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This paper deals with the structure of air-jet textured yarn(ATY),especilly its core structurein dedail.It is described that overfeed of supply yarn does influence the ATY structure.Then thebending rigidity of ATY has been measured and analyzed.The results shows that various supplyyarns affect the core structure and bending rigidity of ATY.  相似文献   
提出一种纱线强度测量方法,设计了单片机纱线强度测量系统.系统采用AT89C51作为纱线强度测试仪的检测与控制核心,扩展了键盘输入、数码管显示、电机驱动、图数检测及纱线断裂检测等5个电路模块,编制调试了其系统软件程序.系统可以替代人工手段检测纱线强度的特性参数,从而界定纱线的品质,有效提高纺织品的质量和稳定性.  相似文献   
The friction and abrasion characters of yarn play veryimportant roles in the downstream processing and theend-use of products.With the development of rotoryarn and its application in the knitted products,theproblem of abrasion on the machine components causedby the processed rotor yarn has been paid more andmore attentions.This paper deals with the factors effectthe abrasiveness of rotor yarn and the comparison ofabrasive character between rotor yarn and ring yarn.  相似文献   
Although many works have been done to constructprediction models on yarn processing quality, the relationbetween spinning variables and yam properties has not beenestablished conclusively so far. Support vector machines(SVMs), based on statistical learning theory, are gainingapplications in the areas of machine learning and patternrecognition because of the high accuracy and goodgeneralization capability. This study briefly introduces theSVM regression algorithms, and presents the SVM basedsystem architecture for predicting yam properties. Model.selection which amounts to search in hyper-parameter spaceis performed for study of suitable parameters with grid-research method. Experimental results have been comparedwith those of artificial neural network(ANN) models. Theinvestigation indicates that in the small data sets and real-life production, SVM models are capable of remaining thestability of predictive accuracy, and more suitable for noisyand dynamic spinning process.  相似文献   
本文对西德INA-V型牵伸装置进行了后区工艺的最佳配置试验,以探索其总牵伸能力、成纱质量水平和对纺纱品种的适应性.为了阐明牵伸装置后区的结构特点,进行了须条紧密度、变细曲线和粗纱捻度稳定性等特性测试. 试验表明:V型牵伸装置后区采用曲线牵伸,增加后包围弧能提高须条紧密度,缩短非控制区长度,增加粗纱捻度稳定性,从而改善进入前牵伸区须条的结构和均匀度.因此,V型牵伸装置具有下列特点:①后区牵伸倍数不宜过大,但总牵伸能力较大,13特涤/棉精梳纱和14.5特纯棉精梳纱条干CV%值均能达到乌斯特公司1982年条干统计值25%的先进水平且细节的减少尤为明显,适宜于纺针织用纱.②V型牵伸有利于控制纤维运动和扩大适纺纤维范围,即使对整齐度较差或短绒较多的原棉,成纱亦可取得较好的效果.  相似文献   
The lower strength of friction spun yarns has became a key problem that hinder the develop-ment of friction spinning,especially in high speeds and fine yarns.In this paper a project aimed atincreasing the strength of friction spun yarns by using a false twist process has been made.In re-ported experiment false twist was inserted into the yarn which has been formed on a friction spin-ning machine,so that it made the yarn untwist at first,then regain the twist.In the meantime draftwas applied to generate more tension than that which had been experienced during yarn formationon the friction spinning machine.It made the yarn reforming and the loosely bound fibres in thefriction spun yarn formed due to extremely low tension on the friction spinning machine becametighter.Results indicate that with the proper draft,tension and false twist the tenacity of processedyarn will increase more than 10%.This project is an attempt to discover whether improvements can be made and whether it isworth pursuing research into modifications of yarn structure.The results imply that if the yarntension can be raised during yarn formation on the friction spinning machine or a chance is offeredto the yarn to reform after the yarn formation the yarn tenacity will be increased obviously.  相似文献   
超喂率是影响空气变形纱(以下简称空变纱)及其织物结构性能的一个重要参数。本文就超喂率对空变纱的形态结构、光泽、强伸度、摩擦等性能以及对空变纱织物性能的影响进行了较全面的实验研究,给出了实测数据,并通过分析而引出了重要结论。  相似文献   
玻璃纤维喷气变形加工是变形加工的一个新领域,本文在大量试验的基础上,利用二次旋转回归设计法求得回归方程,对喷气变形加工过程中几个主要工艺参数进行了全面的深入分析;并通过计算机采用复合形法优选了最佳工艺参数。本文可为国内玻璃纤维喷气变形纱的研制和生产提供依据。  相似文献   
本文根据宋末元初之际,江南地区的社会经济和纺织技术发展状况,以及海南岛黎族人民的植棉和棉纺织技术发展水平,探讨了元代杰出的纺织家黄道婆对上海地区棉纺织业生产发展的贡献。作者认为黄道婆的主要贡献可以概括为三个方面:一.手工棉纺织生产机具上的革新和创造,特别是发明了被后世人们称为“黄道婆纺车”的供纺棉用的脚踏三锭纺车;二.开发了棉织物的新品种,特别是色织棉布和提花棉织物,创造了名扬天下的“鸟泥泾被”;三.推动了以上海县为中心的松江府一带的手工棉纺织生产的商品化过程,在松江府发展为全国最大的手工棉纺织业中心,有“衣被天下”之誉。  相似文献   
动态加捻过程的描速是成纱原理研究的基础,它能够帮助我们理解纱线结构和特性的形成过程并揭示一些提高生产效率、改善纱线质量的途径。在本文第一部分,我们从捻度流概念和纱线微元分析入手,推导动态加捻所遵从的运动学和动力学方程。运动学方程描述了纱线回转运动与捻度分布之间的关系,而动力学方程则给出了加捻力矩与纱线捻度以及运动学参数之间的联系。将这两个方程结合起来可以描述捻度波在运动纱线中的传播过程。  相似文献   
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