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Taking the institution design of controlling the pollution behavior of enterprises as an example, the symbol system specialized for the design and analysis of behavior management institution is put forward, which predigests the institution design greatly and make the process of institution design much like the engineering design. The measure combination method for improving the parameters of the institution, the arithmetic for calculating the validity of the institution and the arithmetic for calculating the behavior probability of the irrational managed are also put forward, which make the design and analysis technology of behavior management institution more practical.  相似文献   
GB/T19000-ISO9000标准的知识特征和层次结构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对 ISO90 0 0质量管理和质量保证系列标准的特点从知识结构和层次结构的角度进行了系统的分析 ,为人们理解标准提供了一种新的思路 ,这无疑是将知识管理的方法运用于 ISO90 0 0这个复杂系统的一种新的尝试.  相似文献   
基于面向对象模型库的DSS可重用体系结构研究   总被引:32,自引:1,他引:32  
通过对DSS中模型结构的研究,给出了基于面向对象模型库及其动态管理系统的DSS可重用体系结构,以及该体系结构的实现方法与工作流程.最后介绍了该项研究的应用情况.  相似文献   
虚拟企业协作博弈中的双优策略   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
讨论了目前供应链中的虚拟企业的基本概念及出现的背景 ,介绍了动态联盟为基础的敏捷制造模式 ,从对偶线性规划和双层规划的思想出发 ,在虚拟企业中共赢策略的基础上提出双优的实施策略 ,论述了达到双优所需要的条件及可行性 ,最后讨论了供应链的敏捷性 .  相似文献   
提出了 C/S结构系统的设计原则 ,并以“NSFC管理科学部管理信息系统”为例 ,说明了这种原则的应用 ,然后重点介绍了该系统的功能设计和模型设计 ,并给出 C/S结构模型的总体评价.  相似文献   
A hybrid approach of DEA (data envelopment analysis) and TOPSIS (technique for order performance (preference) by similarity to ideal solution) is proposed for multiple criteria decision analysis in emergency management. Two DEA-based optimization models are constructed to facilitate identifying parameter information regarding criterion weights and quantifying qualitative criteria in TOPSIS. An emergency management case study utilizing data from the Emergency Management Australia (EMA) Disasters Database is provided to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed analysis procedure.  相似文献   
宁夏银北灌区水资源优化配置模型及应用   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
以宁夏银北灌区为例,基于大系统分解协调原理建立了地表水地下水联合运用的递阶优化模型.子系统优化模型采用增量动态规划法求解,协调层利用目标协调法和关联预估法实现全局最优,获得不同约束方案下的时段最优引黄水量、井灌水量、井排水量和运行费用.所建模型及求解方法弥补了以往水资源配置模型只考虑地下水垂向运动,忽略水平运动的不足, 改善了模型的仿真性和决策的可靠性.  相似文献   
作为实施企业经营战略的有效工具,战略导向的预算管理具有重要意义,是在环境分析的基础上,联结战略与业务流程的重要工具。根据一般系统论的基本原理,探讨了企业竞争战略与预算管理之间的静态匹配和动态调适关系,战略导向的预算管理是一个包括预算编制、预算监控、预算考评与预算改进的整体集成的闭环系统,并具有战略陈述、战略执行、战略检查和战略学习的系统功能。  相似文献   
This paper reports the results of the first of a series of co-laboratories organized by Cypriot peace pioneers 30 months after the negative outcome of the referendum concerning UN General Secretary’s plan for reunification of the island. The purpose of this co-laboratory was to support a diverse group of disengaged and disappointed peace pioneers and activists representing Turkish and Greek communities of Cyprus develop a shared understanding of factors contributing to the perceived widening of the gap between the two divided communities in Cyprus. The co-laboratory was organized using the structured dialogic design process (SDDP) approach within the context of a rich web-based communication environment. The root causes contributing to the widening of the gap are discussed and are also compared with those identified during a similar co-laboratory employing the Interactive Management methodology 12 years earlier.
Aleco ChristakisEmail:
Action on issues of ecological significance often requires changes in personal behaviour and political consensus on technologies to support these changes. Unfortunately, many consultation processes only engage a narrow range of stakeholders, usually those professionally engaged or already active on a range of community issues. This paper illustrates how people who are ‘hard to reach’ or seen as ‘apathetic’ might be engaged using ‘action-conversations’ that explore the social climate for action and how scientific/technical messages can be framed in the language of the community.  相似文献   
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