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提出一种新的低比特率图像压缩算法,该算法首先利用SUSAN算子检测出输入图像的边缘信息,然后利用边缘增强方法对边缘信息进行增强,最后将增强后的边缘信息和解码后的输入图像相加形成最终的压缩图像.实验结果表明,和基于小波的传统编码方法相比,在低比特率下,该算法能减少图像的边缘模糊,提高压缩图像的识别度和峰值信噪比. 相似文献
设计是当前技术哲学和技术伦理关注的核心话题,其关键问题之一是如何实现技术设计的民主化。芬伯格认为,技术设计是权力斗争的舞台,通过民主干预,人们可以在技术设计中改变现有的"技术代码",从而实现"技术民主化"的转变。以福柯的"自我技术"为参照,技术民主化设计可以被看作是一种"自我赋权"的方式,它不仅指明了一条将技术进行内在转化的研究进路,而且为社会个体提供了在技术领域中表达自我主张的机会,同时也有助于作为行动者的公众对技术设计的积极参与。 相似文献
敦煌文化术语在跨语言文化实践中存在诸多问题,主要原因之一是对敦煌文化术语翻译标准化的探索不足。文章对敦煌文化术语翻译标准化进行探究,首先分析它在敦煌文化自觉、自信及自塑方面和敦煌文化话语传播方面的必要性。接着,通过探讨敦煌文化术语翻译标准化的差异性,指出它应关照的三方面问题:“兼顾术语翻译过程与结果”“尊重术语类别差异”“呼应术语翻译服务性”,并在此基础上界定其内涵。最后,提出敦煌文化术语翻译标准化的创新实践:“因类制宜”的过程标准化与“因势制宜”的结果标准化。 相似文献
上证50ETF期权的推出丰富了市场交易的对冲机制,拓展了金融衍生品术语研究的领域。本文对期权交易术语的实值期权、平值期权、虚值期权和Fibonacci期权数列进行了基于交易数据的计算研究。通过对七年来期权交易数据的实时跟踪,我们建立了期权交易数据库,并采用计算术语学方法对期权交易进行了计算研究。我们发现:(1)Fibonacci期权数列是非常重要的期权交易术语,其黄金分割点适用于期权交易的波动测算;(2)上证50ETF期权合约涉及到期权交易术语的标准化问题,其交易并不是孤立的市场行为,同时受到新加坡A50指数等相关指数波动的影响;(3)上证50ETF期权交易体系是开放的:新加坡A50指数对我国上证50指数有交易的前瞻效应;上证50指数作为上证50ETF跟踪标的决定上证50ETF走向;上证50ETF作为期权标准合约跟踪标的影响到具体的合约交易;(4)上证50ETF期权交易的核心术语是杠杆波动率;Delta的计算赋值代表了高杠杆特性,其值域扩大将导致Fibonacci期权数列的黄金分割点出现偏差。最后得出结论:上证50ETF期权交易的研究是数据驱动的研究;基于统计的计算语言学方法可对期权术语进行赋值,并有效辅助期权交易;期权的计算术语学研究将促进数据驱动的术语学发展。 相似文献
军事术语学是研究军语的结构、形成、特征、作用和军语的编纂、管理、使用及其发展规律的一门新兴学科。该学科经历了漫长的酝酿、积累、探索和“破土而出”的过程:古代军事术语思想的萌芽时期,近代军事术语思想的雏形时期,现代军事术语学的形成时期。它将随着新时代军队建设特别是军事科学研究的深入发展而日趋完善,自立于军事学和术语学学科之林。 相似文献
《斯坦福哲学百科全书》的墨学部分包含丰富的墨家核心术语。墨家核心术语作为墨家思想的精华,其恰当的英译对墨家思想在西方的传播起着关键作用。文章基于语料库研究《斯坦福哲学百科全书》墨学部分墨家核心术语的英译,以探寻墨家核心术语翻译策略和方法。结果发现,方克涛更偏向使用归化的翻译策略,翻译方法多样,以直译、意译为主,辅以音译、汉字注释、同义词的方法,翻译形式多样,而其中包含深层次的原因。 相似文献
This paper discusses a crisis of accountability that arises when scientific collaborations are massively epistemically distributed. We argue that social models of epistemic collaboration, which are social analogs to what Patrick Suppes called a “model of the experiment,” must play a role in creating accountability in these contexts. We also argue that these social models must accommodate the fact that the various agents in a collaborative project often have ineliminable, messy, and conflicting interests and values; any story about accountability in a massively distributed collaboration must therefore involve models of such interests and values and their methodological and epistemic effects. 相似文献
In this paper I examine the foundations of Laplace’s famous statement of determinism in 1814, and argue that rather than derived from his mechanics, this statement is based on general philosophical principles, namely the principle of sufficient reason and the law of continuity. It is usually supposed that Laplace’s statement is based on the fact that each system in classical mechanics has an equation of motion which has a unique solution. But Laplace never proved this result, and in fact he could not have proven it, since it depends on a theorem about uniqueness of solutions to differential equations that was only developed later on. I show that the idea that is at the basis of Laplace’s determinism was in fact widespread in enlightenment France, and is ultimately based on a re-interpretation of Leibnizian metaphysics, specifically the principle of sufficient reason and the law of continuity. Since the law of continuity also lies at the basis of the application of differential calculus in physics, one can say that Laplace’s determinism and the idea that systems in physics can be described by differential equations with unique solutions have a common foundation. 相似文献
This paper presents a cross-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary account of Maxwell's introduction of statistical models of molecules for the composition of gases. The account focuses on Maxwell's deployment of statistical models of data in his contemporaneous color researches as established in Cambridge mathematical physics, especially by Maxwell's seniors and mentors. The paper also argues that the cross-disciplinary, or cross-domain, transfer of resources from the natural and social sciences took place in both directions and relied on the complex intra-disciplinary, or intra-domain, dynamics of Maxwell's researches in natural sciences, in color theory, physical astronomy, electromagnetism and dynamical theory of gases, as well as involving a variety of types of communicating and mediating media, from material objects to concepts, techniques and institutions. 相似文献
A comparative review of the different systems of units that are most usual in electromagnetism leads to the proposal of a new system of units. In this system, the gravitational constant acquires the role of an interaction constant, both for gravitational and electromagnetic interaction, as a result of a redefinition of electric charge. In this way, the new system of units extends in a natural manner to mechanics. The comparison between the gravitational and electromagnetic interactions is of particular relevance. 相似文献