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以HZSM-5分子筛为催化剂,研究了常压下丙烯齐聚生成高辛烷值汽油组分的反应。结果表明:该反应较佳的工艺条件为320℃。重量空速为3~6h~(-1)。随着Na-ZSM-5钠交换度的增加,其比表面及酸中心都增加,从而使反应活性提高。残钠量小于0.01(wt)%时,其活性趋向稳定。氨的程序升温脱附实验表明:HZSM-5催化剂上同时存在着强、弱两类酸性中心,它们对反应均有催化作用。通过吡啶吸附的红外光谱分析,发现B酸中心比L酸中心更容易结焦,而催化剂后期的活性是由L酸提供的。  相似文献   
应用透射电镜对荔枝茎类生长锥由营养生长转变为生殖生长过程的细胞超微结构进行观察。结果表明,荔枝圆锥花序发育期细胞排列紧密,细胞质浓,液泡小,细胞核大并占据着细胞大部分位置;细胞质内有丰富的线粒体和膜状系统,整个膜状系统内连细胞核,细胞内囊泡大量形成、融合与迁移。这些均显示出细胞内结构物质在此期经历着活跃的周转和合成代谢,细胞内部在基因 的控制下有序地表达,为发育过程质的转变积累足够的信息和物质。生长锥由尖长变为宽平的花序原基时,其组织细胞结构也发生了相应的变化,最显著的特征是在此过程中,有一些细胞发生了程序性死亡。正在凋亡的细胞核染色质固缩、趋边、核膜破裂或皱缩、细胞质囊泡化并将降解的物质运转到周围细胞,从而保证了其他细胞正常发育以及生长的细胞对物质和能量的需求。  相似文献   
用于煤自然发火期预测的神经网络模型和实验技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据煤的硫分、灰分以及煤自燃过程中的耗氧速率、CO和CO2产生率等随温度变化的序列值与煤自然发火期之间存在的密切对应关系,建立了前向多层人工神经网络模型,用已有的煤自然发火实验数据对网络进行训练,得到了神经元间的联结强度,从而准确地表征这种对应关系.设计了一套油浴程序升温实验装置,确定了实验试管的尺寸和实验条件,从而能够准确测定煤自燃在不同温度下的耗氧速率及气体产生率.将煤样油浴程序升温实验数据及煤质分析数据代入人工神经网络,可算出煤的自然发火期.与煤自然发火实验相比,该方法测定煤样的自然发火期用煤量减少了99%以上,实验耗时缩短了90%以上,二者测试结果的偏差小于3d.  相似文献   
Mechanisms of plant somatic embryogenesis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Based on our experimental results and the related research reports, this review addresses some important issues about plant somatic embryogenesis. Once plant somatic cells develop into embryonic cells, the organelles of the cells increase, and their function is active. In the early stage of embryogenic cells, the reaction products of AT-Pase are mainly deposited on the plasma and vacuole's membranes, then the activity of ATPase can be found in the cytoplasm, vacuole and nucleus in the late stage of embryogenic cells. ATPase-catalyzed reaction occurs actively in the thickened wall of embryogenic cells. Endogenous hormone is a critical factor affecting somatic embryogenesis. Superox-ide dismutase (SOD) activity, which is closely related to embryogenic cell differentiation, is much higher in differentiated embryogenic cells than in undifferentiated cells, indicating that embryogenic cells have stronger function of antioxida-tion. In addition, the lower level H2O2 can promote embryogenic cell differentiation. The programmed cell death (PCD) exists in the process of embryogenic cell differentiation and development, and the active oxygen species plays an important role in inducing of plant PCD.  相似文献   
细根在森林生态系统中具有重要的生物学和生态学地位。细根寿命取决于树种本身,也受控于环境条件。根际作为植物、土壤与微生物三者交互作用的区域,其中的微生态过程对细根寿命的调控具有决定意义。笔者基于当前国内外细根寿命调控的主要因素,分别从根际碳沉积与根际微生态过程、根系对根际微生物群落构建的影响、根际微生物对细根寿命调控的可能机制3个方面对根际微生物与根系的互作效应,及其对细根寿命调控机制的相关研究进展进行综述。在此基础上,提出了:①酚酸介导的植物-微生物化学对话机制是未来根土互作研究的重要领域;②根系与微生物互作主要以光合产物碳作为枢纽,根际碳沉积促进了土壤微生物在根际的定殖,进而导致根际的微生物群落在组成和结构上与非根际土壤的呈现显著差异;③根土互作过程中由根系和根际微生物产生的信号物质可能对根系的生长发育产生显著影响;④作为细菌的主要群感信号分子,酰化高丝氨酸内脂(AHLs)可参与调控根系细胞的凋亡;真菌侵染根系后也可能导致根内活性氧(ROS)累积,进而调控根系细胞凋亡。目前未见根际微生物参与根系寿命调控的研究报道。建议进一步构建细菌群落演变-群感信号表达-细根寿命关系模型,以及真菌侵染-活性氧信号内稳态调控-细根寿命关系模型,这些对深入揭示林木细根衰老和凋亡的微生态调控机制具有重要理论意义。  相似文献   
双鸭山集贤煤矿煤样自燃性程序升温实验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用程序升温实验装置,研究双鸭山集贤矿不同粒度煤样在不同温度条件下与氧反应的特性。通过实验分析,得出双鸭山集贤矿煤自燃预测预报的主要指标气体为CO。通过计算得出不同粒度煤样的耗氧速度和CO,CO2,CH4等气体的产生速率,以及这些特性参数随煤温和粒度的变化规律。进而分析得出该矿煤样自燃的临界温度为65~75℃。为双鸭山集贤矿煤自然火灾的预测预报提供依据。  相似文献   
The spatial and temporal distributions of programmed cell death (PCD) in developing central nervous system (CNS) of human fetuses ranging from 12 to 39 weeks of gestation were investigated using techniques of flow cytometry and terminal transferase-mediated nick end labeling (TUNEL). The results showed that PCD did occur in every representative brain region of all fetuses examined in different stages. It was found that there were two peaks of PCD appearing at the 12th and 39th weeks respectively, which suggested that the first peak of apoptosis may be involved in the selective elimination of neurons overproduced during the early development and the second may play an important role in establishing the correct neuronal circuitry.  相似文献   
以程序升温分解法和程序升温-原位红外谱法为研究手段,考察了热过程对PEEK结构特征的影响及其结构与热稳定性的关系。结果发现,在受热过程中,PEEK样品首先发生结晶结构的变化,不同红外吸收谱带对PEEK样品的结晶度敏感性不同;对不同的PEEK样品,由于它们在分子结构和结晶结构上存在差异,因此其热稳定性亦存在较大差异。  相似文献   
The function of apolipoproteins L   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The function of the proteins of the apolipoprotein L (apoL) family is largely unknown. These proteins are classically thought to be involved in lipid transport and metabolism, mainly due to the initial discovery that a secreted member of the family, apoL-I, is associated with high-density lipoprotein particles. However, the other members of the family are believed to be intracellular. The recent unravelling of the mechanism by which apoL-I kills African trypanosomes, as well as the increasing evidence for modulation of apoL expression in various pathological processes, provides new insights about the functions of these proteins. ApoLs share structural and functional similarities with proteins of the Bcl-2 family. Based on the activity of apoL-I in trypanosomes and the comparison with Bcl-2 proteins, we propose that apoLs could function as ion channels of intracellular membranes and be involved in mechanisms triggering programmed cell death. Received 28 February 2006; received after revision 18 May 2006; accepted 2 June 2006  相似文献   
为探讨紫薯花青素(Purple Sweet Potato Anthocyanin, PSPA)在急性淋巴细胞白血病(Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, ALL)防治中的靶点,本文提取、纯化并鉴定了紫薯花青素,基于分子对接技术预测了紫薯花青素的潜在靶点。结果显示:从川紫4号紫薯中鉴定出25种花青素,分别是矢车菊素、芍药色素、天竺葵色素及其衍生物,各种成分的相对含量为0.1%-23.0%。其中,矢车菊素3-阿魏酸-对羟基苯甲酰槐糖苷-5-葡萄糖苷(Cyanidin 3-feruloyl-p-hydroxybenzoyl sophoroside-5-glucoside)相对含量最高,达到22.63%。基于矢车菊素抗氧化活性较其他两种花青素更强、二乙酰化的花青素更稳定的特点,该化合物被选择作为后续分子对接的配体,分别与程序性细胞死亡(Programmed Cell Death, PCD),如凋亡、焦亡、坏死性凋亡、铁死亡及铜死亡相关的关键蛋白进行分子对接分析。结果表明,紫薯花青素可以结合到抗凋亡蛋白(Bcl-2)、E3泛素连接酶(Parkin)蛋白、胱氨酸转运蛋白(SL...  相似文献   
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