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尤立星 《中国科学:技术科学》2014,(3):370-388
超导纳米线单光子探测技术自2001年出现以来,已经成为超导电子学领域的一个热点研究方向.作为一种新型的单光子探测技术,其具有探测效率高、暗计数低、时间抖动小、计数率高、响应频谱宽、电路简单等优势,综合性能在近红外波段已经明显超越传统的半导体探测技术,成为一种主流的单光子探测技术.本文从应用基础角度出发,对超导纳米线单光子探测器件的材料、器件工艺、性能、系统集成以及前沿应用等进行介绍,并对国际上该领域研究未来的发展趋势进行探讨. 相似文献
分析了量子电路可逆逻辑综合的意义、研究现状和研究进展,给出了相关的研究方法和目前量子可逆逻辑综合研究中存在的主要问题,提出了量子可逆逻辑综合中的最小量子代价、最小化垃圾信息位、最小化门的数量和可逆逻辑综合的规模等关键技术问题的解决思路. 相似文献
采用平均场Jordan-Wigner变换分析方法,研究外场中且具有Z方向均匀长程相互作用自旋-1/2XXZ双链的量子相变,得到了系统格点的亥姆赫兹自由能、格点磁化强度等热力学量的解析表达式及其数值解.数值结果与其他文献的结果相符. 相似文献
邻氨基噻唑偶氮类试剂[1~3]在不同酸度下呈现不同的颜色,关于其质子化发生的位置以及先后次序至今尚未见文献报道.本文通过量子化学计算,结合分光光度法对这类试剂质子化行为进行了研究.1实验方法1.1吸收光谱测定移取1.0mL1.0×10-3mol/LT... 相似文献
文章研究了外加电场下谐振子量子线的电子拉曼散射.利用有效质量近似,以GaAs材料为例,计算了微分散射截面,结果表明,谐振子频率和外加电场的强度对拉曼光谱均有影响.拉曼光谱的峰值随着外加电场强度的增大而增大;在恒定的外加电场下,与电场方向相同的谐振子频率只影响峰值的大小,而与电场方向垂直方向的谐振子频率还对峰值的位置有影... 相似文献
介观含源RLC并联电路的量子涨落 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
由于耗散的存在,介观RLC并联电路中的磁通量和电荷不是一对线性厄米算符,因此,构造了一对正则变量,并用该对正则变量作为算符实现了介观RLC并联电路的量子化,在外源作用下,介观RLC并联电路系统由初始本征态将演化到平称Fock态,在平移Fock态中,计算了磁通量和电荷的量子涨落。 相似文献
ZHOU Conghua CHEN Zhenyu 《武汉大学学报:自然科学英文版》2006,11(5):1297-1301
The soundness is a very important criterion for the correctness of the workflow. Specifying the soundness with Computation Tree Logic (CTL) allows us to verify the soundness with symbolic model checkers. Therefore the state explosion problem in verifying soundness can be overcome efficiently. When the property is not satisfied by the system, model checking can give a counter-example, which can guide us to correct the workflow. In addition, relaxed soundness is another important criterion for the workflow. We also prove that Computation Tree Logic * (CTL * ) can be used to character the relaxed soundness of the workflow. 相似文献
针对混合架构经典-量子算法的量子算法处理单元,设计基于Grover算法的量子处理架构.将一种用于量子计算仿真的量子程序设计语言引入Grover量子搜索算法中,并在Linux操作系统中进行执行与模拟.结果表明:所提架构可以提高量子搜索算法的执行性能;利用反馈调节可以有效地实现量子搜索算法的最佳性能. 相似文献
ZHANG Liangyun 《自然科学进展(英文版)》2005,15(10):887-895
This paper mainly gives a sufficient and necessary condition for weak smash products of weak dimodule algebras to be weak bialgebras, and gives a sufficient and necessary condition for weak braided products of weak quantum Yang-Baxter module algebras to be weak bialgebras, and gives a Fundamental Theorem of weak Hopf quantum Yang-Baxter modules. 相似文献
Secure multi-party computation is a focus of international cryptography in recent years. Protocols for Yao's millionaires' problem have become an important building block of many secure multi-party computation protocols. Their efficiency are crucial to the efficiency of many secure multi-party computation protocols. Unfortunately, known protocols for Yao's millionaires' problem have high computational complexity or communication complexity. In this study, based on the 1-out-of-m oblivious transfer and set-inclusion problem, we propose a new protocol to solve this problem. This new protocol is very efficient in terms of both computational and communication complexities. Its privacy-preserving property is also proved by simulation paradigm which is generally accepted in the study of secure multi-party computation. We also compare the information leakage of our new protocol and the known protocols. 相似文献