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《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(6):1465-1482
The tetracnemine tribe Aenasiini is discussed and a key is provided for the separation of the nine genera that can be attributed to this tribe. Neodiscodes is synonymized with Aenasius and the following seven species, which were originally assigned to the former genus, are transferred to Aenasius as new combinations: abengouroui (Risbec), comperei (Kerrich), lepelleyi (Kerrich), martinii (Compere), indicus (Narayanan & Subba Rao), parvus (Kerrich) and subbaraoi (Kerrich). A key is given for the separation of the four Afrotropical species of Aenasius and the male of A. comperei is described for the first time. Incisencyrtus gen. n. is described for the following three new Afrotropical species: secus (the type-species), sirus and afer. Cladiscodes incisius sp. n. is described from South Africa and it represents the first species of this genus from Africa. New distribution records are given for three Alfrotropical species of Metaphaenodiscus.  相似文献   
Cuticle structures of A. marina and A. martima are discussed, the differences are correlated with a greater tolerance of desiccation in A. maritima. The cuticle ornamentation of A. maritima can trap a layer of water-saturated air thus slowing down water loss and allowing it to forage in the drier upper littoral, while A. marina, without a layer of water saturated air, is confined to more humid habitats in the lower littoral. Both species have a compressible macroplastron supported by major tubercles, as well as a much thinner microplastron supported by minor tubercles which is more resistant to wetting by pressure and surfactants. The plastrons are shown to be preadaptations to the littoral zone.  相似文献   
《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(45-46):2707-2713
The ecology of polyps of Craspedacusta sowerbii has been poorly investigated. It is known that they live attached to hard surfaces. They have never been linked with any animal, in particular not with Dreissena polymorpha (zebra mussel), which is known to have only endosymbionts. This study was conducted in March 2004 in ?ingi-Lingi Lake. The lake is an oligo-mesotrophic man-made gravel pit in northeast Croatia. During this study, polyps were found singly or in colonies of two to five on willow twigs and on the shells of D. polymorpha collected from 8 m depth and on metal barrels. Brown hydra (Pelmatohydra oligactis) individuals were also present next to polyps of Craspedacusta on zebra mussel shells, collected from metal barrels. The presence of polyps of Craspedacusta and brown hydras together on live bivalve shells is significant, as we suggest that it marks the first record of commensalism of this kind.  相似文献   
《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(33-34):2105-2143
This paper deals with annelids (Oligochaeta and Polychaeta) collected in the Sea of Marmara between 2006 and 2010 at depths from 0 to 66 m. A total of five oligochaete and 198 polychaete species were found. Five polychaete species, namely Prosphaerosyllis marmarae sp. nov., Levinsenia demiri sp. nov., Levinsenia kosswigi sp. nov., Levinsenia marmarensis sp. nov. and Levinsenia tribranchiata sp. nov. are new to science, and five oligochaete and 84 polychaete species are new to the fauna of the Sea of Marmara. A list of species found in the region and their maximum densities are presented at depth intervals. The present material includes six alien polychaete species, Paraprionospio coora, Polydora cornuta, Prionospio (Minuspio) pulchra, Pseudopolydora paucibranchiata, Chaetozone corona and Metasychis gotoi, of which the latter four species were new records for the region.  相似文献   
通过对三江源地区全民健身体育活动现状的调查和分析,提出了该地区民族体育发展的对策与建议.  相似文献   
新形势下加强高校办公室信息工作的思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
信息化浪潮推动下的高校办公室信息工作面临新的机遇和挑战。新形势下,提高信息工作水平,发挥信息主渠道作用,对于学校领导和有关部门了解情况、科学决策、有针对性地改进工作、提高工作水平和实效具有重要的现实意义。高校办公室必须转变工作观念,更新工作手段,逐步从具体微观的过程管理中摆脱出来,实现信息工作的转型。笔者具体探讨了高校信息工作的四种转型,并分析了实现转型的三种途径。  相似文献   
Unexpected observation of freshwater invertebrate Daphnia magna in temporary rock pools on a small island off the Norwegian Atlantic coast confirms colonising ability, mediated through avian dispersal. Robust diapausal eggs of D. magna pass the gut of migrating geese and subsequently hatch in environments where such waterfowl forage and rest along migrating routes. The incubation experiment demonstrates that decomposing fecalia of geese constitute sufficient feed to support developing populations of D. magna in experimental oligotrophic conditions. The findings also show that D. magna is highly adapted for colonisation of temporary pools north of the Arctic Polar Circle, with excellent tolerance to low temperatures. Discussion part I relates the findings to published evidence on avian transport of invertebrate propagules, such as correlations between migration patterns of waterfowl and geographical patterns of aquatic invertebrate diversity. Discussion part II reflects on academic cultures, epistemological aspects of natural history reporting, the presence of a whale cadaver as an ecological indicator and the relevance of simple observation as a starting point for further discourse.  相似文献   
三值光学计算机是2017年3月问世的通用型光电混合计算机系统。它用无光态和偏振方向正交的两个偏振光态表示信息,用旋光器和偏振片来改变这三个光态,进而完成三值逻辑运算和MSD(modified signed-digit representations)冗余表达数值的二进制并行加法运算。这种新型计算机具有处理器位数众多、处理器位可以分组独立使用、处理器位的计算功能可重构等优势;还以非易失随机存储器件为基础,构建了与处理器频繁交换大量数据的双空间存储器系统;为便于编制发挥这些特色的应用程序,采用SZG文件为程序员遮蔽三值光学处理器与传统电子处理器的差别,构成了保持传统编程技术的新编程平台。目前,针对快速傅里叶变换、元胞自动机等典型算法,验证了这种新型计算机的加速能力。  相似文献   
从相对微观的角度,分析了高校制定本科生培养方案应考虑的成本效益等原则,认为高校虽不是以盈利为目的组织,但在教学管理中也应重视教学成本问题。论述了制订培养方案应考虑的最低毕业学分等成本要素,并在此基础上对高校制订或修订本科生培养方案提出了建议。  相似文献   
设计是当前技术哲学和技术伦理关注的核心话题,其关键问题之一是如何实现技术设计的民主化。芬伯格认为,技术设计是权力斗争的舞台,通过民主干预,人们可以在技术设计中改变现有的"技术代码",从而实现"技术民主化"的转变。以福柯的"自我技术"为参照,技术民主化设计可以被看作是一种"自我赋权"的方式,它不仅指明了一条将技术进行内在转化的研究进路,而且为社会个体提供了在技术领域中表达自我主张的机会,同时也有助于作为行动者的公众对技术设计的积极参与。  相似文献   
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