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以306名高校贫困生为被试,采用内隐联想测验、罗森伯格自尊量表和高校贫困生资助方式偏好性问卷,考察了高校贫困生资助方式偏好性的特点,从内隐和外显两个层面探讨了高校贫困生自尊和资助方式偏好性的关系。研究发现:高校贫困生的资助方式偏好性在性别及年级上存在显著差异;外显自尊与资助方式偏好性呈显著正相关,外显自尊能够显著正向预测资助方式偏好性。  相似文献   
Despite the attention being given to and the knowledge of the benefits of evaluating frequency-lowering algorithms for hearing-impaired people, the causality between these algorithms and their benefits is still not clear. This is aggravated by the fact that comparative research on the methodologies and skills required for fitting an appropriate algorithm to individual patients is lacking. Against this back-drop, the current study has attempted to make progress in this area. In this experiment, six experienced traditional hearing-aid users with severe impairments in the high frequencies were fitted with two different frequency-lowering methods, and weekly hearing tests were con-ducted to track the benefits of such methods. After the experiment, five of the listeners accepted the frequency-lowering algorithms. Both methods showed superior results when compared with the listeners' own hearing aids in most of the tests, and the segmented compression algorithm was indicated to have better "anti-noise" quality and speech intelligibility improvement capabilities. A preference for the appli-cation of proportional compression to unvoiced speech was also found in this algorithm. Unlike in previous studies, all speech materials here are recorded in Chinese. Therefore, the results could also be used to evaluate the benefits of frequency-lowering to the intelligibility of Chinese speech for patients. As a result, an improvement was found, especially in the recognition of consonants. Moreover, no adverse effect was found in intonation recognition.  相似文献   
硅藻土助滤剂在头孢菌素C发酵液过滤中的应用研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究了硅藻土助滤剂在头孢菌素C发酵液过滤中的应用,并比较了粗、中、细3种不同粒度的硅藻土助滤剂使用中的不同性能指标,目的在于选择适宜的硅藻土助滤剂应用于生产,增加头孢菌素C收率,降低生产成本。实验结果表明:使用硅藻土助滤剂可以解决头孢菌素C发酵液直接过滤滤速慢、澄清度差、收率低的问题。通过实验比较,3种粒度的硅藻土助滤剂的滤过收率无明显差别,而粗、中粒度助滤剂的滤速较快,细粒度的助滤剂的滤液透光率较好。因此推断,中、细粒度助滤剂搭配使用应能在保证滤速的前提下提高透光率,满足生产要求。  相似文献   
用开关电容电路在模拟集成电路的设计中取代电阻,具有电路规模小、功耗低、工艺过程比较简单、易于大规模集成等优势,本文应用开关电容电路技术对10阶Butterworth滤波器进行变换和简化,计算机模拟说明,其结果与理论计算值相符,更利于集成.  相似文献   
多功能水泥复合助磨剂研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用有机-无机复合技术途径研究具有助磨、增强、减水等作用的多功能水泥复合助磨剂.结果表明,采用复合助磨剂比采用单组分助磨剂明显提高了水泥的筛余细度和比表面积,改善了水泥粉体的流动性;在掺量小于1%的前提下,有效提高了水泥的强度.对水泥水化样的TG—DTA及SEM分析表明,掺入多功能复合助磨剂后,大幅度提高了水泥的水化速率,促进更多水化产物的生成,使硬化浆体结构更加致密.  相似文献   
Agent-oriented Aid-modeling for the Distributed Activity Network   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
1  IntroductionModern system characters distributed problem solving from the view of new generation ofDSS.Thus,traditional DSS(P.Sage,1 992 ) will separate the system into4 main parts atdifferent allocation,so that it needs an environment of information technologies (R.Blanning,1 995) and the supportoforganizational connectivity(M.Jeusfeld,1 997) .Atthesame time,distributed decision processing requires coalescent problem modeling andcollaborated decision.The distributed problem solves in…  相似文献   
为能高效除浊又能去除水中有机污染物,将无机絮凝剂聚合硫酸铁与天然高分子絮凝剂壳聚糖协同使用,用于自来水厂的给水絮凝处理。考察了助凝剂壳聚糖投加量、壳聚糖分子量等因素对浊度和有机物去除效果的影响,通过电子显微镜和Image J图像处理软件,对絮体形态进行了分析。结果表明,在以黄河水为水源的自来水厂的给水絮凝处理中,以壳聚糖(CTS)作为聚合硫酸铁(PFS)的助凝剂,PFS投加35 mg·L-1,CTS投加0.15 mg·L-1时,混凝效果最好。絮体的形态分析表明,单加无机絮凝剂、无机絮凝剂/壳聚糖协同絮凝处理水样后絮体的分形维数分别为1.491 3和1.559 3,絮体大小和密实度,可以从形态学方面进行量化。  相似文献   
20世纪60年代初,由于国际局势的变化,中国面临美苏两个超级大国的威胁。为了摆脱困境,毛泽东确立了“两条线”外交战略,联合广大亚非拉国家,结成反帝、反霸国际统一战线。“两条线”战略的实施,对我国既有重大的历史意义,又存在一定弊端。  相似文献   
通过与同类产品的对比分析、本文详细叙述了珍珠岩助滤剂的性能、用途和市场发展前景。  相似文献   
产业结构转型升级和人才结构优化是相互影响、相互制约的互动关系。以大连市对口支援八师石河子市为例,根据产业结构与人才结构的一般规律,揭示了产业援疆与干部人才援疆的互动关系,认为产业援疆必须同步优化人才结构,解决高层次人才紧缺问题。在此基础上,提出了进一步完善干部人才援疆体制机制的建议。  相似文献   
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