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Uncoupling proteins are mitochondrial membrane transporters, which regulate metabolic pathways of energy balance, and are associated with biological traits of animal body weight, resting metabolic rates and energy conversion. In this study, a region of the exons 3 and 4 of pig UCP2 gene was cloned and analyzed, and a new single nucleotide polymorphic site was detected by PCR-SSCP in five pig breeds. This newfound polymorphism results from a T to G substitution at the position of nucleotide 272, which is located in intron3. 相似文献
贾长虹 《河北理工学院学报》2004,26(1):122-125
应用热脉冲技术(Heat-pulse technique)和木材解剖学方法,研究了洋槐(Robinia Pseudocacia L)和垂柳(Salix babylonica L)两树种树干液流速度变化和其与木材解剖结构的相关性。结果表明:在自然状态下,环孔材洋槐的最大液流速度出现在靠近形成层的最外层生长轮中;而散孔材垂柳在靠近形成层的几个生长轮中都有较高的液流速度。两树种的液流速度与其解剖结构有密切关系。另外,两树种的最大液流速度具有相同的日变化趋势。 相似文献
3-甲基组氨酸(3MH)主要是动物骨胳肌蛋白分解代谢产物,它不能再用于合成蛋白,因而3MH是研究动物骨胳肌蛋白降解率的一个可行示踪物.将标记的3MH经颈静脉注射,对血液中的同位素丰度进行观测,再根据猪体内3MH代谢特点,构建出猪骨胳肌蛋白降解的三分域模型.本文着重对该模型的的理论基础进行了讨论。 相似文献
二花脸猪四元杂交组合与杜长大三元杂交组合比较试验报告 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
以中国优良地方猪种——二花脸猪为母本,用新关系杜洛克、德系抗应激皮特兰、加系双肌臀大白猪和新丹系长白猪等西方瘦肉型猪种作为父本进行土四元配套杂交组合试验,并与杜长大洋三元杂交组合进行比较.结果表明,除生长性能外,二花脸猪土四元杂交组合在繁殖性能和肉质特性方面有突出表现,甚至优于杜长大,尤其是以长大杜二组合的杂交效果较为理想、 相似文献
高速排水型船的运动性能预报 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
给出一种基于高速细长体理论的预报高速排水型船在波浪上运动性能的数值方法。在高速细长体理论的定解条件中 ,自由面条件是三维的 ,而控制方程和物面条件则是二维的。采用时域自由面 Green函数将定解问题转化为物面上的积分方程 ,进而求解水动力系数和船舶运动方程。对NPL 系列单体船型的运动性能作了理论预报 ,并与实验结果和用切片法的理论预报结果作了比较。结果表明 ,高速细长体理论的预报结果与试验结果更为接近 ,而切片理论由于受到纯二维假定的限制 ,在高航速情况下 ,预报精度较差。 相似文献
The product of the obesity gene, called leptin, is an important regulator of adiposity, which mainly functions via its regulation of feed intake and energy metabolism. Both obesity gene (ob gene) and leptin receptor gene ( OBR gene) are thought to play a major role in controlling of body fat mass as well as body weight. The result of RT-PCR shows that levels of pig OBRmRNA are higher in hypothalamus, lung and liver, and lower expression can be detected in other tissues. Total RNA purified from 11 different organs and tissues have been hybridized with pig OBR cDNA probes. The hybridization signals are shown in 7 organs and tissues. 4.1 and 3.8 kb bands were observed from hypothalamus, whereas 3.8 and 3.5 kb bands were observed in other tissues instead. The nearly complete sequence of the extracellular domain of pig OBR gene was obtained. The homology of sequence is 89.2% between pig and human, 80.3% between pig and mouse. Alignment of the predicted amino acid sequence of OBR in pig, human and mouse shows that the overall identity is 86.5% between pig and human, 76.6% between pig and mouse. Two WSXWS motifs were found at aa313 and aa616. 相似文献
中草药饲料添加剂推广的效果研究 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
从养猪农户和猪场随机抽取60头歪猪分组进行中草药饲料添加剂的饲喂效果实验,结果表明:中草药饲料添加剂可明显地促进肥育猪生长,促进饲料的转化率,加强其采食表现,增强抗病能力,并能改善胴体品质。 相似文献
幼龄贵州小型猪主要脏器重量及脏器系数的测定 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
目的测定幼龄贵州小型猪脏器重量、脏器系数的生物学特性指标。方法选用初生(0 d)和一月龄(30 d)普通级贵州小型猪各20只,雌雄各半,分别测定体重和10个脏器重量,计算脏器系数。结果雌雄贵州小型猪初生组体重、肝重量、肾重量、胃系数差异均有极显著性(P<0.01),胃、心重量有显著性差异(P<0.05),而一月龄组雌雄体重和脏器重量均无显著性差异(P>0.05),肺系数有极显著性差异(P<0.01)。结论雌雄幼龄贵州小型猪的体重、肝重量、胃重量、心重量、肾重量、胃系数、肺系数具有差异。 相似文献
猪胰铁蛋白(pig pancreas ferritin,PPF)铁核由179 phosphate/PPF和1698 Fe^3+/PPF组成,平均磷铁比值为1:9.5.PFF铁核表层由较高的磷铁比组成.选用电子光谱技术研究PPF释放铁和磷酸盐全过程,发现PPF以两种不同速率途径释放铁与磷酸盐.在弱酸条件下,PPF释放铁的速率明显高于在弱碱条件下的速率,证实PPF蛋白壳的柔性调节能力强弱是控制释放铁和磷酸盐速率的重要因素之一. 相似文献