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The relationship between winter sea surface temperature (SST) east of Australia and summer precipitation in the Yangtze River valley and a possibly related physical mechanism were investigated using observation data. It is found that winter SST east of Australia is correlated positively to summer precipitation in the Yangtze River valley. When the SST east of Australia becomes warmer in winter, the western Pacific subtropical high and the East Asian westerly jet tend to shift southward the following summer, concurrent with low-level southwesterly anomalies over eastern China. These conditions favor precipitation increase in the Yangtze River valley, whereas the opposite conditions favor precipitation decrease. The influence of winter SST east of Australia on East Asian summer atmospheric circulations may occur in two ways. First, by an anomalous SST signal east of Australia in winter that persists through the following summer, thus affecting East Asian atmospheric circulations via the inter-hemispheric teleconnection. Second, when the SST east of Australia is warmer in winter, higher SST appears simultaneously in the southwest Indian Ocean and subsequently develops eastward by local air-sea interaction. As a result, the SST in the Maritime Continent increases in summer, which may lead to an anomalous change in East Asian summer atmospheric circulations through its impact on convection.  相似文献   
贵州山地由于特殊的地质构造,决定了贵州的浅基础设计比常见的浅基础设计更为复杂。作者分析了贵州山地不同的地基地质条件,提出了相应经济合理,便于施工的浅基础设施方法及施工中应注意的问题。  相似文献   
通过普通薄片、铸体薄片、扫描电镜、阴极发光、X-射线衍射以及流体包裹体等多种分析测试方法,对鄂西渝东地区小河坝组砂岩储层发育特征及成岩相进行了详细的研究。研究结果表明:研究区小河坝组砂岩类型主要为长石质石英砂岩,其成分成熟度和结构成熟度均为中等;储层物性较差,为典型的低孔渗致密砂岩储层,孔隙类型以粒间溶孔为主;成岩作用是控制该区储层物性的关键因素,其中压实和硅质胶结作用主要为破坏性成岩作用,碳酸盐胶结交代作用和溶蚀作用则为建设性成岩作用,其形成的次生孔隙极大的改善了储层物性;有机质反射率、古地温以及流体包裹体等资料显示,研究区总体处于中成岩B-晚成岩期;根据成岩作用对物性的影响以及成岩相综合分析,将本区小河坝组砂岩划分为强压实成岩相、黏土矿物胶结成岩相、石英次生加大成岩相、碳酸盐胶结交代成岩相等4种单因素成岩相,其中压实—黏土矿物胶结—碳酸盐交代胶结组合成岩相为本区小河坝砂岩储层最有利的储层相带。  相似文献   
通过比较东西方科学的差异,结合中国科技现状,归纳出中国科技未来发展的方向。  相似文献   
研究了南方低山丘陵的水土流失问题.以江西赣南为例,介绍了水土保持的治理措施,以及生态和经济同步发展的猪-沼-果模式.  相似文献   
根据勘察和土工试验资料的分析,对韩庄运河沿线的综合工程地质条件进行了宏观的评价。在此基础之上,对其可能遇到的主要工程地质问题,如河道开挖、边坡稳定性、地震与土层液化、渠道渗漏与环境问题以及地基问题进行了初步的研究。  相似文献   
在系统概化的基础上建立了南水北调东线水量调配模型,进行了水量调配计算,并进行了仿真试验分析。水量调配结果表明,东线工程调度过程合理,且具有较高的可靠性。  相似文献   
云中过冷水识别对于人工影响天气及预防飞机积冰具有重要意义,但过冷水的识别一直是气象探测中的难点,毫米波雷达是连续探测云结构和物理特征的有效工具。本文利用布设在藏东南水汽通道入口处墨脱地区的Ka波段毫米波云雷达基数据,结合微波辐射计温度资料,采用基于模糊逻辑法、阈值法进行过冷水识别,识别出的粒子相态包含冰、雪、过冷水及混合态。并利用同址的微波辐射计的液态水路径(LWP)对墨脱云雷达观测的两个层积云过程的过冷水识别效果进行了分析和初步验证。结果表明:模糊逻辑法和阈值法识别的过冷水基本合理,但模糊逻辑法可以识别更多的过冷水,从定量分析来看,模糊逻辑法相对于阈值法识别的LWP更接近于微波辐射计。藏东南墨脱地区层积云中过冷水的微物理参数与其他地区较为一致,有效半径主要位于7~15 μm之间,液态水含量(LWC) 主要分布在0.01~0.3 g·m-3之间,但墨脱地区过冷水的分布比其他地区更为丰富,往往云顶、云底及云中同时存在过冷水。  相似文献   
The Maoling gold deposit, one of the large gold deposits in eastern Liaoning Province, NE China, is an arsenopyrite-disseminated gold deposit with a resource of approximately 25 t Au and an average Au grade of 3.2 g/t. Six arsenopyrites closely related to Au mineralization of the Maoling gold deposit are dated by Re-Os technique and define a Re-Os isochron with an age of 2316±140 Ma, which suggests that the deposit was formed in the Paleoproterozoic era rather than in the Indosinian period as some early researchers suggested. High initial ^187Os/^188Os ratio of 1.32±0.48 indicates a crustal derivation of the ore-forming material of the deposit, which may be derived from rocks of the Gaixian formation of the Liaohe Group. Furthermore,the result also implies that the age of the Gaixian Formation in the Maoling district is older than 2316±140 Ma.  相似文献   
对准噶尔盆地阜东斜坡区侏罗系地层进行了研究 ,选择了可信度较高的地震反射内部结构和外部形态 ,辅助地震反射振幅、连续性等参数 ,对地震相进行了划分命名。在研究区 6个地震层序中共识别出平行席状地震相、亚平行席状地震相、前积地震相、亚平行波状乱岗状地震相、透镜状地震相、充填地震相及楔状地震相等多种地震相类型。这些地震相在平面分布上具有差异性 ,而在垂向演化上具有继承性和新生性  相似文献   
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