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任务规划作为一项重要技术,已经广泛应用于卫星的星载与地面控制系统中,以提高卫星任务执行的鲁棒性、可预测性和高效性。描述了对地观测卫星任务规划问题及特点,给出了对地观测卫星任务规划的一般处理过程。针对约束规划中的局部邻域搜索算法不能有效反应对地观测卫星成像的时效性和分辨率等需求的问题,提出了基于动态优先级的局部邻域搜索算法。算法在经典约束满足问题求解算法的基础上,主要扩展了任务优先级的定义及在搜索过程中的启发式。通过典型的仿真算例,验证了算法的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   
基于模糊随机概率的电子产品寿命分析方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
电子产品失效过程是一种兼有随机性和模糊性的模糊随机现象,电子产品的寿命应为一个模糊随机变量。应用模糊随机概率的相关理论,对传统随机概率寿命分析进行改进,建立了一种模糊随机概率寿命分布函数,并且根据寿命的特点提出了选择模糊变量隶属函数的标准。在此基础上,研究了产品失效的可能性分布,以确定产品在某一时刻可能失效的可能性大小。通过实例分析对比,新的寿命分布函数能够反映出更多的寿命信息,且表达更为直观具体,所建立的可能性分布能够真实地反映实际产品失效的可能性大小。  相似文献   
The problem of robust H∞ control for uncertain neutral stochastic systems with time-varying delay is discussed. The parameter uncertaintie is assumed to be time varying norm-bounded. First, the stochastic robust stabilization of the stochastic system without disturbance input is investigated by nonlinear matrix inequality method. Then, a full-order stochastic dynamic output feedback controller is designed by solving a bilinear matrix inequality (BMI), which ensures a prescribed stochastic robust H∞ performance level for the resulting closed loop system with nonzero disturbance input and for all admissible uncertainties. An illustrative example is provided to show the feasibility of the controller and the potential of the proposed technique.  相似文献   
双基地高频雷达一阶海杂波多普勒频移展宽效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过分析杂波单元上双基地角的变化,定量分析了双基地高频地波雷达一阶海杂波多普勒频移展宽效应,给出了展宽效应在雷达探测区域上的空间分布,分析了展宽效应的影响因素。同时分析了极限双基地角时的谱展宽效应和零频附近的一阶海杂波能量分布。分析表明,双基地杂波单元上的一阶海杂波Bragg峰多普勒频移是一个连续谱,因而在基线和发射机附近会形成雷达盲区。  相似文献   
结合复杂网络理论对BBS中虚拟社区网络的演化规律进行了研究.首先,通过BBS版块的数据信息构建有向虚拟社区网络,研究了网络拓扑结构特性的演化,包括新增结点数和边数、度分布的幂指数、网络结构熵等随时间变化的规律,发现网络从"有序"到"无序"再到"稳定有序"的变化过程,并且在此类社区网络中存在富人俱乐部现象.然后,基于BBS版块虚拟社区的演化规律,提出了一种虚拟社区网络构造模型.该模型方法的仿真结果与真实虚拟社区网络演化特性相符,在一定程度上能解释虚拟社区的演化规律,具有很强的实际意义.  相似文献   
Most inventory researches assume that production level can fluctuate arbitrarily. However, large fluctuation of the production level in many firms may be much costly. This paper addresses the coordinating pricing and inventory control problem in a bounded production system with uncertain yield, in which the production level is constrained between a maximum and minimum level in each period and the price can be adjusted dynamically. We show that the optimal policy is the interval base-stock-list-price policy. Also, we study the impact of the production bounds and uncertainty of the yield on the production system. Numerical experiments are also performed to study the impact of parameters on the system.  相似文献   
We study an M/PH/1 queue with phase type working vacation and vacation interruption where the vacation time follows a phase type distribution. The server serves the customers at a lower rate in a vacation period. The server comes back to the regular busy period at a service completion without completing the vacation. Such policy is called vacation interruption. In terms of quasi birth and death process and matrix-geometric solution method, we obtain the stationary queue length distribution. Moreover we obtain the conditional stochastic decomposition structures of queue length and waiting time when the service time distribution in the regular busy period is exponential.  相似文献   
飞机结冰包线保护对开环飞行性能影响与仿真   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In-flight icing is one of the most important factors for all of the aircraft accident.A brief method was utilized to simulate the aeroplane iced in order to solve the problem which was caused by ice,such as low stall of angle of attack and flight envelope atrophy.All the longitudinal dynamic of aircraft could be got in different input.Ice aircraft envelope protection could provide the pilot with enough time to avoid icing related accidents by calculating the stall limits of angle of attack online.The result of simulation can show that the system is working effectively,furthermore its method is simple and concept is obvious.It provides a good way for simulation research,especially in the condition of experiment lacking.  相似文献   
The models of venturi used in system simulation are always too simple to reflect the real flow process,but the CFD models are too complex to be enclosed into the propulsion system in spite of its accuracy.A 4th order dynamic model of venturi which is applicable to system simulation is brought forward through numerical simulations,experiments and system identifications.Result shows that there is a 3.3% flow fluctuation even under cavitation circumstance,other than constant flow rate.This model is helpful to improve the fidelity of propulsion system simulation.  相似文献   
As to the collaborative technique in sensor network,an integrated multi-target collaborative tracking model was constructed based on mobile dynamic coalition under the background of multi-satellite tracking.Then as to the mobile dynamic coalition formation,a coalition formation method was proposed based on game theory.Using mobile dynamic coalition,this collaborative model exchanged and coordinated the information of nodes to accord their action.So it is distributive and self-organizing.Simulation results validate the effectiveness of collaborative model in sensor network tracking multi-target.  相似文献   
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