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The Wigner-Ville distribution (WVD) and the cross Wigner-Ville distribution (XWVD) have been shown to be efficient in the estimation of instantaneous frequency (IF). But the statistical result of the IF estimation from XWVD peak is much better than using WVD peak. The reason is given from a statistical point of view. Theoretical studies show that XWVD of the analyzed signal can be estimated from XWVD of the noise-contaminated signal. The estimation is unbiased, and the variance is equal to that of noise. In this case, WVD cannot be estimated from W-VD of the noise-contaminated signal. Therefore, higher SNR is required when WVD is used to analyze signals.  相似文献   
网络化制造环境下生产动态调度仿真与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对网络化制造环境下生产系统特点,构建异地生产协同调度框架.基于调度框架进行动态仿真计算:应用模糊理论对生产时间分布概率进行判断,确定企业内部生产调度评测参数;使用Hopfield神经网络综合决策,求出企业外协生产与内部调度之间的可行解.将调度框架应用在实际生产调度问题中,对仿真计算结果继续综合优化,能够得到好的可行调度方案.  相似文献   
人类通信模式中基于时间统计的实证研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
最近关于人类通信模式的实证研究显示,信件的回复时间分布具有近似幂律的尾部,其中幂指数在电子邮件和普通信件中并不相同,前者为1.O,后者为1.5。统计了钱学森和鲁迅先生的信件数据,同样发现了近似幂律的回复时间分布,但是钱学森的分布指数是2.1,该发现暗示,将人类动力学划分为两个普适类的猜测可能是不充分的;信件发送的时间间隔分布也服从相同幂指数的幂律分布。同时,截取钱学森连续10年的信件得到的等待时间分布和间隔时间分布与总体基本相似,且幂指数也相同。这种巧合有可能暗示了潜藏在人类通讯模式中的某种未知机制。  相似文献   
In this paper, a new triangular element (Quasi-Carey element) is constructed by the idea of Specht element. It is shown that this Quasi-Carey element possesses a very special property, i.e., the consistency error is of order O(h^2), one order higher than its interpolation error when the exact solution belongs to H^3(Ω). However, the interpolation error and consistency error of Carey element are of order O(h). It seems that the above special property has never been seen for other triangular elements for the second order problems.  相似文献   
论述了飞行员人体动态体表压力分布对于飞行过载动感仿真的重要性。给出坐姿人体体表压力模式及其等效压力分析方法。在对称机动飞行情形下,建立了飞行员人体动力学方程,该方程考虑了歼击机飞行员实际坐姿。导出了动态体表压力公式,动态体表压力与飞行员人体加速度之间的惯性传递矩阵。给出与动态体表压力相关的歼击机飞行员人体参数计算方法。以某飞机眼镜蛇机动为例,通过数值求解,得到该机动飞行时飞行员人体动态体表压力分布。研究结果可用于指导过载椅设计。  相似文献   
根据虚功原理,推导了子结构方法的动力学模型。采用实体单元建立了某多管火箭炮的子结构模型。计算了某多管火箭炮在不同俯仰角和装弹数量情况下的固有振动频率,得到了低阶固有频率与俯仰角的关系及低阶固有频率与火箭弹数量的关系。结果表明采用该方法计算频率,能减小计算模型,缩短计算时间。  相似文献   
1 IntroductionDuringrecentseveraldecadesmanyauthorsstudiedM/G/1queueswithdifferentservervacationregimes(seeRefs.[1~6]).Theynotonlystudiedthestochasticdecompositionpropertiesofthequeuelengthandwaitingtimewhenthesystemisinequilibrium,butalsostudiedthetransientandequilibriumdistributionsofthequeuelength.InRef.[6]theau-thorsstudiedM/G/1queuewithdelaymultipleservervacationsinwhichtheserverhasthreestates:vacation-preparation,vacationandbusyperiod.InthispaperwefirstdiscusstheM/G/1queuewithdelay…  相似文献   
将模糊推理应用于系统预测,使用正态分布原理对变量进行区分,并用模糊聚类中的相关系数法选择特征因子,建立了模糊推理预测模型。并将其应用于能源消费量的预测。  相似文献   
讨论了根据极值理论 ( EVT)计算受险价值 ( Va R)的两类不同的方法 :基于矩估计的“两次子样试算法”和极大似然估计法 ,并给出了各自理论推导过程和计算步骤 .同时 ,把这两类方法与正态分布和经验分布的结果进行了比较 .应用四种汇率历史数据进行的实证计算表明 ,在极端条件下 ,用极值理论方法估计 Va R具有很高的准确性 ,而矩估计法的结果又优于极大似然估计法 .  相似文献   
1. Introduction and Main ResultsSince the definition on complete convergence of real random variables was introduced by Hsuand Robbins[1], there have been extensive literature on the complete convergence of i.i.d. realvalued random variables, see Baum and Katz ([2]), Bat and Su ([3]). In 1989, Yul4] extendedsome results in Bat and Su ([3]) to real valued independent but not necessarily identicallydistributed case. The main purpose of this paper is to extend the results of Yu[4] to B-value…  相似文献   
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