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介绍了鱼纹的种类、样式及其在传统木雕花板中的艺术表现手法,重点分析了鱼纹在花板中的造型样式及工艺。阐述了鱼纹与莲纹、蝙蝠和龙纹的搭配,着重介绍了鱼纹木雕花板和传统文化的相互关系。同时,采用对实物加以说明和论述的方法,为鱼纹在现代设计中的应用,提供一定的参考。  相似文献   
In spiders, temperature is considered an important environmental variable for microhabitat selection. In this study, we evaluated the effect of temperature and rock size on the presence of the sand recluse spider Sicarius thomisoides and the degree of selectivity in different locations. This species is a large spider that lives under rocks in desert and semi-desert climates and is particularly active during the summer. In Chile, these spiders can be found at both coastal and inland locations under different thermal conditions, where usually the temperatures are lower near the coast. If large-scale climatic conditions are important for this species, they may be expected to select lower rock temperatures on the coast than at inland locations. In addition, we would expect that the spiders would choose larger rocks in inland compared to coast locations, which reduce the effect of high temperatures. We found that the probability of finding individuals of this species increased according to rock temperature and rock size in the field. Our results suggest that S. thomisoides prefers larger and warmer rocks to shelter under during the day, this selectivity being similar at both coastal and inland locations. Thus, this species tends to select rocks with the same thermal and structural conditions, independent of the climatic conditions.  相似文献   
The paper forecasts consumer price inflation in the euro area (EA) and in the USA between 1980:Q1 and 2012:Q4 based on a large set of predictors, with dynamic model averaging (DMA) and dynamic model selection (DMS). DMA/DMS allows not solely for coefficients to change over time, but also for changes in the entire forecasting model over time. DMA/DMS provides on average the best inflation forecasts with regard to alternative approaches (such as the random walk). DMS outperforms DMA. These results are robust for different sample periods and for various forecast horizons. The paper highlights common features between the USA and the EA. First, two groups of predictors forecast inflation: temporary fundamentals that have a frequent impact on inflation but only for short time periods; and persistent fundamentals whose switches are less frequent over time. Second, the importance of some variables (particularly international food commodity prices, house prices and oil prices) as predictors for consumer price index inflation increases when such variables experience large shocks. The paper also shows that significant differences prevail in the forecasting models between the USA and the EA. Such differences can be explained by the structure of these respective economies. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
We investigate the optimal structure of dynamic regression models used in multivariate time series prediction and propose a scheme to form the lagged variable structure called Backward‐in‐Time Selection (BTS), which takes into account feedback and multicollinearity, often present in multivariate time series. We compare BTS to other known methods, also in conjunction with regularization techniques used for the estimation of model parameters, namely principal components, partial least squares and ridge regression estimation. The predictive efficiency of the different models is assessed by means of Monte Carlo simulations for different settings of feedback and multicollinearity. The results show that BTS has consistently good prediction performance, while other popular methods have varying and often inferior performance. The prediction performance of BTS was also found the best when tested on human electroencephalograms of an epileptic seizure, and for the prediction of returns of indices of world financial markets.Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
MIMO无线传输技术极大地提高了系统的容量,在实际通信系统中,整个网络是一个干扰受限的系统,小区间干扰对MIMO系统传输的影响是显著的,每个相邻小区的基站天线都可以看成一个干扰源.由于基站端数据处理能力的提升和回程容量的增加,多个小区协同多点传输技术引起了人们的广泛关注.目前的大部分工作都是集中于研究系统的容量(吞吐量),而在实际系统中,每个用户的接收等效信噪比(即公平性)对系统的性能如误帧率等有重要的影响.对于每个用户为单天线的情形,研究了总功率受限和每天线功率受限下采用迫零预编码的系统容量和公平性.对两种功率约束条件下的公平性进行了分析,得到了公平性算法的闭式表达式.当每个用户为多天线的情形,为了降低计算的复杂度,引入了信道范数最大的接收天线选择算法,把每个用户为多天线的情形转化成等效的每个用户单天线情形,推导的每用户为单天线的公平性算法仍然适用.仿真结果显示,采用迫零预编码的多小区协作可以使系统性能显著提升.在相同的迫零预编码下,不同的功率分配策略对系统的容量和公平性有显著的影响.和用户为单天线相比,采用天线选择算法可以提升系统的容量和公平性.考虑了用户公平性时的吞吐量和最大系统吞吐量之间的折中关系,并给出了仿真结果.  相似文献   
文化产业竞争力的决定要素与分析方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在"钻石模型"和已有研究的基础上,构造一个文化产业竞争力的评价模型,从而建立一个评价文化产业竞争力的指标体系。  相似文献   
文物术语通常是在使用中约定俗成的。由于科学知识的局限和同一术语在不同文物之间借用,使术语与概念的对应出现偏离。文章对这种现象进行了举例剖析,并建议从术语的顾名思义性和科学性考量,明确术语和概念的一一对应关系,限定术语使用范围。  相似文献   
为了使动力系统在稳定性分析上更具有一般化,能更加精确实际地刻画自然现象;针对具有逻辑选择脉冲效应的时滞动力系统,提出此系统的全局指数稳定性分析问题,可在一定程度上推广一般脉冲时滞动力系统的稳定性分析;通过引入具有逻辑选择脉冲效应的时滞非线性动力系统,并利用半张量积将该动力系统中的逻辑函数转换为代数状态空间表示,再建立脉冲型 Halanay 微分不等式来估计该动力系统中线性系统部分的 Cauchy 矩阵;基于此,对向量和函数给出了4个假设条件,得到在逻辑选择脉冲控制下的非线性时滞系统的零解全局指数稳定性判定依据,且证明了此动力系统的指数收敛率为 λ-η。  相似文献   
一种基于不同粒度语言判断矩阵的群决策方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
针对基于不同粒度语言判断矩阵的群决策问题,提出了一种新的群决策分析方法.对有序语言短语集中的语言短语进行“量化”,通过变量转换关系将语言判断矩阵转换为互补判断矩阵,并进行了判断信息转换的一致性分析;采用OWA算子将每个决策者给出语言判断矩阵所对应的互补判断矩阵集结为群的偏好矩阵,并通过计算每个方案的优势度来确定最优方案;最后给出一个算例说明了所提出的方法的有效性与实用性.  相似文献   
通过文献分析法以及访谈法拟定和选取了文化线路遗产旅游体验测评的潜变量和相应的测量变量,并基于陕西,甘肃两地丝绸之路世界遗址点景区的游客调研数据对丝绸之路文化线路遗产旅游体验评价维度进行验证性因子分析,构建了丝绸之路旅游体验影响因素的二阶五因素结构模型。结果显示:影响丝绸之路文化线路遗产旅游体验的因素并非是由资源主导,而是综合因素共同导向;遗产地旅游设施服务水平、遗产资源品质、遗产解说、活动参与感知以及遗产地环境氛围均显著影响旅游者体验质量,且以旅游设施服务能力的影响程度最大。  相似文献   
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