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This article analyses an episode in the earlyhistory of quantum theory: the controversy betweenPauli and Heisenberg about the anomalous Zeemaneffect, which was a main stumbling block for the oldquantum theory of Bohr. It is argued that theindividual philosophical views of both Pauli andHeisenberg directed their attempts to solve theanomaly and decisively influenced the solutions theyproposed. The results of this case study arecompared with the assertions of four theories ofscientific change, namely those of Kuhn, Lakatos,Laudan and Giere.  相似文献   
介绍了利用离子阱制备与测量量子态,实现量子计算机系统的基本工作原理,讨论离子阱量子计算机的优缺点,及面临的挑战.  相似文献   
在有效质量近似框架内,运用变分方法,考虑内建电场效应和量子点的三维约束效应,研究了含类氢杂质的G aN/A lxG a1-xN量子点中的激子态.结果表明:量子点中心的类氢杂质使激子的基态能降低,结合能升高,Q D系统的稳定性增强,光跃迁能减小;杂质位于量子点上界面时,激子的基态能最小,结合能最大,系统最稳定;随着杂质从量子点的上界面沿着z轴移至下界面,激子基态能和光跃迁能增大,结合能减小.  相似文献   
一种暂态混沌神经网络及其应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
讨论了Hopfield神经网络算法在优化计算中的应用,提出了一种暂态混沌神经网络模型,把混沌动力学与收敛动力学相结合,使网络逐渐由混沌神经网络向Hopfield网络过渡,达到控制混沌的目的,并且提供一个在全局最优解附近的初值,然后用Hopfield网络得到最优解,有效地解决了Hopfield网络的局部极值问题.仿真结果表明算法对于初始值是稳健的,并且具有很强的克服陷入局部极小能力.  相似文献   
有关银量法终点误差的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
讨论了银量法在不同情况下的终点误差,并推导出其各种终点误差的计算通式.  相似文献   
采用RF磁控溅射技术制备含纳米硅的SiO2薄膜.通过对Si-SiO2复合靶的比分进行调节控制,并在不同的温度下进行高温退火得到不同粒径的纳米硅.利用XRD对样品进行分析得出纳米硅的平均粒径;对样品测量光致发光谱,其发光峰分别位于361 nm和430 nm,比较发现光致发光的峰位随比分的改变有微小的蓝移.文中对发光机理进行初步讨论.  相似文献   
量子点作为一种能发射荧光的半导体纳米微晶体,具有独特的光学性质。这决定了它在生物研究中有广阔的诱人的前景:如替代传统的生物荧光探针,具有荧光光谱较窄、量子产率高、不易漂白等优点;进一步讨论了量子点的电泳和微流控芯片的生物应用及其前景。  相似文献   
传递矩阵方法与矩形势垒的量子隧穿   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
利用传递矩阵方法精确计算了一维定态薛定谔方程,求解出电子穿过矩形势垒的透射系数,进一步研究了该透射系数与有效质量和矩形势垒参数的关系。数值计算结果表明,有效质量和矩形势垒参数对透射系数的影响同等重要。  相似文献   
A large sample size is required for Monte Carlo localization (MCL) in multi-robot dynamic environ- ment, because of the "kidnapped robot" phenomenon, which will locate most of the samples in the regions with small value of desired posterior density. For this problem the crossover and mutation operators in evolutionary computation are introduced into MCL to make samples move towards the regions where the desired posterior density is large, so that the sample set can represent the density better. The proposed method is termed genetic Monte Carlo localization (GMCL). Application in robot soccer system shows that GMCL can considerably reduce the required number of samples, and is more precise and robust in dynamic environment.  相似文献   
0 IntroductionThe security of most commonly used cryptographicschemesis essentially based onthree families of compu-tational problems :the integer factoring problem(RSAprob-lem) ,the Diffie-Hell man problemand the discrete logarithmproblem,andthe elliptic curve variants thereof .Inthe middleof 1990s , Shor[1], Bonehet al[2]presented some remarkablequantumalgorithms which can solveinteger factoring problemand discrete logarithmproblemover any group including Ga-lois fields and elliptic curve…  相似文献   
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