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利用扫描电镜分析和机械性能测试对15-2-1型高铬铸铁的二次硬化效应进行了研究,并结合合金耐磨性分析探讨了二次硬化效应在高铬铸铁锚喷衬板中的作用.  相似文献   
针对秦岭隧道工程的特点,提出了采用湿喷钢纤维混凝土作为隧道衬砌的方法.并从结构强度、变形能力和防水性能方面论证了此方法的优越性.最后给出了一个国外隧道工程的实例.  相似文献   
“河湟花儿”异彩纷呈的衬词运用是非常具有特点的。因此常有:“无‘花’不有衬,无衬不成‘花’”的提法。不难看出衬词在“河湟花儿”中举足轻重的作用。衬字、衬词、衬句的应用体现了“河湟花儿”独特的艺术魅力,同时其浓郁的地方色彩和语言特征也构成了“花儿”独特的艺术风格、手段和艺术特征。根据衬词在“河湟花儿”中的应用,可把它们分为虚衬字、词,句首呼唤性衬词衬腔,句中衬词,句尾衬词几类。  相似文献   
用中心旋转法设计了防皱整理剂RESIN BRT、拒油防污剂PM-492和氯化镁3个变量、5个水平的20个试验.通过分析试样的折皱回复角、释放甲醛量、撕破强力保留率的等值图,确定了较佳的拒油防污防缩整理工艺:防皱整理剂RESIN BRT 80~85 g/L,拒油防污剂PM-492 40 g/L,MgCl2.6H2O 12~13 g/L,整理液pH值4.2,二浸二轧,105~110℃下预烘3 min,165~170℃下焙烘2 min.整理后衬布的拒水拒油性能达到120分,水洗尺寸变化率为-0.7%,热熔衬布释放甲醛量小于40 mg/kg,折皱回复角大于270°,衬布的质量符合优等品的要求.  相似文献   
The mass transfer among the multiphase interactions among the steel, slag, lining refractory, and nonmetallic inclusions during the refining process of a bearing steel was studied using laboratory experiments and numerical kinetic prediction. Experiments on the system with and without the slag phase were carried out to evaluate the influence of the refractory and the slag on the mass transfer. A mathematical model coupled the ion and molecule coexistence theory, coupled-reaction model, and the surface renewal theory was established to predict the dy-namic mass transfer and composition transformation of the steel, the slag, and nonmetallic inclusions in the steel. During the refining process, Al2O3 inclusions transformed into MgO inclusions owing to the mass transfer of [Mg] at the steel/refractory interface and (MgO) at the slag/re-fractory interface. Most of the aluminum involved in the transport entered the slag and a small part of the aluminum transferred to lining re-fractory, forming the Al2O3 or MgO·Al2O3. The slag had a significant acceleration effect on the mass transfer. The mass transfer rate (or the re-action rate) of the system with the slag was approximately 5 times larger than that of the system without the slag. In the first 20 min of the re-fining, rates of magnesium mass transfer at the steel/inclusion interface, steel/refractory interface, and steel/slag interface were x, 1.1x, and 2.2x, respectively. The composition transformation of inclusions and the mass transfer of magnesium and aluminum in the steel were predicted with an acceptable accuracy using the established kinetic model.  相似文献   
为了揭示我国西部地区穿越活动断裂公路隧道工程的变形及力学特性,通过数值模拟分析了断层左旋走滑运动对隧道结构产生的错动响应,建立隧道受断层错动影响分区,并提出隧道节段衬砌铰接设计这一抗错断措施。通过对比在影响区内设置不同长度节段衬砌时隧道结构的应力、位移响应规律,得出最优衬砌节段布置形式。研究结果表明:断层走滑错动2.5m时,隧道结构受错影响范围为断层与活动盘交界面附近2.7d(d为隧道跨径)内,定义1d~2.7d范围内为次要影响区,1d范围内为主要影响区;通过对比分析发现3 m节段对衬砌结构水平位移和最大剪应力的控制效果最好,峰值最大降低率分别达到了3.38%和43.34%;隧道结构在断层交界面附近水平位移达到最大,随后向两侧较远位置变形不断减小至平稳;可见隧道结构沿纵向所受的最大剪应力值集中在错动影响区内,且在此范围内变化相较此范围外更加剧烈,错动影响区是抗断层错动设防重点关注对象。研究结果可为隧道抗错断设计提供参考。  相似文献   
通过对双层钢板混凝土复合井壁结构受力分析指出,由于内、外钢板筒的约束作用,中间混凝土层完全处于三轴受压应力状态,混凝土抗压强度得到了较大程度地提高。根据现行混凝土结构设计规范关于多轴应力状态下混凝土强度验算的相关规定,提出了双层钢板混凝土复合井壁设计计算新方法,并得到了模型试验的验证,通过实例计算结果表明,采用这一新方法设计的井壁结构不但安全可靠,而且还可大大降低井壁混凝土的设计强度等级或减薄井壁厚度,解决了特厚表土层钻井井壁结构的设计计算难题。目前,该方法已应用于工程实际的井壁结构设计中。  相似文献   
以京张高铁八达岭长城站为工程依托,对超大断面隧道变截面衬砌台车的动态、静态应力进行研究,分析了截面变化对台车不同结构应力的影响规律。通过数值模拟分析台车结构的静态应力特征,利用现场监测分析台车结构的动态应力特征以及变截面对台车结构应力变化的影响规律。结果表明:台车结构静态应力和位移存在不均匀分布现象,各结构呈多变特征,部分结构出现明显的应力集中;浇筑过程中,应力呈现外侧大内部小的规律;台车浇筑区域位于支撑结构上方时应力最大,混凝土凝固过程中台车结构应力基本不变;台车截面由小至大变化时,各结构应力增大,其中拱肩丝杆是应力变化最大的构件。  相似文献   
加筋喷混凝土拱肋支护中喷混凝土强度等级不仅决定围岩稳定性,而且影响支护成本。以某交通隧道的软弱围岩段(Q=0.01)为背景,利用有限差分软件FLAC3D对比分析了C15~C45六种混凝土强度等级时该混凝土拱肋加固围岩的变形量与塑性屈服区大小。数值模拟结果表明:喷混凝土强度等级在C15~C35之间时,提高强度对限制围岩变形、减小围岩塑性屈服区体积效果明显,说明对特定软弱围岩存在一个较优强度等级取值区间,盲目采用高强度喷混凝土无助于改善拱肋支护效应且不经济。研究成果可为地下工程喷混凝土拱肋结构设计提供借鉴。  相似文献   
Based on the first unde rwater railway shield tunnel, the Shiziyang shield tunnel of Guangzhou Zhu- jiang River, the prototype test was carried out against its segmental lining structure by using "multi-function shield tunnel structure test system". And the mechanical characteristics of segmental lining structure using straight assembling and staggered assembling were studied deeply. The results showed that, the mechanical characteristics of segmental lining structure varied with the water pressures; especially after cracking, the high water pressure played a significant role in slowing down the growing inner force and deformation. It also testi- fied that the failure characteristics varied with straight assembling structure and staggered assembling structure. Shear thilurc often occurred near longitudinal seam when using straight assembling.  相似文献   
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