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以检测水稻SUPERWOMAN1(SPW1)/OsMADS16基因的表达模式为例,通过对杂交探针的制备、材料的固定及解离通透、显色等方面进行优化,获得背景值低、特异性高的SPW1/OsMADS16基因特异性表达结果.建立一套针对水稻的整体原位杂交技术,方法简单,费用低廉,可在离心管中多种材料同时进行.主要实验步骤包括探...  相似文献   
Deep structure at northern margin of Tarim Basin   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Zhao  JunMeng  Cheng  HongGang  Pei  ShunPing  Liu  HongBing  Zhang  JianShi  Liu  BaoFeng 《科学通报(英文版)》2008,53(10):1544-1554
In this paper, a 2D velocity structure of the crust and the upper mantle of the northern margin of the Tarim Basin (TB) has been obtained by ray tracing and theoretical seismogram calculation under the condition of 2D lateral inhomogeneous medium using the data of seismic wide angle reflection/refraction profile from Baicheng to Da Qaidam crossing the Kuqa Depression (KD) and Tabei Uplift (TU). And along the Baicheng to Da Qaidam profile, 4 of the 10 shot points are located in the northern margin of the TB. The results show that the character of the crust is uniform on the whole between the KD and TU, but the depth of the layers, thickness of the crust and the velocity obviously vary along the profile. Thereinto, the variation of the crust thickness mainly occurs in the middle and lower crust. The Moho has an uplifting trend near the Baicheng shot point in KD and Luntai shot point in TU, and the thickness of the crust reduces to 42 km and 47 km in these two areas, respectively. The transition zone between the KD and TU has a thickest crust, up to 52 km. In this transition zone, there are high velocity anoma- lies in the upper crust, and low velocity anomalies in the lower crust, these velocity anomalies zone is near vertical, and the sediment above them is thicker than the other areas. According to the velocity distributions, the profile can be divided into three sections: KD, TU and transition zone between them. Each section has a special velocity structural feature, the form of the crystalline basement and the relationship between the deep structure and the shallow one. The differences of velocity and tectonic between eastern and western profile in the northern margin of the Tarim Basin (NMTB) may suggest different speed and intensity of the subduction from the Tarim basin to the Tianshan orogenic belt (TOB).  相似文献   
This paper reports high-resolution biomarker records of the last 260 ka for core MD05-2904 from the northern South China Sea (SCS). The sea surface temperature (SST) record using the U37^k', index reveals a minimum of 21.5℃(MIS 2) and a maximum of 28.3℃(MIS 5.5), for a temperature difference of almost 7℃, and provides the longest high-resolution U37^k' SST record in northern SCS. The content of odd-number long chain n-alkanes and several n-alkanes indexes such as the CPI, ACL and the C31/C27 ratio, all reveal generally higher values during the glacials and lower values during the interglaclals. Terrestrial input as Indicated by n-alkane content was mostly controlled by sea-level changes: During the glacials, lower sea-level exposed the continental shelf to enable rivers to transport more terrestrial materials to the slope; and the situation reverses during the interglacials. The n-alkane indexes changes reveal more n-alkanes from contemporary vegetation during glacials as a result of the proximity of the core site to the source region, while the increases in ACL and C81/C27 ratio during glaclals indicate a change to more grassy vegetation. However, the highest values for CPI, ACL and the C81/C27 ratio all occurred during late MIS 3, and it was suggested that this period was characterized by a strong summer monsoon-dominated humid climate which resulted in a denser vegetation for the exposed continental shelf region.  相似文献   
汶川地震的地表破裂与逆冲-走滑作用   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
2008年5月12日在龙门山映秀-北川断裂带发生的8.0级特大地震,属于逆冲-走滑型地震.作者以地表破裂为切入点,在映秀-北川断裂和彭灌断裂的关键部位,对断错山脊、洪积扇、河流阶地、边坡脊、断层陡坎、河道锴断、冲沟侧缘壁位错、小路位错、公路位错、公路拱曲、构造裂缝、断层偏转、擦痕、挤压脊、坡中槽等汶川地震所导致的地表破裂和断裂带开展了详细的野外地貌测量,标定了映秀-北川断裂带和彭灌断裂的垂向断距和水平断距,结果表明汶川地震的地表破裂带沿北东东向延伸,走向介于NE30°~50°之间,倾向北西,倾角介于30°~40°之间.其中北川-映秀断裂带的破裂带从映秀向北东延伸达180~190 km,属于单侧多点破裂型,以逆冲-右行走滑为特点,垂直位错为1.60~6.00 m,水平位错为0.20~6.50 m;彭灌断裂的地表破裂出露于彭州磁蜂场-绵竹汉旺之间,长度为30~40 km,以逆冲-右行走滑为特点,垂直位错为0.39~2.00 m之间,水平位错为0.20~0.70 m.表明该地震地表破裂带存在逆冲运动分量和右行走滑运动分量,逆冲运动分量略大于或等于右行走滑运动分量.根据历史地震和活动构造地貌的年龄测定资料,作者认为该区单条断裂的强震复发间隔在1~3ka.在此基础上,初步编制了龙门山地区的地质动力模型图,并认为下地壳物质在龙门山的近垂向挤出和垂向运动,导致了龙门山断裂带的向东逆冲运动、龙门山构造带抬升和汶川特大地震.  相似文献   
"加拿大文学女王"玛格丽特·阿特伍德在她的长篇小说<使女的故事>中展现出一个看似荒诞,但却真实无比的未来景象.小说中男权社会对自然和女性的残酷压迫、女性意识的觉醒以及抗争,展现了阿特伍德独有的生态女性主义思想,给世人敲响警钟:要想实现人类社会的和谐可持续发展,必须从根本上改变自然和女性的"边缘"地位,培养人们的生态整体意识和男女平等意识,构建人与人、人与自然的平等和谐关系.  相似文献   
北方四岛在历史上曾多次易主。二战期间,苏联根据《波茨坦公告》重新占领了北方四岛,并将其划为自己的版图。2010年11月,俄罗斯总统梅德韦杰夫视察了国后岛,引发新一轮俄日岛屿纠纷。从目前形势来看,俄罗斯在岛屿争端中占据有利的位置,不会将北方四岛交还日本。俄日岛屿纠纷的彻底解决,还有很长的一段路要走。俄日岛屿争端将影响大国关系的调整,加剧东北亚紧张局势,导致地区内国际力量对比与战略格局的重新组合。  相似文献   
自秦汉中国已形成为统一的多民族国家,民族关系的研究在中国的历史研究中也占据了重要地位。浑然天成的北方游牧民族与南方农耕民族时战时和,在历史长河中互相影响、互相依附,在政治、经济、文化等方面融合发展,独具其特性与规律性。  相似文献   
文章介绍了Nb3Sn CICC超导磁体的设计分析过程。根据超导磁体设计要求,以零维模型为基础,给出了磁体设计的基本方法与公式,得到了磁体运行的主要性能参数。计算结果表明,导体具有较大的温度裕度和稳定性裕度,磁体的设计是安全可靠的。  相似文献   
提出了相对参考机的单机稳定裕度评估方法.研究了单一机组功角曲线的表达方式,将多机系统中单机功角曲线表达为本机相对参考机转子角度的函数,提出了基于泰勒级数的功角曲线预测拟合方法.提出了稳定裕度的预测评估方法与事后评估方法,比较了事后评估与预测评估所得稳定裕度的差异.SGEAC方法在判别系统是否稳定时没有任何假设,不需要进...  相似文献   
Spinning gait is valuable for quadruped robot, which can be used to avoid obstacles quickly for robot walking in unstructured environment.A kind of bionic flexible body is presented for quadruped robot to perform the spinning gait.The spinning gait can be achieved by coordinated movement of body laterally bending and legs swing, which can improve the mobility of robot walking in the un-structured environments.The coordinated movement relationship between the body and the leg mechanism is presented.The stability of quadruped robot with spinning gait is analyzed based on the center of gravity ( COG) projection method.The effect of different body bending angle on the stabili-ty of quadruped robot with spinning gait is mainly studied.For the quadruped robot walking with spinning gait, during one spinning gait cycle, the supporting polygon and the trajectory of COG pro-jection point under different body bending angle are calculated.Finally, the stability margin of quadruped robot with spinning gait under different body bending angle is determined, which can be used to evaluate reasonableness of spinning gait parameters.  相似文献   
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