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不同倾角深潜器观察窗应力分析计算方法与比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
深海装备的耐压开口结构设计,是深海探测装备研制过程中的关键技术之一。开口结构观察窗的受力与变形是设计开口结构的基础。文中研究推导了观察窗应力理论公式,作不同倾角情况下的比较,并进行了相关数值计算。  相似文献   
针对真实深海采矿环境下实时微地形超声探测声信号获取难的问题,设计并建立了一套能模拟真实深海采矿混响环境的超声探测实验系统.在对螺旋采掘头结构简化的基础上,利用Fluent模拟了螺旋采掘头与多组叶轮模型对水下流场的影响,对二者所得的水下流场进行比较后,确定所选叶轮模型能较好地反映真实采矿环境.随后针对叶轮模型,实验测量了泥沙垂向浓度分布,验证了设计模型的正确性.最后进行超声探测实验,结果表明,悬浮泥沙不仅对声波产生黏滞和吸收,而且会产生严重的混响干扰,通过该超声探测系统的时间增益补偿,可有效抑制混响干扰,增加目标检测概率.本项研究为深海采矿混响环境下的超声微地形探测提供了研究基础.  相似文献   
The number of halacarid genera and the approximate number of species in deep and shallow waters are listed, together with the halacarid species recorded from depths of over 1000 m. The vertical and horizontal distribution of genera are discussed, as well as morphological adaptions to life in the abyss. Eurybathic species are rare, and endemic deep-sea genera presumably do not exist. Algibiont and arenicolous genera have not been found in the abyss. Striking morphological features such as long legs, epimeral and anal protuberances, and dense coatings with cuticular filaments are independent of water depth and hydrostatic pressure, but correlate with life in very soft sediments. The deep-sea species, Lohmannella cygna nov. spec., is described.  相似文献   
针对深海潮汐特征难以获取的困难,基于深海锚系潜标压力传感器所测资料,利用线性近似的方法,建立了海面水位变化计算模型,并对该模型进行计算误差分析,提供了模型计算精度判别方法。基于该模型,利用南海中部海区深海锚系实测压力资料获取了锚系点的海面水位数据,并采用T-TIDE潮汐调和分析函数处理水位数据,获取了该海区的潮汐调和常数,对该海区的潮汐特征进行了验证与分析。所得潮汐类型为不规则日潮,主要(半)日分潮K1、O1、M2的振幅和迟角,均与前人利用卫星高度计资料和数值模拟分析结果基本一致。  相似文献   
从海底观察地球——地球系统的第三个观测平台   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
汪品先 《自然杂志》2007,29(3):125-130
随着新世纪的到来,海洋科学界正着手建设海底观测系统的网络,以探测和理解大洋系统的物理、化学、生物和地质等过程。这是继地面/洋面和空间之后,观测地球系统的第三个平台。从海底进行连续的实时观测,将使得人类可以长期“呆”在海里,从而改变人类与海洋的关系。同时,这第三平台还将提供窗口,窥测地球的内部过程。  相似文献   
为解决深海资源探测图像识别难题,提出一种基于粒子群优化的图像暗边缘检测优化算法。该算法通过指数型线性单元和高斯误差线性单元改进激活函数,根据Marr-Hildreth算子检测结果并结合改进激活函数构建暗边缘检测算法,利用粒子群对改进暗边缘检测算法进行训练和优化。最后,采用不同算法对水下11个数据集进行比较的结果表明:改进算法的峰值信噪比、结构相似度和边缘保持指数最高,分别达到18.769 6 dB、0.660 7和0.834 5;图像均方误差最低,为3 750.225 3;平均检测时间为0.667 4 s,比其他对比实验中性能最好的算法缩短了14%。  相似文献   
《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(6):1591-1621
The tanaidacean tribe Agathotanaini, which was formerly the family Agathotanaidae, is well-represented in the Rockall Trough and Bay of Biscay areas of the North-east Atlantic. Five species have been recorded from depths of 1160–4829 m. Agathotanais ingolfi is the most numerous and one of the most widely distributed tanaidacean species in the region, and is often predominant in epibenthic sled samples from 1500–2500 m. Less numerous and frequent are three new species of Paragathotanais: P. nanus, P. robustus and P. gracilis. The first two are bathyal in distribution, and the last is abyssal. A new monospecific genus is established for Metagathotanais insulcatus, which has been recorded from the deepest part of the study region (4600–4800 m). Males of this tribe are characterized by their rigid pleopods bearing short terminal setae, and are otherwise very similar to the females. A key is provided for the identification of agathotanaids from the North-east Atlantic, including Agathotanais hanseni, and the genera Allodaposia and Paranarthrura, which should also be classified in the Agathotanaini.  相似文献   
柔性立管系统在深海资源开发中使用越来越广泛。弯曲加强器作为立管系统的重要构件,其设计和研究对立管系统在复杂工况下的正常作业有着十分重要的意义。同时考虑材料的非线性力学行为、几何大变形,以及弯曲加强器与立管之间的接触摩擦,建立典型三段式弯曲加强器-立管系统的三维非线性力学模型,并与工程常用线性简化模型结果进行对比,说明非线性力学建模的必要性。在此基础上,通过非线性计算对典型三段式弯曲加强器的关键结构设计参数进行敏感性分析。结果表明,弯曲加强器的各段长度比例、厚度等结构参数对系统工作性能都有一定影响,在弯曲加强器设计时应给予充分考虑。  相似文献   
基于试验研究,探讨了不同颗粒粒径( d)、堵管高度( H)、流体平均流速( V)条件下粗颗粒在垂直扬矿管道中堵管后再起动的临界条件。研究结果表明:( a) d和H是影响单位长度压差(驻P)与V关系的2个重要参数。( b)当驻P与V呈线性关系时,垂直管道堵管后颗粒将无法实现再起动;反之,如若二者呈非线性关系,则颗粒可实现再起动。( c)基于试验结果提出的颗粒再起动时的临界流速、临界单位长度压差计算公式符合精度要求。  相似文献   
This paper briefly presents the progress of deep-sea pollen research in China since the beginning of ninetieths of the last Century. All the deep-sea pollen contri-butions mainly come from the South China Sea (SCS) and the East China Sea (ECS). The German-Chinese joint cruise (Sonne 95) and ODP 184 cruise initiated by Chinese scientists in the SCS provided excellent material for the deep-sea pollen research. So far a number of pollen results of 20-30 ka and million years from the SCS have been published. A couple of deep-sea pollen records from Okinawa Through of the ECS also came out. The high resolution pollen records obtained from the continuous deposits with high sedimentation rates and reliable age control of the deep-sea sediments provided a high time resolution history (hundred to millennial scales) of vegetation, environment and monsoon evolution of the pollen source areas (southern China and Japan). Spectral analysis of deep-sea pollen records from the SCS discovered orbital (100, 41, 23, 10 ka) and suborbital cyclicities(Heinrich and Dansgaard/Oscheger-O/D events) in the vegetation changes. Moreover, cross spectral analysis showed that the trend of vegetation changes in northern SCS was regulated mainly by changes of the ice volume in the Northern Hemisphere. The pollen record of the last 20 ka from the Okinawa Through of the ECS indicates that the marine environmental change lagged that on the terrestrail by about 1000 year. The asynchronous environmental changes between land and sea were probably caused by the time difference in thermohaline circulation. This study underscored the role of the deep-sea plant fossils as a bridge across the land and sea.  相似文献   
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