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针对农产品移动信息服务的需求,结合分类算法和个性化推荐算法,提出了一种基于分类的推荐算法.利用决策树分类方法对农产品进行分类,获得分类后的数据,采用协同过滤算法分析分类数据,查找兴趣相似的用户,将感兴趣的农产品信息推荐给正在使用系统的用户.实验结果表明:与传统的推荐方法及相比,该系统向用户推荐了兴趣度更高的农产品移动信息.  相似文献   
针对基本的快速拓展随机树算法(rapidly-exploring random tree,RRT*)存在搜索随机性大、效率低、路径非最优的缺点,提出一种引入人工势场法算法(artificial potential field method,APF)和Douglas-Peucker算法的改进RRT*-APF-DP路径规划算法. 在RRT*算法的采样点生成阶段引入变采样范围偏置搜索与步长自适应调整策略,融合重新设计的APF算法的引力与斥力函数,增强路径扩展导向性与绕过障碍物能力. 采用重采样策略改进DP算法,优化避障代价与控制点数量. 实验结果表明,本算法规划的避障路径满足机械臂的运动要求,且算法规划的避障路径代价、规划时间和路径控制节点数均得到有效改善.  相似文献   
In order to further verify and optimize the effect of passive safety protection of bogie components, a train dynamics modelling method was proposed based on a polygonal contact model(PCM) and train post-derailment dynamics model was established to simulate the running behaviour with different combinations of structural parameters. The obtained lateral displacement and parameter combinations were used as training samples for a Backpropagation(BP) model to fit the nonlinear relationship between them. The TAGA model was employed to search for the minimum solution of lateral displacement and its corresponding parameter combination. Taking the optimization of the brake disc as an example, the proposed optimization model was applied for structural parameter optimization. The results show that at a derailment speed of 100 km/h, the optimal structural parameter combination for the brake disc is a radius of 335 mm, a thickness of 80 mm, and an installation position of 320 mm. Compared to the original design, the lateral displacement of the vehicle after derailment decreases by 80.2%, significantly improving the passive safety protection capability of the brake disc. The modelling method and optimization model proposed in this paper can be widely applied to the validation and optimization of the passive safety protection capability of other train structures after derailment, demonstrating promising engineering practical value.  相似文献   
Several techniques are given for the uniform generation of trees for use in Monte Carlo studies of clustering and tree representations. First, general strategies are reviewed for random selection from a set of combinatorial objects with special emphasis on two that use random mapping operations. Theorems are given on how the number of such objects in the set (e.g., whether the number is prime) affects which strategies can be used. Based on these results, methods are presented for the random generation of six types of binary unordered trees. Three types of labeling and both rooted and unrooted forms are considered. Presentation of each method includes the theory of the method, the generation algorithm, an analysis of its computational complexity and comments on the distribution of trees over which it samples. Formal proofs and detailed algorithms are in appendices.  相似文献   
利用超图来表示关系模式.定义了直接决定因素、推导.讨论了直接决定因素的性质.在此基础上给出了利用超图判定给定的关系模式是否属于BCNF的新算法.  相似文献   
多人层次单排序下权重向量的算法   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
旨在对AHP中多人层次单排序下权重向量的算法作一概括。本文做了两方面的工作:其一是将单人层次单排序下,求权重向量的对数最小二乘法和最小偏差法,拓广成多人层次单排序下权重向量的算法;其二是沟通了数种算法的关系,证明了它们的等价性和相似性。  相似文献   
针对轮式起降无人机着陆过程横侧向控制存在的着陆安全性较低及抗风能力较弱的问题,提出了一种无人机着陆高安全性横侧向控制方案和控制结构。在常规的副翼和方向舵横侧向控制面配置条件下,采用在滚转角和偏航角精确解耦内回路控制的基础上,进行滚转和偏航的综合侧偏外回路控制方法,引入外回路对内回路的滚转角和偏航角指令限幅值随相对高度变化的机制,实现对无人机接地时侧偏距、侧偏速度、滚转角和偏航角的综合控制。对某型无人机的着陆横侧向控制进行设计及仿真,结果表明所提出的着陆横侧向控制能提高无人机的抗侧风能力,在侧风情况下着陆,可有效地将侧偏距、侧偏速度、滚转角和偏航角控制在安全范围内,所采用的着陆横侧向控制对无人机的气动参数摄动具有较强的鲁棒性,并且克服了常规控制中对相对高度信号误差要求高的缺点,在提高着陆安全性的同时,降低了对设备性能的要求。  相似文献   
经济复杂性系统主体学习算法理论综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对经济复杂性系统研究文献中常见的主体学习算法进行了一个全面的梳理.将学习算法分为来自智能计算或演化计算的学习算法以及来自心理学和实验经济学的学习算法,并结合文献介绍了各类学习模型在经济学研究中的主要应用.还回顾了文献中对各种算法的分析比较,并对学习算法的发展前景进行了展望.由于学习算法还是一个相对较新的领域,对经济系统中个体学习行为需要进行更加深入的研究和探索.  相似文献   
巡天扫描是天文卫星进行天体观测的基础,但是使用传统方法很难实现全天球覆盖,并且会遇到能源输出瓶颈。因此,针对天文卫星巡天扫描所遇到的问题,提出了使用多目标遗传算法对卫星飞行任务进行智能规划的模型。该模型通过调整飞行任务很好解决了能源输出的问题,与仅依靠被动的分段式扫描方法相比,还大大缩短了巡天扫描的时间。从仿真结果来看,该模型是十分有效的。  相似文献   
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