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针对舰载导弹系统精度检测分析自动化问题和缺乏检测全系统总体精度指标的问题,根据大闭环思想和导弹武器系统特点设计了导弹武器系统联调精度分析仪的结构,建立了联调战术态势运动学和误差分析模型。为保证实装系统安全性要求,对实装数据的采集采用外挂方式和软硬件结合方式,并建立实装系统数据采集和分析的数学模型。确定射击精度和捕捉概率来作为系统总体精度指标,并论述了总体精度指标的检验原理和方法。设计的精度分析仪无论对实装的日常检测还是舰艇大修后的整体精度指标测试,都有经济和军事意义。  相似文献   
对不完全信息下的最优排污权配置问题进行研究,设计了相应的实施机制——修改的Duggan机制.研究表明:该机制不仅实施了排污权的最优配置,而且在均衡路径上厂商缴纳的排污税总额等于排污造成的社会成本,达到预算平衡.此外,讨论了社会成本函数不可微、排污权最优配置为非内点解以及厂商地位不平等的情况下,排污权的最优配置实施机制.  相似文献   
新一代交通仿真技术综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The historical course of traffic simulation in China and abroad was briefly reviewed firstly,and some major features of the new generation traffic simulation technology since 21st century were summarized then. Afterwards,the simulation model characteristics of some prevailing traffic simulation models were comparably analyzed,and several advanced traffic simulation techniques for ITS applications were expatiated,including traffic simulation API,hardware-in-the-loop traffic simulation,software-in-the-loop traffic simulation,online traffic simulation. Finally,based on the state-of-the-practice of traffic simulation in China,some suggestions were given on fundamental simulation modeling fitting for Chinese traffic characteristics,development modes of traffic simulation system,development methodologies of online traffic simulation,etc.  相似文献   
王威  范文慧  袁煜明 《系统仿真学报》2008,20(19):5240-5244
复杂产品往往由多个子系统通过复杂的耦合方式组成.针对复杂产品的多学科鲁棒设计优化技术已得到广泛应用.为了使用仿真模型进行多学科鲁棒设计优化,提出了SUA-RCO和DRS-RCO两种方法.在SUA-RCO方法中,仿真模型首先被拟合为近似的数学模型,然后利用近似数学模型进行RCO计算.系统的不确定性由SUA方法进行计算.为了解决大参数方差问题,DRS-RCO方法将仿真模型近似拟合为双响应面形式,分别使用两个响应面来拟合均值和方差.然后,进行协同优化计算.  相似文献   
设计优化可视化研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代设计优化技术日益复杂,可视化技术的引入对促进优化技术在工程中的普及与应用,提高设计质量与优化效率具有重要意义.首先分析了设计优化中存在的未知因素多、求解不透明,优化效率低、结果分析不直观等问题,阐述了设计优化可视化概念,综述了国内外研究现状及发展趋势,建立了设计优化可视化功能框架,分析了设计优化可视化系统实现的技术难点,论述了综合应用多种可视化方法,多角度解决问题的技术策略.  相似文献   
空空导弹通用仿真模型研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李波  高晓光 《系统仿真学报》2008,20(22):6290-6292,6297
采用统一建模语言的包图,将空空导弹系统划分为不同的类包,使其与外部系统解耦,降低了空空导弹仿真模型的开发和测试的难度。采用模块化设计方法将空空导弹划分为松散耦合的子系统,各子系统采用统一的调度接口,提高了空空导弹仿真模型的通用性和可扩展性。采用类厂模式设计了空空导弹仿真模型的创建接口,使模型可灵活的适用于不同的仿真需求。采用单件模式设计了空空导弹仿真模型的数据库访问接口,使模型与数据解耦,使模型可以适配不同的数据存储和访问方式。通过仿真应用证明了通用空空导弹仿真模型的实用性。  相似文献   
基于微分进化算子的量子粒子群优化算法及应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析了量子粒子群优化算法(Quantum-behaved Particle Swarm Optimization,QPSO)的进化方程,指出其存在的局部收敛问题,通过将微分进化(Differential Evolution,DE)的基本操作思想引入到QPSO中,提出了改进的QPSO算法(QPSO-DE);算法改进的方法是在粒子搜索过程中,以一定的概率对粒子的每一维执行微分进化操作,以增加粒子的随机性,从而减少了粒子群体因多样性缺失而易于陷入局部最优或停滞的情况,增强了粒子群体的搜索能力,提高了算法的优化性能;对多个标准测试函数及在IIR数字滤波器优化设计中的仿真实验结果表明,与PSO算法和QPSO算法相比,QPSO-DE算法能够取得更好的优化结果。  相似文献   
将模糊控制规则归结为控制对象的逆动力学过程模糊辨识问题,提出了一种基于逆动力学过程模糊规则模型的控制算法,通过控制对象逆动力学过程模糊规则模型离线辨识,直接产生形成与控制对象运动规律相适应的初始控制规则,并根据对象逆动力学过程模糊规则模型在线辨识结果,对控制规则进行在线调整.仿真结果表明,所设计的模糊控制器具有良好的控制效果与适应性.  相似文献   
A new business concept that offers products and services in a different way of traditional product-sales businesses is getting more attention especially in manufacturing industries. This paper investigates how this new business by means of integration of products and services is achieved in Germany and Italy. In addition, it analyzes the differences according to the company sizes. The results include that this type of business is in many cases motivated by their focus on customers and often consists of physical products and their maintenance. The Italian companies, as opposed to the German ones, often design their physical products specifically for this type of offers. From the analysis based on the size difference, small companies are found to achieve specific design for this type of offers while owning physical products. There do not seem to be any established methods or tools developed to support the development of such offers and within such methods/tools there would be room for more adaptation in form of physical product design.  相似文献   
Taking the institution design of controlling the pollution behavior of enterprises as an example, the symbol system specialized for the design and analysis of behavior management institution is put forward, which predigests the institution design greatly and make the process of institution design much like the engineering design. The measure combination method for improving the parameters of the institution, the arithmetic for calculating the validity of the institution and the arithmetic for calculating the behavior probability of the irrational managed are also put forward, which make the design and analysis technology of behavior management institution more practical.  相似文献   
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