富营养化使许多动物,尤其是淡水无脊椎动物面临灭绝的危险,过去数十年间,我国的动物学工作者在分类学研究和野生动物的保护方面,尤其是对珍稀种,特有种和重要的经济种的保护方面作出了巨大的努力,但是,像我国这样一个多样性大国,尚有大量的物种有待调查研究和编目,在1996年IUCN(世界自然保护联盟)出版的《世界物种红色名录》中,中国只有5种无脊椎动物被列为受胁物种,仅占世界受胁物总的总数(1891种)的0.26%,占美国物种总数(594种)类,蛭类和涡虫类这样一些类群竞争没有列出一种是受胁的种类,像珊瑚的这样重要的类群没有列出一种灭绝种,仅仅列出2个易危种,由此,作者在文中强调指出,在物种多样性的调查,编目和红皮书的编写方面,今后的的重点应放到无脊椎动物这一个在生物多样性中占优势类群方面来。  相似文献   
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