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给出一类新的二阶广义(F,α,ρ,θ)-d-Ⅴ-Ⅰ型一致不变凸的概念, 讨论了极大极小分式规划问题(P), 建立了规划(P)的一个二阶对偶模型, 并利用此二阶广义Ⅰ型一致不变凸性, 得到了弱对偶、 强对偶和严格逆对偶定理.  相似文献   
令W表示弱倾斜模的类, C表示余倾斜模的类, 证明(W,C)在任意环R上是对偶对, 并基于该结果讨论与W相关的模类及余挠对的性质.  相似文献   
An allowable generalized quantum gate (introduced by Long, Liu and Wang) has the form of U = Σ k=0 d−1 c k U k , where U k’s are unitary operators on a Hilbert space H and |Σ k=0 d−1 c k |⩽1 and |c k |⩽1 (0⩽kd−1). In this work we consider a kind of AGQGs, called restricted allowable generalized quantum gates (RAGQGs), satisfying 0 < Σ k=0 d−1|c k |⩽1. Some properties of the set RAGQG(H) of all RAGQGs on H are established. Especially, we prove that the extreme points of RAGQG(H) are exactly unitary operators on H and that B(H)=R + RAGQG(H).  相似文献   
基于广义的Fenchel对偶定理及其相应的Kuhn-Tucker条件,给出了带有二次约束和熵密度约束的二次规划问题和熵密度问题的对偶规划,强对偶定理以及Kuhn-Tucker条件。  相似文献   
用光束就是光子流的观点不能够解释光的干涉,用电子束就是电子流的观点也不能解释电子的干涉,唯有用微观粒子的几率幅能够圆满地解释其干涉.因而,干涉可以理解为是两个几率幅之间的干涉.所以,从干涉实验来看,量子理论的最基本的概念,或者说,微观粒子的本性,应当是几率幅,而不是波粒二象性.  相似文献   
利用DC规划的Frenchel-Rockafellar对偶规划的思想, 提出了值型线性双层规划的共轭值型双层规划对偶. 证明了原规划和对偶规划之间的强对偶性定理, 并给出其相关的最优解条件.  相似文献   
结合图论理论和局域波理论,提出了一种基于模糊图的往复式压缩机故障诊断方法.首先将往复式压缩机故障信号进行局域波时频处理,根据系统的故障状态-特征表,找出最大故障信息量特征群.基于图论理论建立最大故障信息量模糊图,通过对模糊图的分析,找出可以进行匹配的路径信息量最大的部件.该方法应用于某往复式压缩机故障诊断中,具有一定的工程实用性.  相似文献   
肖艳艳 《江西科学》2012,30(3):286-287,303
研究了2个双扭双代数(Hopf代数)分次对偶的完备性,给出了2个双扭双代数(Hopf代数)的分次对偶是完备的充分必要条件。  相似文献   
We put forward the hypothesis that there exist three basic attitudes towards inconsistencies within world views: (1) The inconsistency is tolerated temporarily and is viewed as an expression of a temporary lack of knowledge due to an incomplete or wrong theory. The resolution of the inconsistency is believed to be inherent to the improvement of the theory. This improvement ultimately resolves the contradiction and therefore we call this attitude the ‘regularising’ attitude; (2) The inconsistency is tolerated and both contradicting elements in the theory are retained. This attitude integrates the inconsistency and leads to a paraconsistent calculus; therefore we will call it the paraconsistent attitude. (3) In the third attitude, both elements of inconsistency are considered to be false and the ‘real situation’ is considered something different that can not be described by the theory constructively. This indicates the incompleteness of the theory, and leads us to a paracomplete calculus; therefore we call it the paracomplete attitude. We illustrate these three attitudes by means of two ‘paradoxical’ situations in quantum mechanics, the wave-particle duality and the situation of non locality. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
系统科学在岩石破裂失稳研究中的应用(二)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用现代系统科学理论,从突变,耗散结构,结构模式对偶性原理以及分形等方面对岩石破裂过程中的失稳进行了研究,在本文的第二部分,根据自然界结构模式的对偶性原理,研究了岩石破裂的失稳过程与地震孕育序列的一致性,并认为这种一致性究其根源是岩石试件与地壳介质在裂纹分布上存在着微观层次与宏观层次的自相似性。  相似文献   
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