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In this paper, We deal with the solution of the state equation of a system by the Walsh function, that is, we shall find the solution of a matrix differential equation by the Walsh function, and introduce a solution of the higher-order matrix differential equation. First, after a certain transform, we turn the higher-order matrix differential equation into a state equation. Then we find the solution of the state equation by the Walsh function. Finally after a certain transform, we obtain a solution of the higher-order matrix differential equation.  相似文献   
This paper deals with the solution to an energy, dependent stationary neutrontransport equation of slab geometry. In L~p space, the equation is converted into an equiva-lent integral equation. By the study of the corresponding integral operator and its spectralradius, results of Neumann series solution are obtained, and an easy-verified condition thatthe transport equation has a nonnegative solution is given.  相似文献   
本文针对多处理机系统构造了一类并行隐式Runge-Kutta公式,对2级Runge-Kutta公式给出具有4阶精度的公式族,并证明了它们的收敛性,进行稳定性分析。数值例子表明,该公式可以有效地数值求解较广泛类型的常微分方程初值问题。  相似文献   
一类并行隐式Runge-Kutta方法的A稳定性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文针对多处理机系统构造了一类并行隐式Runge—Kutta方法,给出了一个具有三阶精度的并行二级Runge—Kutta公式,并证明了该计算公式具有A稳定性,数值结果表明该计算公式对求解刚性常微分方程是有效的。  相似文献   
本文用有限元方法研究有液体流动管道在空间内振动,液体流速与压强对其固有频率的影响。给出运动微分方程及其解法,并通过实例加以验证。  相似文献   
In this paper,we use the contraction principle and the Leray-Schauder principleto deal with the existence of periodic solutions of the Volterra integral differential equation.Some new existence criteria and unique existence criteria are obtained.  相似文献   
In this paper,we discuss the accelerating convergence method for finite elementapproximation of integro-differential equations with parameters.As applications,we give theerror estimates of finite element for the first kind of Fredholm integral equation,particularlyfor the Volterra integral equation with kernel condition k(x,x)=0.  相似文献   
GPC隐式算法及其在供热控制中的仿真研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于理论研究和工程应用的需要,提出了广义预测隐式算法。首先介绍了具有滤波器的模型已知的基本广义预测控制(GPC)算法,然后给出了两种隐式自适应算法,一种是已知对象阶跃响应前P个参数的算法,这种算法既不需要在线递推求解Diophantine方程,也不需在线求逆;另一种是一次辨识控制器参数的算法。最后以集中供热热力站热交换过程为应用背景,对基本算法和两种隐式算法进行仿真研究,其结果证明了算法的有效性。  相似文献   
针对部队航电组件测试任务繁重、故障定位率低的问题,提出一种利用历史数据来简化测试任务、提高故障定位率的方法。利用粗糙集信息系统理论,建立了航电组件故障信息系统模型;基于测试任务辨识函数和诊断允许误差对测试任务进行约简;基于最短测试时间选出最优测试任务集;利用贝叶斯最大后验概率进行故障诊断推理,将诊断问题归结为不等式约束极值问题;用0-1规划隐数算法求得最优解。最后以某型飞机惯导部件为例验证了方法的快速有效性。  相似文献   
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