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Summary Hydrochlorothiazide, acutely injected in rats, has a weak analgesic activity per se and potentiates and prolongs the antinociceptive effect of morphine.This work was supported in part by grants from Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, and by Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione, Roma.  相似文献   
Summary The growth characteristics of human leukemic cell lines in serum supplemented medium and in serum free medium with and without the addition of insulin were investigated. No relation was found between the insulin binding capacity of the cells and their hormone-dependence for growth.This work has been supported by grant CT82.00191.04 of CNR Rome and by Regione Piemonte.  相似文献   
This paper stresses the restrictive nature of the standard unit root/cointegration assumptions and examines a more general type of time heterogeneity, which might characterize a number of economic variables, and which results in parameter time dependence and misleading statistical inference. We show that in such cases ‘operational’ models cannot be obtained, and the estimation of time‐varying parameter models becomes necessary. For instance, economic processes subject to endemic change can only be adequately modelled in a state space form. This is a very important point, because unstable models will break down when used for forecasting purposes. We also discuss a new test for the null of cointegration developed by Quintos and Phillips (1993), which is based on parameter constancy in cointegrating regressions. Finally, we point out that, if it is possible to condition on a subset of superexogenous variables, parameter instability can be handled by estimating a restricted system. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
给出了一类向量组,讨论了此类向量组的一些有趣的性质,阐述并举例其在证明线性空间的有限覆盖问题中的重要应用。  相似文献   
针对黑板结构中的猜测现象提出了一种基于数据依赖图的猜测推理方法,并给出了这种方法的模型及实例  相似文献   
该文基于2009年-2017年290个地级及以上城市的面板数据,分析以土地为中心发展模式下中国城市保障性住房土地供应的空间格局特征及其影响因素.实证结果显示:中国地级及以上城市保障性住房土地供应的空间分异特征异于其他社会经济空间格局.土地财政依赖和工业偏向的土地供给结构对地方政府保障性住房的土地供应有负面影响,但土地供给结构对保障住房供应的影响有一定的区域异质性,即在中西部内陆地区,工业偏向的土地供给结构对保障性住房用地供给的抑制作用会更显著.该研究结论为如何有效推动保障性住房供给和差异化的保障性住房政策的制定和实施具有重要政策涵义.  相似文献   
急倾斜煤层煤岩变形局部化特征现场监测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
急倾斜煤层开挖扰动区煤体动态变形具有明显局部化特征,易诱致动力学破坏。以大洪沟矿巷道动压防治为目标,通过煤岩局部化变形指标分析,室内测试、现场光学观测和表面变形监测等方法,定量分析了动压巷道两帮和顶板不同深度的侧向与垂直变形及演化特征。结果表明:巷道局部化变形差异性显著,在两巷交汇区域,B3巷道最大侧向变形达0.5 m,顶板最大垂直变形达0.6 m.确定动压破坏严重区域范围为15.0~20.0 m.这为现场灾害预测和调控提供判据。  相似文献   
我国油气资源贫乏,对外依存度高,对保障能源安全提出了严峻挑战。本文报道了《国家中长期科学和技术发展规划纲要(2006-2020)》实施以来,我国油气资源勘探开发领域的政策响应、技术进展,以及领域专家对未来发展的建议。  相似文献   
隐函数定理是大学数学分析课程的一个重要定理,该定理在现代数学的许多分支都有重要应用.应用在大学常微分方程课程里学过的有关微分方程解的存在唯一性和解对初值与参数的连续性等定理给出隐函数定理的一个新证明.  相似文献   
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