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本文提供了一种用单位纯变形能建立平均纯变形抗力模型的方法。  相似文献   
为实现对回采巷道顶板的有效支撑及巷道围岩的有效控制,根据沿空留巷围岩控制机理,研究粉煤灰-高水材料沿空留巷巷旁充填工艺,并在双鸭山新安煤矿综三工作面进行现场实验。结果表明:沿空留巷期间,巷道顶底板、两帮移近量随着与工作面距离的增加而增加;充填体可以实现主动接顶,有效防止老顶的变形,其强度随着时间的增加迅速提高;充填条带密实性较好,可阻止有害气体逸出。该研究为类似条件矿井沿空留巷巷旁充填提供了借鉴。  相似文献   
Based on the experimental results and analysis of the cyclic deformation, there is an obvious yield stage on the cyclic stress-strain curve at the stage of small plastic deformation (in room or low temperatures). This phenomenon is similar to that of monotonic tensile curve case. But for the former the deformation amount at which the yield begins is much smaller than that for the latter. The cyclic stress-strain constitutive relation needs to be further studied according to the actual cyclic stress-strain curve. The conventional constitutive equation σ=Aεn is based on the results only corresponding to the cyclic strengthening stage. It is not appropriate for the stage of the small plastic deformation and the stage of yield.  相似文献   
通过固溶时效处理,研究冷变形、时效温度等因素对微合金元素V,Ti,Nb的碳氮化物沉淀析出行为和组织演变过程的影响。结果表明:预变形试验钢的时效动力学曲线和未变形试验钢的时效动力学曲线具有相似的形状,预变形后达到的硬度峰值高,所需的时效时间缩短。预变形对含钒钢和含钛钢的碳氮化物析出动力学的影响很小,组织发生了再结晶并生成铁素体组织。预变形促进了含铌钢的碳氮化物较快析出,阻止再结晶,保持粒状贝氏体组织。  相似文献   
连云港抛泥区抛泥弃土的流失及其对外航道回淤的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
连云港羊窝头抛泥区由抛泥弃土形成的水下堆积体,主要受波浪和潮流作用,一部分在抛泥期间被运移,另一部分在波浪掀动后被潮流搬运。抛泥区93%的弃土是在抛泥期间的4~10月被运移流失。当每年有300万立米的弃土抛于羊窝头抛泥区,它可以使东口门水体含沙量增加20%,在连云港外航道5+000内淤积厚度增加0.21米,这个淤积强度是很小的.  相似文献   
采用痕法研究了Zr47.9Ti0.3Ni3.1Cu39.3Al9.4与Ti40Zr25Be30Cr5两种非晶合金的塑性变特征,考查了载荷与痕速度对塑性变特征的影响.结果表明两种铸态非晶合金样品的剪切带表现出同的特征:Ti非晶合金在痕两侧剪切带现分枝特征,随着载荷和痕速度的增加,出现多重分枝和混乱分特征;而Zr非晶合金的剪切带特征以一次剪切带为主,随载荷和痕速度增加,剪切带特征向单一、平滑趋势转变.进一研究了弛豫对Zr非晶合金痕变特征的影响,发现弛豫使Zr非晶合金剪切带向分枝特征转变.从自由体积观点探讨了两种合金中同剪切带特征的和演制.  相似文献   
本文计算出了具有二重零特征根的平面向量场的正规形和通有形变,并对分岔问题作了分析和证明。  相似文献   
利用ANSYS/LS-DYNA显式动力学分析有限元法对Zr55Al10Cu30Ni5块体非晶合金的室温轧制塑性变形过程进行模拟计算,分析了非晶合金变形区域内的最大剪切应力分布与压下率的关系。计算得出了稳定轧制阶段不同压下率下非晶合金的应力和应变分布。计算结果表明,轧制变形区的最大剪切应力随压下率的增大而增大,并且在最大剪切应力超过屈服应力的局部区域非晶合金发生了非均匀塑性变形。模拟分析的结果与实验研究结果相符合,从而为进一步研究室温轧制变形诱导非晶合金微观结构变化提供理论依据。  相似文献   
对无镍奥氏体不锈钢经塑性变形后自由表面微观形态变化以及对耐腐蚀性能的影响进行了观察分析.结果表明:随着压缩应变量的增加,各晶粒变形不均匀性加剧,试样表面形成的褶皱增大,原本平整的表面逐渐变成粗糙表面,茶碱对试样无腐蚀作用,而生理盐水对变形试样起应力腐蚀作用.  相似文献   
We utilize Quasi Ionosphere-Free (QIF) post-processing algorithm to account for ionosphere delay and use addition parameters to solve for tropospheric bias. Then the estimated integer ambiguities and troposphere parameters are fixed to acquire kinematic relative positions at every epoch.Using kinematic relative positioning, data from the Taiwan continuous GPS network (TCGN) are utilized to analyze the co-seismic displacements associated with the 21 September 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake (ML=7.3). The station near the highest peak of Taiwan, Yushan (YUSN) and a station ineastem Taiwan, Fenglin (FLNM) show significant co-seismic displacements of 18 and 12 cm in the north direction as well as 16 and 24 cm in the west direction, respectively. Comparing the co-seismic displacements estimated from daily solutions with those from kinematic results, the differences are less than 2 cm in the horizontal components. The impact of the major aftershocks occurred immediately after the mainshock can be identified from the kinematic positioning. The same algorithm is also applied to study the 1 Hz sampling rate data related to 31 March 2002 off Hualien earthquake (ML=6.8), seven stations of the TCGN are analyzed to study the co-seismic deformation. With the higher sampling rate data, the instantaneous ground motion caused by the propagation of seismic waves can be observed.  相似文献   
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