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作为宋代杰出的女诗人,李清照的诗歌通过对女性自我意识的觉醒、强烈的政治批判、对现实无奈的忧患三个方面的描写,充分展现了一位忧国忧民、关心政治、有着极强的独立意识的知识女性形象。  相似文献   
苏曼 《科技信息》2007,(15):157-160
Ralph Waldo Emerson, born in 19th century's America, is most famous for his transcendental ideas and writings. He was deeply influenced by European Romanticism in his thirties and formed an informal Transcendental Club with people of like minds. His thought is often considered the core of Transcendentalism. "Nature" is the fundamental document of his philosophy and an embodiment of his transcendental attitude towards the phenomenal world. He also wrote some other brilliant essays such as "The American Scholar", "Self-Reliance", "The Over-Soul" and "The Poet", etc, all of which established his indisputable position in the history of culture, especially in the American Culture where he is regarded as the one who, in literally terms at least, really put America on map. But considering Emerson's writings without significant emphasis on his verse would be a great loss. Emerson wrote poetry from the time he was a boy to nearly the end of his life. These poems are essential for understanding him and his transcendental theories and are receiving more extensive representation in anthologies while significant critical analyses are emerging though some modern readers and scholars tend to view his poetry as secondary to the "essential" Emerson. In view of the above, this paper supposes to introduce Emerson's views on poets and poems and then analyze some of his famous poems in the order of 'Emerson as a Poet', 'Emerson's Views on Poets and Poems' and 'Emerson's Poems' with the third one as the focus of this paper. The purpose of this paper is to try to make the comprehension on Emerson and his abstract transcendental theories more complete and thorough by emphasizing his contribution in the poetic field.  相似文献   
历代的唐诗选本种类繁多,清人沈德潜编录的《唐诗别裁集》是其中一个影响较大的选本。沈德潜的诗论以"温柔敦厚"为首,主张诗歌要有社会功用,他在《唐诗别裁集》中十分强调这种儒家诗教。李白是沈德潜在《唐诗别裁集》中推崇的大家,他对李白诗的选录与评注,也无一不在阐发其"温柔敦厚"的诗论。  相似文献   
清代袁枚晚年大量招收女弟子,女弟子在诗坛的地位并不高,但确有独到之处.其诗歌有较高的认识价值和艺术审美价值.尤其在艺术审美方面,以女性的感觉入诗,诗中含有画意.  相似文献   
将浩如烟海的中国古典诗歌中有关“记梦”的诗归纳为写报国之壮志、兴亡之感伤、相思之苦情、悼亡之悲思、揽胜之旷怀、游仙之幻想、思乡之愁绪、念友之挚意、忆昔之深慨、生命之咏叹十个层面,认为这是古代诗人思想的反射,是华夏民族精神的折光,也是对弗洛伊德精神分析文论中的“白日梦”观点的最佳诠解。  相似文献   
离别诗是中国古代诗歌中非常重要的一类,在唐代达到了空前的繁荣,频繁的离别既丰富了离别诗的素材,又构成了唐代离别诗繁荣的基础;唐代用人制度的改革则是唐代离别诗兴盛的直接原因,科举制、军功授官制、荐引制的实行都促进了与之相关的离别诗的兴盛;唐代对诗歌的重视是离别诗繁荣的政治原因,统治阶级对诗歌的重视一方面提高了诗歌的社会地位,另一方面则增强了诗歌的社会功能。  相似文献   
明朝嘉靖时期宰相严嵩虽被认为是一代奸佞,但同时也是一名诗人,其诗风形成和发展具有一条轨迹,循着这一轨迹,以他的诗歌发展变迁为研讨对象,探寻了他仕途出入的五个阶段对其诗歌内容和诗风产生的影响,从整体上对严诗在严嵩不同的人生阶段中所具有的价值和特点进行了初步概括。  相似文献   
宋遗民身处易代之际,其内心所承受的悲痛是前所未有的。他们对国家、民族的悲叹,对汉文化的痛惜以及对个人命运的哀怨,在咏物诗中得以集中地体现。宋遗民诗人不仅丰富了咏物诗的情感内涵,增强了艺术感染力,而且为这一诗体注入一股悲壮、严正的人文气质,其对后世,尤其是明遗民诗必然产生重要的影响。  相似文献   
清代前期钱谦益的《钱注杜诗》和浦起龙的《读杜心解》运用传统阐释观念对杜诗进行阐释。前者力图考辨史实,批驳旧注,后者力图阐发杜甫的"蔼然忠厚之本心";前者侧重"知人论世",后者侧重"以意逆志"。两者各有特色而又互补,共同丰富和发展了杜诗学。  相似文献   
在有关清代诗歌研究的论著中,难免存在着各种各样的错误,需要我们尽可能地予以发现、指出和订正。对他人的论著是如此,对自己的论著更应当如此。现在即针对笔者自己的几种著作中已经发现的错误做一次集中的梳理,以免继续贻误后来的读者。  相似文献   
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