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采取野外调查、室内试验与资料查阅相结合的方法,对厦门海岸线、漳州海岸线和泉州湾等滨海区耐盐园林绿化植物的应用状况进行了调查.结果表明:该地区至少有各类耐盐园林绿化植物40科,58种,其中48种属高度耐盐,10种中度耐盐.目前只有47种耐盐园林绿化植物已在园林绿化中得到应用,占81%,尚有11种未被开发利用,具有一定的推广应用价值,为进一步开展华南滨海耐盐园林绿化植物的应用研究提供基础.  相似文献   
东部沿海要素西移与中西部改革发展的相互关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沿海企业因成本全面上升和资源分布格局的变化开始向西转移扩张,这对于缺乏投资而改革与发展滞后的内陆地区有促进发展和改革的双重意义。沿海由此为新产业发展让出空间,调整自己的产业结构;中西部则因要素注入而得以加速企业改革和发展,缩小中国区域发展差距。  相似文献   
岛尾敏雄是日本有名的战后派作家之一。《死の棘》是他历时17年完成的一部以家庭生活经历为题材的长篇小说。一直以来,这部小说被当成私小说进行论述、分析。虽然这是一部描写家庭生活的作品,但是第二次世界大战结束前夕,作者作为特攻队队长的战争经历却与这部作品的创作背景息息相关,通过作者与战争经历和南岛的关系,可以将其作为战争文学来解读。  相似文献   
随着陆地油气资源枯竭,越来越多的国家正在寻求开发利用海洋资源。为避免海上石油平台在海啸、台风和巨浪等恶劣环境倒塌,抗拉强度高达1000 MPa的R5级系泊链钢被广泛应用于海上石油平台。然而,以往的研究证明应力腐蚀开裂是导致系泊链钢失效的主要因素。因此,研究系泊钢的应力腐蚀过程具有重要意义。本文旨在研究海洋大气环境下硫化物浓度对系泊链钢应力腐蚀行为的影响规律及机制。本文采用了慢应变速率拉伸、电子背散射衍射和扫描电镜研究了硫化物浓度对系泊链钢应力腐蚀行为的影响规律,采用了电化学极化、X射线光电子能谱和X射线能谱等手段研究了不同硫化物浓度对系泊链钢腐蚀行为的影响,以此为基础阐明了高强系泊链钢在海洋大气环境下的应力腐蚀机制。研究结果表明,随着模拟海洋大气环境中SO2污染程度的增加,腐蚀电流密度增大,腐蚀产物致密性更高,更易萌生点蚀。随着模拟海洋大气环境中SO2污染程度的增加,系泊链钢的应力腐蚀敏感性增大。断口结果表明应力腐蚀裂纹萌生于点蚀,裂纹以沿晶和穿晶混合的方式扩展。由此总结系泊链钢在该环境下的应力腐蚀由阳极溶解机制和氢脆机制共同控制。  相似文献   
海南岛西部近岸海域海砂资源丰富、经济价值巨大,对其物质来源却缺乏系统研究。为解决这一科学问题,对海南岛西部近岸海域和昌化江入海口1 471粒碎屑锆石开展了U-Pb同位素年代学和微区元素地球化学研究。海南岛西部近岸海域年龄范围在3.45 Ga~82 Ma,具有99 Ma、241 Ma和252 Ma三个主要年龄峰值,以及113 Ma、155 Ma、325 Ma和357 Ma四个次要年龄峰值;昌化江入海口具有2.3 Ga~96 Ma的年龄范围,存在101 Ma、244 Ma和254 Ma三个主要年龄峰值,以及122 Ma、266 Ma、281 Ma、307 Ma和342 Ma四个次要年龄峰值。研究表明:①海南岛西部近岸海域沉积物以具有~99 Ma的显著年龄峰,并缺乏晋宁期、加里东期和喜山期年龄峰为识别标志,海南岛应是其主要物源区;②海南岛西部近岸海域与昌化江沉积物年龄峰值的差异,指示了海南岛西部近岸海域沉积物并非单纯来源于昌化江输入,也接受了琼西南部河流的物源贡献;③本次新识别出的380~310 Ma年龄群,可作为昌化江流域物源识别标志;④本次碎屑锆石年龄频谱特征与海南岛经历的多次重要地质事件相吻合,有助于了解海南岛复杂的地质演化历史。  相似文献   
Three new species of misophrioid copepods are described from anchialine habitats on oceanic islands. Expansophria galapagensis n.sp. is described from two localities on Santa Cruz, Galapagos Islands, Speleophria campaneri n.sp. from Ngamduk Cave, Angaur Island, Palau and S. scottodicarloi n.sp. from Chalk Cave on Bermuda.  相似文献   
《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(23-24):1493-1507
We investigated the potential role of hydroperiod and habitat structural complexity as explanatory factors defining richness, abundance and spatial and temporal distribution of anurans in wetlands of coastal dunes. This survey was performed in 15 wetlands along the Atlantic coastal zone of southern Brazil. We identified 10 anuran species (nine in the adult and eight in the tadpole stage) distributed in seven genera from five families. The adult richness and abundance varied among the hydroperiod classes, but without temporal variations. Both tadpole richness and abundance varied temporally and both were influenced by hydroperiod. Adult anuran composition was associated with dry months and wetland area, whereas tadpole composition was associated with emergent and floating macrophytes, wetland area and vegetation cover. This study identified the importance of habitat structural complexity and hydroperiod in spatial–temporal distribution models of anurans.  相似文献   
A study aimed at testing the contested validity of the subspecies Laudakia stellio daani yielded novel insights into the essence of subspecies. We examined morphologically museum specimens from Greece, Aegean islands, and Anatolia (n?=?118; not all could be used in all analyses). Beyond the conventional mensural, meristic and qualitative characters we quantified 14 coloration characters, thus totalling 34 characters (including sex). Biometry was statistically analysed within and between the two geographically defined presumed subspecies, L. s. daani and L. s. stellio. Excluding or including broken‐tailed specimens changed the outcome of tests. Significant minor directional asymmetry occurred in one of four character‐taxon combinations. Phenetic cluster analysis poorly separated the two presumed subspecies when all characters, including those with discordant variation, were included; after selection of characters, the separation improved. Some biometric characters distinguish the two presumed subspecies, confirming their validity. The associations of significant inter‐character correlations differed between the two subspecies. Additionally, the two differed in parameters reflecting selection pressures and social structure: L. s. stellio is more colourful than L. s. daani; its sexual dimorphism is mainly chromatic, versus mensural in L. s. daani; and its population seems to include many males with underdeveloped callous scales, presumably socially subordinate, versus very few in L. s. daani.  相似文献   
湄洲岛海岸地貌的发育受海洋动力和断层活动双重控制。东部以海岸侵蚀为主,形成海蚀崖、海蚀平台、海蚀壕沟等地貌,在岬角间,形成海滩堆积;西部以堆积为主,形成淤泥质海滩,海蚀作用相对比东部弱。东峤断裂控制了台地和丘陵的分布,断裂东盘抬升形成丘陵,西盘下降形成台地。受北西—南东走向的仙游—郊尾断层左行运动影响,湄洲岛北部向西移动,南部向东移动,使岛的轮廓呈"S"形态。福建沿海在距今0.7—0.6万年前发生海侵时,湄洲岛处于断块抬升环境,就岛的局地范围,处于低海面;在0.4—0.3万年前福建沿海海侵达到高峰时,湄洲岛的海侵经历了两个阶段,第一阶段为水动型海侵,第二阶段为地动型海侵。  相似文献   
归纳总结了滨海湿地的主要生态服务功能,据此建立围填海湿地生态服务功能价值损失的评估方法,并以江苏海门市滨海新区围填海工程为例,利用市场价值法、影子工程法、成本替代法、成果参照法等计算方法,计算出海门滨海新区围填海造成的生态服务功能价值损失值为2 878.3万元/年,单位面积损失为1.87万元/hm~2·年.本研究为计算同类海域围填海生态损失提供参考,计算出的围填海生态服务价值损失可为分析围填海工程综合损益提供依据,为围填海形成后的生态恢复与补偿经费提供参考.  相似文献   
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