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Laoyaling is a typical stratiform deposit in the Tongling district and the molybdenum orebody is hosted by black shale of the Dalong Formation of the Upper Permian system. Eight black shale samples from the Laoyaling Mo orebody were dated by Re-Os technique using ICP-MS, which give an isochron age of 234.2±7.3 Ma with an initial 187Os/188Os ratio of 1.37±0.39. The apparent Re-Os age is a few million years younger than the depositional age of the Late Permian. The young isochron age may be caused by the later hydrothermal disturbance or mass fractionation during ICP-MS measurement. However, the obtained isochron age is close to the depositional age and far earlier than those of the Late Yanshanian intrusions. It suggests that the Mo ore of the Laoyaling deposit is sedimentary in origin and not related to the Late Yanshanian magmatism. Black shales of the Upper Permian are distributed widely in the Mid-Lower Yangtze region, our result is important for understanding the ore-forming processes in the regio  相似文献   
 锆石U-Pb定年与微量元素同时测定的原位微区分析是目前应用最广泛的地质测年方法之一,对锆石形貌学、内部结构及地球化学特征进行深入研究,是正确理解、解释锆石原位微区分析测年结果的关键。通过锆石的阴极发光图像(CL)、背散射电子图像(BSE),结合锆石的Th/U比值及稀土配分模式曲线特征,可判别不同锆石的成因类型;通过锆石的微量元素分析,可判别锆石寄主岩石的成因类型及形成环境;利用Ti温度计可限定岩体的岩浆源区深度范围,结合锆石寄主岩石类型及寄主岩石中深源包裹体的研究,可进一步推断锆石母岩浆的起源。锆石U-Pb定年与微量元素分析相结合的地质测年方法,已成功地应用于最大沉积地层时代限定、碎屑岩物源分析以及古洋盆演化过程约束等方面,且具有强有力的发展前景。  相似文献   
饶峥  刘晓东  刘帅  龚志军 《科学技术与工程》2020,20(25):10170-10176
内蒙古塔木素地区地处中蒙边境,位于阿拉善右旗,是高放废物粘土岩处置库的预选场址。预选区内大部分地区被第四系地层覆盖,发育多条断裂构造,断裂构造第四纪以来的活动性对于预选区有利地段的最终确定具有重要的科学和现实意义。本文以塔木素地区北部靠近控盆断裂的塔木素断裂为研究对象,利用光释光定年技术研究该断裂晚第四纪的活动性。通过野外地质调查和高分辨率卫星遥感影像发现塔木素断裂东段错段一条干枯的河流,我们对河流阶地采集光释光样品,测得光释光年龄为56.8±5.2ka,结合河流阶地的高程曲线可以看出塔木素断裂晚第四纪以来活动性弱。  相似文献   
新疆巴伦台钾长花岗岩的地球化学及年代学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探究新疆中天山巴伦台地区钾长花岗岩的地球化学特征、成岩年龄及其地质意义。方法在详细的地质调查基础上,分析其主量、微量元素含量等地球化学特征,并利用锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb定年方法确定其成岩年龄。结果钾长花岗岩具有火山弧花岗岩特征,形成年龄为369.6 Ma±2.6 Ma。结论古生代南天山洋洋壳向伊犁—中天山微板块下的俯冲至少延续到晚泥盆世。  相似文献   
运用生物力学方法对1980年在江苏镇江高资镇采集的2件完全石化的人类股骨进行分析,并在常规形态观测和加速器质谱14C测年的基础上对更新世人类化石及全新世现代人股骨形态的变异进行讨论.测年数据显示,"高资人"股骨可能属于全新世现代智人,但基于CT扫描数据计算出的骨干抗压抗拉强度、抗弯强度及其他形态特征都呈现某些较全新世现代人更显古老的特征.对比分析表明,人类股骨形态及测量值因其功能状况等原因具有相当大的变异,股骨形态特征不能作为判断化石系统发育地位的最关键证据.股骨生物力学参数是其功能状况的直接反映,在人类不同演化阶段因运动行为模式差异,其相对大小在不同人群存在更加明显分异,因而生物力学分析在长骨功能状况研究上具有很大应用价值.化石石化程度不是判断其年代的可靠标准.  相似文献   
为加深对北山晚古生代构造演化的认识, 选取位于甘肃北山南带、敦煌地块北缘的桥湾北花岗岩体进行年代学、地球化学研究。桥湾北角闪石花岗岩体锆石LA-ICP MS年龄为303.7±2.4 Ma, εHf(t)为-1.2~5.8, εNd(t)相对较高(-0.40~-0.06), (87Sr/86Sr)i =(0.704524~0.705062)。 桥湾北花岗岩体K2O含量为4.09%~5.58%, 属高钾钙碱性岩石, A/CNK值在0.92~1.04之间, 为I型花岗岩; 微量元素较富集LILE, 相对亏损HFSE, 有明显的Nb, Ta负异常。岩体具相对富集的微弱分馏的轻稀土元素, 重稀土元素分馏不明显, 基本没有Eu异常。由Hf, Nd同位素及地球化学特征判断, 桥湾北花岗岩体为壳幔混合成因, 其形式可以是底侵的幔源岩浆再分异, 上升过程中遭受地壳物质混染。根据区域构造背景及岩石学、地球化学特征, 可以认为桥湾北岩体是北山南带后碰撞过程岩浆活动的产物, 反映出在晚石炭世北山地区的碰撞拼贴已经完成。  相似文献   
Seep carbonates were collected from the Alaminos Canyon lease area, Gulf of Mexico. The carbonates are present as slabs and blocks. Bivalve shell and foraminifer are the dominant bioclasts in carbonate. Pores are common and usually filled with acicular aragonite crystals. XRD investigation shows that aragonite is the dominate mineral (98%). Peloids, clotted microfabirc and botryoidal aragonite are developed in carbonate and suggest a genesis linked with bacterial degradation of the hydrocarbons. The δ^13C value of bioclasts in carbonate is from -4.9‰ to -0.6‰, indicating that the carbon source is mainly from sea water as well as the small portion incorporation of the seep hydrocarbon. The microcrystalline and sparite aragonite shows the δ^13C value from -31.3‰ to -23.4‰, suggesting that their carbon is derived mainly from microbial degradation of crude oil. ^14C analyses give the radiocarbon age of about 10 ka. Rare earth elements (REE) analyses of the 5% HNO3-treated solution of the carbonates show that the total REE content of the carbonates is low, that is from 0.752 to 12.725 μg·g^-1. The shale-normalized REE patterns show significantly negative Ce anomalies. This suggests that cold seep carbonate is most likely formed in a relatively aerobic environment.  相似文献   
西藏洞中拉铅锌矿床石英斑岩锆石U-Pb年代学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
探讨西藏洞中拉铅锌矿区的石英斑岩岩体归属.通过详细的地质填图,并采用LAICPMS锆石U-Pb法年龄测定技术,对石英斑岩进行年代学研究.通过石英斑岩样品中单颗粒锆石22个样品点的分析,得到其206 Pb/238U的加权平均年龄为126.9±1.1 Ma,MSWD=0.96.这一结果否认了这套岩石单元属于始新世林子宗群帕...  相似文献   
将热分析法测定α粒子径迹密度应用于地质定年.用中子活化分析的方法测量了安徽马鞍山磷灰石样品中~(238)U、~(232)Th和~(147)Sm的含量.另外以Dorango磷灰石作为参考标准,用热分析方法测量了样品中α粒子的径迹含量,最后经计算得到安徽马鞍山磷灰石样品的地质年代为3.63×10~7 a.与其他地质资料比较,认为其地质年龄在3000万年左右是可信的.  相似文献   
Qiu  ZhiLi  Wu  FuYuan  Yang  ShuFeng  Zhu  Min  Sun  JinFeng  Yang  Ping 《科学通报(英文版)》2009,54(4):658-668
Myanmar jadeite (jadeitite) is well known for its economical value and distinctive tectonic locality within the collisional belt between India and Eurasian plates. However, it is less studied for its genesis and geodynamic implications due to precipitous topography, adverse weather and local military conflicts in the area. By means of combined ICP-MS and LA-MC-ICPMS techniques, we have carried out in-situ trace elements, U-Pb and Lu-Hf isotopes for zircon inclusions in a piece of jadeite gem sample. CL imaging suggests that the zircons are metasomatic in origin, and contain mineral inclusions of jadeite and omphacite. Seventy-five analyses on 16 grains of the zircons yield a U-Pb age of 158 ± 2 Ma. The Myanmar zircons differ from other types in that they have no significant Eu anomalies despite high HREE concentrations. Measured 176Hf/177Hf ratios range from 0.282976 to 0.283122, with an average value of 0.283066 ± 7; εHf(t) value of 13.8 ± 0.3 (n=75). These results indicate that the Myanmar jadeite was formed in the Late Jurassic, probably by interaction of fluid released from subducted oceanic slab with mantle wedge. Therefore, its formation has no genetic relationship to the continental collision between Indian and Euroasian plates. Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 40673039) and the Science Plan Foundation of Guangdong (Grant No. 2007B031200005)  相似文献   
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