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黄艺羡 《漳州师院学报》2002,16(3):25-28,37
设置累积投票制度符合保护小股东免受大股东侵害的理念,但当前我国尚不具备累积投票制度适用的条件,保护小股东利益仍有待于公司法及其他相关制度的建立和完善.  相似文献   
加快推进城市化进程,是我国当前和今后一个时期的重要事项,是第十一个五年计划的四大重点目标之一。随着"十一·五"计划的不断实施,西藏的城镇化进展较迅速,发展对环境的冲击也有苗头,必须引起人们的高度重视。文章通过分析西藏环境的特殊保护意义和城镇化发展,提出了实现环境保护与城镇可持续发展的对策。  相似文献   
显微镜是一种贵重精密仪器,最容易发生镜片霉变,镜身自然氧化,使显微镜无法正常使用。该文从产生这一现象的原因着手,提出显微镜养护措施,从而达到延长显微镜使用寿命的目的。  相似文献   
本文基于国家电磁兼容标准(GB 9254-1998),提出了解决出租车计价器辐射骚扰严重超标问题的方案.基于电磁辐射干扰形成机理提出了3种抑制措施:1.晶体振荡器接地措施的改进;2.晶体振荡电路上增加阻容滤波电路;3.出租车通讯电缆的改进.实验结果表明,通过综合措施的改进计价器的辐射强度符合了国家标准的要求,使天津市32 000多辆出租车安装了绿色环保的计价器.  相似文献   
现在的计算机系统越来越大,如何快速安装与恢复系统就成了机房维护的关键。本文详细介绍了在网络环境下仅用U盘实现硬盘多播克隆技术方法和使用硬盘保护软件保护系统的方法,可以使机房的维护工作达到事半功倍的效果。  相似文献   
介绍了书标的原则和作用,根据馆藏图书书标破损的实际情况,提出了一系列书标加固措施,以保证书标的完整、清晰,为读者查找图书提供方便。  相似文献   
本文简要介绍了我国目前民用电系统安全保护的具体形式.从对传统的和现行的保护方式分析入手,对尚存在的不安全因素进行了探讨并提出了相关的解决办法和建议.  相似文献   
高校知识产权保护和管理中存在的问题及对策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
高校是发展知识经济的重要力量,发展知识经济与保护知识产权的关系十分密切。但目前高校知识产权的保护存在很多障碍因素,为此应建立有效的保护高校知识产权的管理运行机制和规章制度。  相似文献   
Summary Malaria prevention is a main challenge for physicians, nurses, health officers and tour operators. The attack rate of malaria in travellers is 1–10/10,000 departures, and the case fatality rate of imported malaria is around 0.5/100. Travellers should be informed about the risk they are going to take, how to protect against mosquito bites, about the antimalarials they will have to take and about what to do when a malaria breakthrough should occur.The 4-aminoquinolines (chloroquine, amodiaquine) remain the drug of choice for the prevention ofPlasmodium vivax and of sensitiveP. falciparum infections. The problem is to find an effective and safe drug combination for travellers to areas whereP. falciparum is either resistant to chloroquine, to Fansidar (the combination of pyrimethamine plus sulfadoxine) or to both. These travellers will probably best be protected by an individually tailored drug combination, which includes amodiaquine or mefloquine as baseline drugs, and a supplementation with Fansidar, Maloprim (the combination of pyrimethamine with dapsone), paludrine or an antibiotic.  相似文献   
When the German physicist W. C. Röntgen discovered X-rays, which were named after him, he introduced a new development in medicine and biology: together with the discoveries of A. H. Becquerel and M. Curie, radiology with its diagnostic and therapeutic methods was made possible. The medical physicist has an important task to fulfill in modern radiotherapy, nuclear medicine and radiodiagnostics. The longtime interdisciplinary collaboration has won the international recognition of medical physics as a scientific discipline, a health care profession and a university subject. Several incidents, including contemporary ones, show that the efforts made towards radiation protection must remain an important domain of the specialist.  相似文献   
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