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The Weather Research and Forecasting model(WRF)is configured for the region of(15°–41°N,105°–135°E),which covers the same area with the MASNUM(Key Lab.Marine ScienceNumerical Modeling,State Oceanic Administration)wave-tide-circulation coupled operational forecast system.Three numerical experiments are implemented to investigate the effects of the real-time forecasted sea surface temperature(SST)and the nonbreaking wave-induced vertical mixing(Bv)on the track forecast of all 33 tropical cyclones(TC)in the model domain area during 2008 and 2011.The first experiment employs NCEP FNL(NCEP final analysis)SST as WRF’s bottom condition as the Control run,which is also the default setup of WRF.The second and third experiments use real-time forecasted SST from the MASNUM forecast system with and without Bv,respectively.The forecasted track results are compared with Japan Meteorological Agency’s best track data.For 24-h forecast,the averaged TC position error of Experiment with Bv is reduced by 9%compared to the Control experiment,while the forecasted track error of Experiment without Bv is reduced by only2%compared to the Control experiment.For the 48-h forecast,the averaged track errors are reduced by 10%and6%with Bv and without Bv compared to the Control experiment,respectively.These results suggest that the real-time forecasted SST can improve the performance of WRF in forecasting TC track,and the Bv plays an important role in reducing the forecast error of TC track.Comparatively,Bv can improve more on the track of stronger TC.  相似文献   
New rapid transfer alignment method for SINS of airborne weapon systems   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Transfer alignment is an effective alignment method for the strapdown inertial navigation system (SINS) of airborne weapon systems. The traditional transfer alignment methods for large misalignment angles alignment use nonlinear transfer align- ment models and incorporate nonlinear filtering. A rapid transfer alignment method with linear models and linear filtering for ar- bitrary misalignment angles is presented. Through the attitude quaternion decomposition, the purpose of transfer alignment is converted to estimate a constant quaternion. Employing special manipulations on measurement equation, velocity and attitude linear measurement equations are derived. Then the linear trans- fer alignment model for arbitrary misalignment angles is built. An adaptive Kalman filter is developed to handle modeling errors of the measurement noise statistics. Simulation results show feasibili- ty and effectiveness of the proposed method, which provides an alternative rapid transfer alignment method for airborne weapons.  相似文献   
使用偏光显微镜(POM)和扫描电子显微镜(SEM)等测试手段,研究了PVDF/PCL共混体系在不同配比和结晶温度下晶型结构、球晶和片晶形貌的变化规律。结果表明:PVDF在低温下形成α型球晶,在高温下形成γ型球晶;两种不同晶型的球晶尺寸均随着结晶温度的升高而增大;α型PVDF环带球晶的环带间距随着体系内PCL含量的增多而增大。此外,共混体系内γ型PVDF球晶的含量也随着PCL含量的增大而增大。  相似文献   
闽浙皖赣根据地是1928年方志敏领导创建的著名的苏维埃根据地。根据地妇女翻身获得解放,摆脱封建礼教的束缚,开始参加社会工作,她们积极投入经济生产取得经济上的独立,参加政治活动拥有了选举权和被选举权,英勇地参加军事斗争,为革命事业做出伟大的贡献。根据地广大妇女的工作具有积极性、政治性、平等性、军事性等特点。根据地妇女工作遇到了较多的历史和社会的阻碍,主要是男人对妇女的歧视和男尊女卑思想严重,妇女家庭社会工作强度大、大部分工作技术含量低,苏区妇女工作总体目标不够明确等。  相似文献   
考虑初道屏蔽效应,研究了低能电子碰撞H(e,2e)的反应过程.计算了共面非对称几何条件下能量为27.2 eV的入射电子碰撞H(e,2e)反应的三重微分截面(TDCS),将其计算结果与3C、DS3C和CDS3C模型所得结果及实验数据进行了比较,结果表明CDS3C模型能对上述碰撞过程成功描述,改善了与实验结果的符合程度.  相似文献   
分类是数据挖掘领域研究的热点,产生式与判别式是数据挖掘中两种不同的分类模型。产生式模型具有通用性、灵活性及清晰的分层结构,学习得到的模型很容易满足模型解释要求;判别式模型没有明显的对系统中变量的基本分布建模的企图,仅仅对输入到输出之间映射的最优化感兴趣,可以提供更好的分类性能。从准确率、建模时间及渐进误差等方面对产生式与判别式分类方法进行了分析与比较,为研究人员在分类模型的选择上提供了参考。  相似文献   
Traditional orthogonal strapdown inertial navigation sys-tem (SINS) cannot achieve satisfactory self-alignment accuracy in the stationary base: taking more than 5 minutes and al the iner-tial sensors biases cannot get ful observability except the up-axis accelerometer. However, the ful skewed redundant SINS (RSINS) can not only enhance the reliability of the system, but also improve the accuracy of the system, such as the initial alignment. Firstly, the observability of the system state includes attitude errors and al the inertial sensors biases are analyzed with the global perspective method: any three gyroscopes and three accelerometers can be assembled into an independent subordinate SINS (sub-SINS);the system state can be uniquely confirmed by the coupling connec-tions of al the sub-SINSs;the attitude errors and random constant biases of al the inertial sensors are observable. However, the ran-dom noises of the inertial sensors are not taken into account in the above analyzing process. Secondly, the ful-observable Kalman filter which can be applied to the actual RSINS containing random noises is established; the system state includes the position, ve-locity, attitude errors of al the sub-SINSs and the random constant biases of the redundant inertial sensors. At last, the initial self-alignment process of a typical four-redundancy ful skewed RSINS is simulated: the horizontal attitudes (pitch, rol ) errors and yaw error can be exactly evaluated within 80 s and 100 s respectively, while the random constant biases of gyroscopes and accelero-meters can be precisely evaluated within 120 s. For the ful skewed RSINS, the self-alignment accuracy is greatly improved, mean-while the self-alignment time is widely shortened.  相似文献   
为降低软件生产线初期投入高\, 风险大的问题, 提出基于软件库的软件生产线过程模型及无缝迁移模型。基于生产线过程模型建立了车载多媒体模拟系统以及相关支持工具, 依托关系数据库强大的存储与检索功能。采用这两个模型能降低采用生产线技术的初期投入成本, 并有助于生产线的迁移, 具有一定的实用价值及推广价值。  相似文献   
我国国有商业银行表外业务存在问题及解决对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文通过阐述我国国有商业银行表外业务发展中的情况和特点,根据其出现的品种单一、业务量少、区域发展不均衡和管理不规范等问题,相应地提出了加快金融创新、提高对其业务重要性的认识和业务营销水平、加强银行间区域合作和完善相关规章制度建设等合理的对策,以期能对我国金融业的发展提供些许有益的参考。  相似文献   
晋宋之际,国家官爵制度上发生的重要变化之一就是带“五等”字号虚封爵的出现。晋末特殊军事政治形势之下,京口北府集团凭借强势军功击败高门士族,取得压倒性的军事政治优势,京口北府军功受益阶层由此形成。带“五等”字号虚封爵适时地出现则成为这个现实政治变化的典型表现之一。笔者从这种虚封爵产生的时间和目的进行详细分析,以为正是出于酬赏义熙初年京口北府集团建义之功,朝廷才创设了这种虚封爵。这种虚封爵突破既有的门阀制度优势,确立了以军功为核心的分享军事政治利益的价值导向。这使得京口北府集团凭借军功所获取的军事政治利益不仅在制度层面上得到保障,而且在价值层面上取得其正当性和合法性,也就在这个时候,京口北府军功利益阶层得以成立。酬赏军功的这一目的也直接决定了虚封爵的若干特点,对此,笔者也予以分析说明。  相似文献   
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